Elven's Language - [ Chapter - 14 ]

After he told me those words a timer appeared at the top right of my vision counting down, I still had a few more minutes before the Hydra comes so I looked more around the village of elves.

I looked around there was nothing worth seeing, I saw some of the elves talking to themselves and asked the elf that brought me there what they were doing and they were actually talking to nature's spirits.

I was intrigued but I couldn't find out anything with the limited time I had and a few minutes later the Hydra apeared, it was already above level 375, I decided to start a live stream.

Once I opened the stream they kept asking me where I was because no one in game has found a village of elves before they only found ones that were in a forest.

I told all of them that I was challenging the Hydra, I started to fight I summoned Splashy and the others for help except Treasury, it was the first time they were seeing Gold and Andeddo, they were amazed because they have never seen anything like them before.

Like in the myths I hit the body of the Hydra and Fiery the True Samādhi Fire Spirit I made it focus it's attacks on the head, Splashy had to not use any of it's water attributed attacks for Fiery's attacks to be effective so it took longer than I expected.

After a while I was finally able to defeat it, I was able to reach level 254 and Splashy and the rest reached over level 240, I also got 35,000g and some Hydra Skin, the Haunted shield also devoured the soul and got a regeneration ability.

[Ding! The Dragon Egg is pleased with the dragon's essence!]

I was surprised that the egg could send notifications and after a while I ended the stream and went to receive my reward from the elves, and I was able to reach 259 and Splashy and the others over 245 and I got the gold as well.

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the achievement "Elf's Blessing".]

[The "Elfs's Blessing" achievement boosts all you stats by 50% | The Elven Race will treat you as royalty | You are able to see nature's spirits and you are able to use elven magic.]

I got a lot stronger and I asked how to use the elven magic, they thought me their language and simple terms and I could use elven magic without using mana but there has to be spirits nearby to borrow power from.

I was very confident that I could take on a level 750 now but I wanted to continue fighting level 450 and above for a moment because I didn't want the viewers to get bored so quickly that I was already this overpowered.

After a while I remembered there were two unknown rewards and I only got one, so I checked my inventory and saw a piece of paper, it said "The One You Seek Is In The Bulgateun Volcano.", I was a bit confused because I didn't know where it was so I logged out.

I checked the time and it was past dinner so I quickly ate and went to search about the volcano place and it said that it was the hottest volcano in all of DigiLife and you would need to have a fire resistance potion or have atleast 1% dragon bloodline to not be affected by the heat.

I knew by what it meant, that was the place where the dragon kin descendant was, but it was already late so I went to bed and I didn't have to worry because today was only saturday so I didn't have to go to school until two days from now.

After I woke up I ate breakfast and instantly logged back on, I got a text from Yong asking if I wanted to do a raid with him, I said sure and went to our agreed meeting place.

We met up and he said that we were challenging a level 250+ boss because he finally reached level 275 after almost a week of grinding, I already challenge higher level bosses on stream so I didn't stream our battle.

We fought an Iron golem boss, it had multiple phases and weapons so it was hard and the record was really high and I knew we were going to break the record so we started the battle, I used Splashy and the others.

After just under an hour we were able to defeat it by ourselves, I reached level 263 and splashy and the others reached over level 250, we split the gold and I got 10k out of it I let him keep the loot because they weren't useful to me.

While we were dividing the loot Yong came up to me and said, "You might be stronger than me now but I will definitely catch up sooner or later.", I felt bad because he was no where near the level right now but I just smiled and said sure.

We went our separate ways and I decided to go to the volcano that the papaer told me to because it was definitely the only information I got on the dragon kin's descendant.


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 265] [Defense: 263]

[Constitution: 257] [Agility: 243]

[Dexterity: 241] [ Dominance: 548]

[Luck: 225] [Light: 223] [Dragonic Mana: 126]

--------| Effects |---------

( +220% to All Stats )


『I hope you enjoy!』
