Dragon Zen Guild - [ Chapter - 19 ]

I wasn't sure what to say because I didn't plan on joining any guild at the moment, after a while he continued by saying the benefits of joining the guild.

I really didn't want to join so I declined, after that I continued my stream and then more and more people started showing up.

I got the hint that the guy before told where I was so I showed the stream my dragon transformation skill, I got loads of reactions.

They kept asking on how I did it and I got the reaction of the number one guild in DigiLife, they sent a message saying they wanted to offer me a guild recruitment.

I've heard of their benefits and I was curious so I agreed for the meeting but I didn't fully agree to joining their guild, after showing them what my new skill can do I ended the stream.

I checked my DMs and saw where the meeting place was, I went to the place where he told me to and I waited there for a bit.

And after a bit I got to meet the guild leader for Dragon Zen Guild, the moment he came he asked me, "Where did you get that dragon transformation!?".

I was confused he came in with a hyperactive attitude then the vice guild leader came in and she told me she was verry sorry about that she told me that he was a drgon lover.

So we talked but I didn't tell them about the dragon skill, after I said that their guild leader looked very sad I felt a bit bad, after talking we forgot to introduce ourselves.

We introduce each other and their usernames were "DragonLover" and "Kunoichi", the guild leaders username could be guess if you knew his characteristics.

After meeting them, they weren't as formal as the other guilds I've seen, they were just like friends, so that's what made me agreed to join the guild.

Their guild leader immediately came up to me as they were about to leave and asked how did I get the dragon transformation skill and if I did he would do ke a favor.

I felt really bad so I did and the favor I asked for was to gather the materials I actually needed to unlock the fire, water and thunder authorities.

He was really sad the moment he heard that he couldn't get but he told me he would still get the materials I asked because deals a deal.

So after that they left and I got an invite to the guild, I accepted it, and I logged off because it was late.

Then the next day, I was excited to see the reaction from the guy before that was all arrogant and lying about know me.

I saw him getting berated and teased at because he was trying to act cool by saying he knew me, I also saw on my phone that he deleted his streaming account.

I felt bad for him a bit because I think I went a bit too far but he still shouldn't have lied about knowing me, then during break I went back to a room I haven't been in for a while.

The plantation room, I was really good at growing plants so the teachers gave me the key to the room to take care of the plants whenever I'm free because the plants grow faster for some reason when I take care of them.

And after that, I continued my break and I listened to the compliments I got as the Godly Tamer, but then I heard that I wasn't the highest in the level leader board.

I immediately checked it and there was someone called the "Experience King", I knew with that name they had a special job atleast but I didn't mind it too much because I didn't really care about being first.

Then after school I immediately logged back on and went to the Dragon Zen Guild base, the guild leader was there and gave half of the materials already.

I was surprised on how fast he gathered it and he told me to call him "Drago" because DragonLover was embarrassing.

I was able to unlock the water and fire authorities, I wanted to show him the two new skills so he showed me to their training field.

I saw their was an assassin and tank training together, Drago told me that they were called "Flow" and "Bang-eo".

Drago called them over so they could see my new authorities, I used the water authority to create a shark but I was only able to create three as of now.

They were impressed on it but I still wasn't done and this time I tried creating a Pheonix with the fure authority and I was able to make two.

Flow and Bang-eo told me they wanted to try fighting it so I agreed and we tried it Flow took on the Phoenixes and Bang-eo took on the thee sharks.

They both held on pretty well but they couldn't defeat all of it by themselves but then Drago wanted to try and he was able to kill them all in just a few slashes.


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 487] [Defense: 487]

[Constitution: 483] [Agility: 482]

[Dexterity: 471] [ Dominance: 894]

[Luck: 479] [Light: 484] [Dragonic Mana: 174]

--------| Effects |---------

( +245% to All Stats )


『Hope you enjoyed!』
