First Live Stream - [ Chapter - 8 ]

So he woke up the next day and started preparing for school and after that he went downstairs and then headed down to eat after eating he then and started heading to school feeling a bit happy at making a few friends.

When he got to school he went to his first class and his school like always but he overheard people talking about streamers in DigiLife and how their pay was even bettter than the teachers and so he got an idea.

He got an idea of becoming a live streamer and showing off Splashy and the others like a pet streamer or something so he was really excited and during break he went to the plantation room so that he could think about the idea more.

Then after planning for a while it seemed like a really great idea so Seong-Min was a bit excited for it and then after that the break ended and he had to head to his next class and again it went like usual.

After school he quickly ran inside the house putting everything away and then ate a few snacks and quickly headed upstairs and logged back on, so then he started signing in the needed requirements for becoming a streamer.

Seong-Min officially became a streamer after a while of adding all of the details needed to become a streamer but before he started streaming he needed a good idea for what the stream could be.

He also needed a streamer name, so he texted Ari and he also texted Yong since he friended him before he logged of yesterday after a few minutes they both texted back with an the idea of him soloing a boss.

Because he had the power and he can use Splashy and the others to help him in the raid and they gave him two names he could use and to Seong-Min the name was good but it felt kind of off to him for some reason.

The one Ari sent was "Close Combat Tamer" and the one Yong sent was "War God Tamer", he accepted the idea for the stream and went to look for a suitable boss that was good for him to solo with my stats.

But he didn't accept any of the names they suggested but Yong's idea gave him an idea for a name but then he went looking for a boss that he could for the live stream and he found a boss called "Undead Swordsmaster".

It was in a place called "Dreadful Graveyard", it hasn't had any players under level 150 defeat it yet until now and he also wanted to create a new record so he went over there and went to the boss area and started his stream.

"Hey Guys! This is my first stream on DigiLife and I'm the "Godly Tamer" I will be soloing the Undead Swordsmaster." he said as he smiled at the drone that was created for his stream.

Although some of the comments on his live stream were hurtful because they thought he was just someone who wanted attention and also they thought he would die easily because he was below level 150 and was a tamer.

Seong-Min just ignored the hate comments and started the boss fight, he rushed at the boss as he summoned all of his summons at the back to help him and then Seong-Min brought out his sword then smiled.

He then dashed in front of the boss and then started striking the boss multiple times with great speed and the boss was actually having a hard time keeping up to him and thanks to this his viewer count started growing.

Some people started liking and following his account and some people were intrested in Splashy, Seong-Min continued to fight the boss and Splashy supported him from behind launching multiple water attacks.

While Thunder was charging at the boss and he kept scratching it, Sprout started healing Seong-Min and Thunder each time they went to the back to rest and Rock and Boulder were acting like tanks for them.

Everyone's comments were now talking about the tamer class since the class looked amazing since he was able to solo a boss thanks to him taming the right type of monsters and Seong-Min's sword skills were no joke either.

Seong-Min was able to push back the boss with his fast sword speed and with his tamed creatures backing him up and then as more time went on he got more and more faster while he was using the sword.

Until he stabbed the boss straight into his chest and got a critical hit dealing loads of damage to the boss and Seong-Min was able to stun the boss and so he continued pushing the boss back ignoring his defenses now.

He then started hitting the boss in multiple vital spots giving it loads of damage until he defeated it and he gained a bunch of experience points and a bunch of gold, he also got a "Spirit's Core" and a "Spirit Sword".

He checked the comments and there were now a lot of comments and during the fight he got 8,500g from donations because no one had defeated the boss being below 150 and he also created a new record with his speed.

They also kept asking to see Splashy and the others expect Rock and Boulder because they weren't cute unlike Splashy, Sprout and Thunder and he was actually able reach 1k followers by the end of the day.

He got a congratulatory message from Ari and Yong, I also wanted to reach level 150 because he was able to go to "Griandes City", it was a city full of many cool stuff and he wanted to see if I could buy some stuff to help Splashy or the others evolve.

He wanted to fight another boss so that he could earn more money through the live stream and so he wanted to challenge "Alpha Drake" in the Drake's Den in Lava Forest and so he started preparing for it.

After preparing he then started heading to Lava Forest and looked for the den after and after a while he found it and he wanted to live stream himself exploring the den because there are a lot of drakes in there and it could be good footage.

So he turned on the live stream and said, "Hey Guys, It's the Godly Tamer again and this time I'm challenging the Drake's Den and the Alpha Drake.", there were actually already some nice comments about him now thanks to his first stream so he was really happy.

He then went into the den and he ran into loads of drakes and a few were really strong, they were a bit difficult to get past but they were really good for experience points and he alsogot a few donations early in the live stream.

After fighting for a while I finally found the place where the Alpha Drake was staying, he then went in and started the battle, he used the same plan again like I did while challenging the undead swordsmaster and quickly overpowers the boss.

He used a lot of his strength and with the help of his tamed creatures he was able to defeat it after a while and he was able to gain a load more gold and experience poinst while also getting "Drake Scales" and "Drake's Egg".

The viewers were in awe again because he created another record for the solo raid once again and he got an item that no one has gotten before the "Drake's Egg" but he wasn't really sure what it was either.

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the achievement "Dragon's Friend".]

[The "Dragon's Friend" achievement makes beasts that have the dragon bloodline respect you more by 500%.]

He was in awe with the viewers because there was no one else that has gotten this achievement, so after a while he was about to end the stream but then a bridge appeared and there was a gate at the end of it.

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the achievement "Meeting The Dragon King".]

[The "Meeting The Dragon King" achievement boosts all you stats by 50%.]


『Hope you enjoy and what's waiting for Jayeon at the Gate?』
