The Last Dragon's Descendant - [ Chapter - 15 ]

After saying our goodbyes and I started to prepare to go to Bulgateun Volcano, I bought some health potions and I also asked Hinge to repair some of my equipment and after the repair was finished I ventured to the volcano.

During the trip I saw many monsters but all were not that strong so I let Infuego and Tsunami take care of them, the moment I reached near to the volcano I got a notification.

[Ding! Your stats are double because you are near the Bulgateun Volcano, it helps boost the dragon bloodline within you.]

I saw the notification and I definitely thought I wouldn't have a problem with the monsters at the Bulgateun Volcano, the moment I reached the place there was loads of monsters that were above lvel 500, I didn't summon any of my monsters because they would die instantly.

After walking a while I didn't find anything, no cave, no building or anything, I looked around once more and didn't find anything, I looked inside the volcano and I felt that I needed to use my God's Eye in the lava.

So I did and I saw someone named Hyun-woo, their race was "Dragon Kin" and their level was above 1,250, I shouted into the lava calling it's name and then a dragon flew out.

After the dragon landed it turned into a person, after he transformed he said, "I can sense you have a pure dragon bloodline.", I said "yeah", after that I told him I wanted to learn how to transform and use the Dragon's Tongue skill.

He agreed, at first I thought he would be like an old man but he looked like a young adult, he thought me words and after a while of saying the words I got the dragon's tongue, it needed dragonic mana to use but I was able to use new magic I've never heard before.

And after that he showed me how transform into a dragon he told me that it depends on how have I been acting up until now will show my attribute of my dragon form, he was a fire dragon because he was hot tempered but he said he changed his attitude but you can't change your attribute once you've transformed.

He was just explaining how to do it and I saw on my skill panel I got the dragon transformation skill, I told him that and he said I can't learn it through just words I had to train for months in order to transform but I just transformed infront of him.

He was in awe, not only because I was able to transform that fast it's because the dragon transformation attribute that I got was every single one you can get when you transform, I had multiple attributes he said he's heard people having one to even four but never someone who can use all attributes.

I also checked what does the dragon transformation do, it adds 100+ stat points to every single one of my stats and it boosts magic and the dragon's tongue skill by 5 but it used up 1 dragonic mana point for every 10s.

After a while of talking I remembered to ask about the dragon egg, as soon as he saw it he said to me, "So the old man is dead now, huh?", I wasn't sure if they had history or something but after stopping for a bit he continued to explain and listed down materials needed to hatch it.

[The Egg's Incubation]

[Hatch The Dragon Egg.]

[Reward: ???, The dragon will become your companion, 50k experience points and 150,000g]

[Penalty: Dragon's blessing will be removed]

I saw the notification and I also wrote down the stuff needed to do in order to hatch the egg, first was five dragon's essence, I already got one and the other one was an item that holds a lot of attribute to the one you want the dragon to be attributed to.

I couldn't decide on what attribute I wanted the dragon so I decided to postpone that for a bit and I decided to raid a bunch of dragon type bosses.

The first one and definitely the strongest boss I've faced yet was Bahamut, it was level 850 but I was still able to defeat it after a while even though I transformed into my dragon form.

Next were other mythological dragons from stories in order countries like Druk, Long, Azure Dragon, Zilant and the Slavic Dragon after defeating them all I got to level 397 and Splashy and the others reached 380+, my level isn't the highest because a few people reached above level 400 a few days after I checked that no one was at level 350.

And finally I got all the dragon's essence needed to hatch the egg and the last thing I needed was something that had a high purity of single attribute, I was reading the books in the game because I learned you find more information there than the official website.

After a few long hours of reading about attributes strengths and weaknesses, an NPC came in and he looked like he was in trouble he looked around and saw no one but me and asked if I could help him, I agreed because he might have something good because he was wearing a lot of gear.

[Temple Of Light's Request]

[The Strongest Paladin of the temple has asked for help to defeat the Shadow Cult.]

[Reward: ???, ??? , 30k experience points and 50,000g]

[Penalty: -100 favorability of all things holy and the destruction of the temple of light]


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 403] [Defense: 401]

[Constitution: 393] [Agility: 391]

[Dexterity: 389] [ Dominance: 796]

[Luck: 386] [Light: 389] [Dragonic Mana: 147]

--------| Effects |---------

( +220% to All Stats )


『I hope you enjoy!』
