Ent Prince: Sprout - [ Chapter - 3 ]

So then after that Seong-Min decided that he would continue hunting since he wanted to get to a high enough level to get to the Elven Forest and after a while grinding he finally stopped.

Since when he checked the time it was already very later but he was able to level up a bunch of times but before logging out, he also got 2 more skills called "Material Finder" and the other skill, "Hard Trainer".

The Material Finder's description says it can only show common and uncommon grade of materials so it was pretty useful but it could also be upgraded to find more grades of materials so it could become more useful.

Then the Hard Trainer's description says it's a passive skill that boosts pets experience gain by 20% so it was a really useful skill as well but now he had to go to school tomorrow so he logged off and went to bed.

The next day he went to school and so he prepared everything and headed to school after getting to school he went to his class room and he was bullied like always because it was a well known fact that he was poor.

And he does come from a poor family and he is even on the verge of becoming homeless but he wanted to prove them wrong and with DigiLife he wanted to become rich using the game's currency exchange.

So after school ended he then came back home and quickly went in to login back in and after logging in he quickly went back to grinding until he reached a really high level and so he added all of the stat points he got from leveling up.

He thwn went and searched for materials to grow the "Ent's Seed", he should be double the strength of his level by now and so he also bought a stealth skill and it was supposed hide him from his enemies.

But the enemy shouldn't have a detection skill or he doesn't attack anything but they can use their other senses to find you if they are able to so it only changes his outer appearance and what he does might give him away.

So then he used the "Material Finder" skill and it showed him a path to find the "Spirit's Droplet" and so he decided to follow the directions that it was showing him he went through many places he didn't know about.

Then after following the directions that the skill showed him and he was able to find a Spirit Lake, he then used a bottle he brought because he found out if he finds a Spirit Lake, he would need to have a bottle to gather it.

And so he was able to acquire the Spirit's Droplet then after that he went and searched for the Spirit's Soil and so used the skill material finder again and followed the directions, he then found a forest and went inside of it.

He then saw some spirits but they didn't attack him and so he decided to check if they were supposed to be friendly and it's description said it will attack all adventurers except those blessed by nature.

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the achievement "Friend of Nature".]

[The "Friend of Nature" achievement gives you 5 extra strength stat points]

He was surprised that he got another achievement and he really thought he was blessed by nature and so he continued to follow the directions and after a while was able to find a "Great Tree" which was said to be uncommon.

It's description said it grew from a branch of the "Giant Tree" which grows from a branch from the "World Tree" and so he thought that the tree itself came from a really long lines of different trees so he thought it was a bit funny.

Then after that he dug up the "Spirit's Soil" and planted the the seed into the ground put back the soil and then watered it with the "Spirit's Droplet" and he saw a little ent with a small crown popped out and so he tamed it and called it "Sprout".

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the achievement "Spirit Gardener".]

[The "Spirit Gardener" achievement makes Spirit Type Monsters more friendly toward you]

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the achievement "Royalty Tamer".]

[The "Royalty Tamer" achievement gives you 100 achievement points]

Seong-Min really thougt that was great since now it will now be easier to tame spirit type monsters if he wanted to but he will need to search what are achievement points later since he didn't know what that was.

He also checked Sprouts stats and when checked his stats, it was already level 45 and it won't take long for him to reach Splashy's level 47 and he decided to also checked what are the materials for evolution for Sprout.

And when he checked he needed the materials Holy Light, Lava's Ashes and 25 stat points but he didn't have any of those yet especially the stat points because he added all of his stat points except the ones he got from the achievement before.

So he then went back to a good hunting ground in the elven forest and then he grinded for some levels for a while but then while he was doing this he then found a elf village and he heard about them in a post online.

And he heard that their hostile towards humans so he was cautious and after a while of hunting he was spotted by a bunch of elf scouts so Seong-Min freaked out a bit but then they treated him like they wrre his friend.

So he then thought to himself, "Was the post a lie?" and so he talked to them for a bit and asked "Are you guys really hostile towards humans?" and so they looked at each other and started laughing.

Then one of them said "It's true but because you are special as you have nature's blessing so that's why we knew you were a good person.", -3 didn't realize that that blessing would be useful when talking to elves.

And so he then went back to hunting after saying goodbye to the elves and he was able to level up a bunch of times as well and he stopped after he he reached above 60 while Splashy and Sprout nearly reach 60.

So he then went back to the starter village to find out where the next village is because he wanted to move on to the next level hunting ground but before going to the next village he decided to buy some new equipment and weapons for himself and his tamed creatures.

He had to pay a carriage to quickly go to the next village and this time the village had a proper name and it was called "Raisha Village", it was a village for people who reached level 50.

So then he asked around since he was still a bit new but then he saw a kitten on the side of walk and so he went and quickly bought some fish from the store nearby and then fed it then he got a quest from the kitten.

[Kitten's Trust]

[The kitten is wounded you need to find a high level healing potion and a storm stone to fully heal the kitten.]

[Reward: The Kitten will become your companion, 10k experience points and 10,000g]

[Penalty: Kitten will die]

When he saw this he didn't want the kitten to die even if this is a game so it looks like he would have to buy a high level healing potion but he wasn't sure where to find a storm stone and so he had to search about it.


『Hey Guys, I hope you guys enjoy this series and I see there is already a few readers and I hope you guys continue to read this series!』
