Omni Dragon - [ Chapter - 17 ]

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the job "Blessed Tamer".]

[The "Blessed Tamer" job is a Mythical rank job | it gives the user 20 more stat points for every level up and it boosts you and your pets healing rate by 50% | It gives you the "Light" attribute]

My reward was upgraded again, I quickly checked my inventory and saw "Jaeyon's Blood" there, it's description said it was an all rounded attributed item.

I also checked out the new two new skills I got, they were called "Blessing" and "Goddesses Authority".

The blessing skill boosts experience gathering and strength by 100% for one hour, for the price of 10% of your light stat and it's cooldown was 5 hours.

The Goddess Authority skill allows you to use skills on cooldown with three times the requirements.

The first thing I thought of when I got the blood was to let the dragon egg have it, I put the egg out of my inventory and Ari saw it for the first time, I forgot to show it to her before.

After it was out I let it take my blood then it started shining, then a baby dragon appeared after the light finished shining, it's appearance was clear white and it's eyes were multiple colors at once.

I reached level 478 while Splashy and the others reach above level 467.

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the achievement "Dragon's Connection".]

[The "Dragon's Connection" achievement boosts all you stats by 25% | You can also use the authority of your dragon.]

Ari thought it was cute and picked it up, I was in awe that I got another boost in my stats, after that I quickly checked out it's stats and description on the tamed panel.

It was a strong as the tamed monsters given to me by the Godly Tamer, it also followed my level and it's attributes were "Omni".

I wanted to ask Hyun-woo if he's ever heard of a full dragon being attributed as omni because he told me that each attribute gifts a full dragon an authority.

So I told Ari that I was going to go somewhere but then she asked if she could come with, I had no reason not to so I brought her along.

But before we went to the city and bought some fire resistance potions for Ari because she didn't have a dragon bloodline like me.

After we got the potion we travled to the volcano and called for Hyun-woo, he came flying down and asked, "Hey, why are you here again and who's that with you?".

I answered him, "I hatched the egg and this is Ari my friend.", he told me he knew that because he felt a new dragon being born.

I showed him the baby dragon and he was suprised and said, "Well, will you look at that like father like son!", I told him to shut up and asked, "It's attribute is called "Omni" or everything, has this ever happened before?".

He replied quickly saying, "Nope, but it is interesting, this might mean that your little dragon friend here has the authority of every dragon attribute."

While we were talking Ari was playing with the baby dragon and asked if she could name it, I said sure and she started brain storming for a name.

When we finished talking Ari already came up with a name, she said to name it "Snow", me and also Hyun-woo liked it so I set it as it's name.

We went out and the stuff that I figured out were, for a dragon to learn how to use it's authority it needs to be a adolescent.

So I quickly used God's Eye and checked what were the leveling conditions, it was pretty simple I just needed to feed it five dragon's essence and 50 stat points.

So I told Ari about it and she asked if she could join as well, I agreed and we first went back to the city to restock on supplies.

After that we went to the places where dragon type bosses were and it was definitely easier because Ari was able to help because of the new job.

She could use her stat points to buy magic skills, she didn't have a cast time and her magic attack and defense were multiplied by 5, so she was overpowered like me now.

So it was definitely easier fighting all the bosses, but I was a bit jealous because she was able to buy skills, so I tried asking the Godly Tamer what was my cheat or something.

[Ding! The Godly Tamer sends a message, "Stop whining like a baby, I'll give you something when the dragon receives it's authority."]

I was happy at that and after all of the fights I reached level 489 while Splashy and the others reached 476+.

So then I gave Snow 50 of my stat points and he started shining, there wasn't much change except for the posture and the size.

[Ding! The Godly Tamer has gifted you a skill!]

I checked the skill and it was overpowered, it said that every ten levels I have, there will be a 5% experience experience boost for Splashy and the others.

After that I checked the dragon's skill and...


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 487] [Defense: 487]

[Constitution: 483] [Agility: 482]

[Dexterity: 471] [ Dominance: 894]

[Luck: 479] [Light: 484] [Dragonic Mana: 174]

--------| Effects |---------

( +245% to All Stats )


『I changed the style a bit but I hope you enjoy!』
