Gaining Authority - [ Chapter - 18 ]

When I checked the skill had it's own panel.

[ Authorities Panel ]

[ Water Authority (locked) ]

[ Fire Authority (locked) ]

[ Wind Authority (locked) ]

[ Thunder Authority (locked) ]

[ Ice Authority (locked) ]

[ Earth Authority (locked) ]

[ Metal Authority (locked) ]

[ Nature Authority (locked) ]

[ Holy Authority (locked) ]

[ Demonic Authority (locked) ]

[ Illusion Authority (locked) ]

Snow had loads of authorities but they were all locked, I was able to tap on the authority and it will show me the requirements to open the it.

The easiest authority I saw I could unlock was the earth attributed one, so I told Ari I needed to buy some materials for Snow.

So we went back to the city and I went to the auction house and bought all of the materials and I needed to use the golem king's shards and it didn't shine but on the panel it said unlocked.

I checked out the conditions to use it and it uses up my health whenever I used it but the max was I can only use 45% of my health.

I told Ari we should fight a boss because I wanted to try out the authority, so we went to lava forest and fought the boss "Crimson Nightmare".

The way Snow used the authority was simple but I used it and I was able to make two giant hands made out of the earth.

I grabbed the boss and held it down and we started damaging it, and in just a little bit over 30 minutes we created a new record.

I only leveled up two times and Splashy and the rest one to two times.

After that I checked the time and saw it was really late so I decided to leave I told Ari and we said our goodbyes.

Then the next day during school there were loads of talks about the Godly Tamer being first in the level leader board.

During the talk I started to mind my own business but their was this guy that irritated me because he kept saying he knew me or the Godly Tamer to be exact.

He said his username so I was going to check it out in game, but before that I continued to listen on about non sense and he said he also has a streaming channel and he was going to stream later.

He told the exact place where he was going to be and I was going to be there to make a fool out of himself saying that he knew me.

So after school I went home and saw my dad resting, I was really happy about the fact that he took less days at work.

After I ate some snacks I logged in the game and checked out the guys username and channel it had less than 50k followers but that's still pretty good.

But I still wanted him to make a fool of himself so I went to the area where he said he would be and waited for him I also turned on the live stream and said I would be challenging the boss that the dude was challenging.

So I quickly started to fight and I showed off Snow to the viewers while Splashy and the rest were keeping the boss busy I didn't notice that I was already past 500k followers.

I was a happy about that but I continued to fight I had a new idea on how to use the authority so I told the viewers, "I have a new skills you guys and you probably haven't seen it before.".

I used the skill and I tried creating a big hammer at the end of the hand but when I did that I couldn't create the other hand but I was still able to kill the boss with just that move.

I healed myself quickly because that took a lot of my health reall fast but the results were that many people were amazed because that was their first time seeing something like that.

I got more guild offers through donations but I ignored them, and finally the guy that was so arrogant at school arrived and I saw him talking to his stream.

I quickly walked over their, acting like it was a coincidence, he panicked when he saw me because our classmates were watching his stream.

He tried to come up at me and say hi and asked if I remembered him, then I asked, "Hello, Who are you again, sorry but I don't remember you if I knew you, you would definitely in my friends list.".

He was broken and I was so excited to see his reaction at school, after that I continued the live stream in an open area and showed them Splashy and the others.

They went through a bunch of changes and all of them had new skills I only showed off the weak skills because there might be some PKs that want to know information.

While I talking a person found me and he came up to me and asked if I could join his guild, I was surprised they were able to tell where was I just through the livestream because this time I never told them where I was and I went a bit far away from the boss I challenged.


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 487] [Defense: 487]

[Constitution: 483] [Agility: 482]

[Dexterity: 471] [ Dominance: 894]

[Luck: 479] [Light: 484] [Dragonic Mana: 174]

--------| Effects |---------

( +245% to All Stats )


『Hope you enjoyed!』
