Dragon's Blessing - [ Chapter - 9 ]

Seong-Min didn't end the live stream just yet because the event that was happening right now was something that no one has seen before and it definitely wasn't in the DigiLife's official website so it was something exclusive.

So he then went started heading towards the gates as he showed the viewers the place a bit and after that he then entered the huge gate and he was teleported to a new place he hadn't seen before.

When he got through the place felt hotter than before and when he looked around he saw he was in a castle like place and saw Dragons everywhere and all were above level 500, no player has even reached level 350 nonetheless 500.

Then he heard a voice saying, "Young Adventurer, I am the Dragon King and I see that you are the disciple of the person who was once my master.", he was shocked by hearing a dragon in the game talked.

He was even more surprised because the dragon's level was 1,500 and this was happening because of his first job, the viewers were also shocked as well they didn't know about his job and they only knew that Seong-Min was as a tamer.

The Dragon King continued to speak, "My time is near, I will bless you and the egg with you the pure blood of the dragon race and I hope you will treat the prince kindly as my master did with me, farewell young warrior.".

Then there was a bright light that blinded both him and the viewers that were watching the stream and after the light stopped shining and he was able to see that he was back at the den's entrance.

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the achievement "Dragon's Blessing".]

[The "Dragon's Blessing" achievement boosts all you stats by 50% | The Dragon Race will treat you as royalty | A New Stat called "Dragonic Mana" had been added to you.]

He was in amazed at the achievement because now all of his stats were always doubled due to the effect of the achievement but then he remembered about the live stream and so he decided to end it.

So he said, "Hey Guys, the Godly Tamer here! Looks like this live stream had loads of secrets and mysteries and I might answer them in the future so please share, like and follow my channel, thank you again!".

After saying that he then ended the live stream and quickly checked his inventory and when he didthe drake egg was gone and it was replace by the "Dragon King's Egg" although it had no description on it whatsoever.

He decided to log out and after doing so he then quickly went to search what was the dragonic mana stat and the new egg he got and he started searching through the official website of DigiLife to find out.

In just a while he found out that the dragonic mana stat needs 10 stat points to add 1 stat point to it but it's benefits are 45% Mana Reduction Usage, 75% Cooldown reduction and 100% more power to the spells used.

And It can only be obtained if you are blessed by even 1% of the dragon bloodline and if you are able to obtain a pure dragon bloodline you have the ability to turn into a dragon and learn the skill "Dragon's Tounge" if you find the NPC of the Dragon Kin descendant.

The new egg he got was a special egg and anyone can hatch the egg and whoever hatched it will become it's owner and you don't need to be a tamer to do so but it just said to find the dragon kins last descendant.

After learning all of that he noted all of it down on a piece of paper then logged back inside of the game once he did this he decided to check his stats to see how high was it now cause of the achievement.

[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 148] [Defense: 148]

[Constitution: 147] [Agility: 141]

[Dexterity: 143] [ Dominance: 283]

[Luck: 139] [Light: 121] [Dragonic Mana: 100]

--------| Effects |---------

( +50% to All Stats )

( +50% to All Stats )

He didn't need to upgrade it that much because with the effects he was already stronger than a person who was level 300 with being level 148 and so he wanted to try out the new stat he had and that was the Dragonic Mana.

It said in the description that no matter what job you had you can by pass any restrictions and use magic so he went back to the village and bought some magic skills like Bind, Rock Spike, Water Blade, Ice Shard, Thunder Shock and Fire Aura.

After buying the skill from the shops, he then tried them out and just like it said it's power was doubled and it had less time for its cooldown and less mana was used so it was really cool and decided to show it off.

So then he opened the live stream and saw that he had over 50k followers and he already had 25k viewers watching the stream and they kept asking me about the previous live stream and stuff about the dragons.

Seong-Min just said, "You guys want to know what I got in the last live stream? Keep watching I'll show you with a boss fight.", so the he went to the "Delfine Lake" which was a lake that had monsters with both the water and poison attribute.

And he was going to fight the boss called "Nerios" Shark Mutant, like always I used the same plan but this time he was going to using magic but everyone knows no one can use skill from other class categories.

So they were definitely going to be surprised and so he then summoned all of his summons and then said, "Dear viewers, get read for the show." he said as he ran straight towards the lake and it started shaking.

The boss appeared out of the water, it looked disgusting and there were many different colored oozes coming out of it so it was lucky that Seong-Min was going to attack from a far this time and so he jumped back.

When he did this everyone was confused since they knew he fought with his sword so they were curious as to why he jumped back but he then started mumbling and chanting spells as if he was a magic class.

The viewers were extremely confused but then Seong-Min just smiled as he said, "Ice Shard!" and then suddenly a magic circle appeared and then started blasting extremely powerful ice shards towards the boss.

After doing this everyone was extremely surprised but Sin-ui didn't stop there and he kept launching multiple magic spells towards the boss alongside Splashy and the others and he kept attacking it from afar.

In this live stream he didn't answer anybody's questions he only made the number of questions grow even further and so they were extremely curious but Seong-Min was focused on fighting the boss at the moment.

The boss was actually close to Seong-Min's level but because of his boosts from his achievements, it was just a one sided battle from the beginning and even help from his summons was just overkill.

It started shrieking because it wasn't even able to fight against Seong-Min properly and he kept using bind to restrict it's movements and so he decided to end it already since it's health was now extremely low.

He took out his sword and then ran towards the boss smiling as he sliced off the boss's head and it just fell to the floor and so he leveled up a bit along with his summond and he even got some stuff for Splashy's next evolution.

After that he then said, "Looks like you guys are curious ay? Follow me for the next live stream, I might answer them! Bye!" he then ended the live stream and went back to the village and prepared for his departure to go to Griandes City.

After preparing for a while, he checked everything again and he got enough potions and equipment thanks to the donations through the live stream and so he then started heading towards Griandes City.

Once he departed it took quite a while to make it over there but just after a bit he was able to reach Griandes City and so once he arrived he immediately went to the blacksmith of the village.

Then he asked for them to create some new gear and this time he also asked for some equipment for Splashy and the others, it costed over 100,000g but it was worth it to help his summons to get even stronger.

So then he logged off and went to bed, he woke up and like everyday and headed to school but he was very happy because it was friday and tommorow he didn't have to go to school but during school he heard people talking about the "Godly Tamer".

So he was really happy that he was now kinda a popular streamer since he was now hearing a few of his classmates talking about him and they even followed him during his previous live streams in game.


『Hey guys, we're almost at 5k and I also hope that you guys will continue to enjoy, thanks!』
