Warrior King and Saintess - [ Chapter - 20 ]

I was shocked at his strength and asked, "How were you able to defeat my creations being lower level than me?".

He answered, "It's my special job 'Warrior King' it's mythical rank, it adds 10 more stat points for every level up, all stats are boosted by 100%, experience gain boosted by 50% and I can by pass all equipment and weapon restrictions but all magic damage is increased by 100% and I can't use anything associated with magic.".

I met another person with an overpowered job, he asked if I wanted to join him on a raid, I agreed because this meant I could fight stronger level bosses with someone.

I asked if I could stream the raid, he said sure and we decided to fight the "Greg Ogre", it was the strongest boss and it was already above 500.

So we went to the area and I turned on my live stream and said my greeting, "Hey Guys, The Godly Tamer here and I'm with the guild leader of Dragon Zen, and were going to fight the Greg Ogre.".

They were all excited because they all know my strength and Drago's strength so their curious how fast we would clear it.

Before the fight started I summoned Splashy and the rest, Drago was very occupied by Snow but he became serious when the boss was coming out.

It was very easy to kill the boss so I showed of the new authorities I got from Drago, we stopped fighting the boss and let the creations fight it.

It ended quickly with us winning and making a record that we agreed that no one was definitely going to beat, and I leveled up to 506 and Splashy and the rest level up above 495.

There was nothing of use to is so we were going to sell it and we split the gold equally, I ended the live stream and Drago said he needed to leave and he was sorry.

So he left and I started walking back to the city and then there was bunch of guys that came out and said, "You wouldn't be that powerful if you didn't have that equipment, your just a tamer, you've probably been cheating or something.".

They said many different things, so I took of the equipment and I proceeded in beating them all to a pulp, they were rather easy and low level, I wasn't sure what made them think that I was easy when I reached first on the level leaderboard.

I continued to go back to the city and I got an idea to go to the holy city and ask for the materials for the holy authority because I helped them out before.

So I transformed and started to fly towards the holy city, when I arrived I immediately went to the temple and asked one of the high priests if he could gather those materials.

They agreed to gather it since I helped them and their Goddess, they said they will bring it in an hour so I started to wander around the city.

And while I was walking around I bumped into a girl, I asked, "Why are you running?", she replied saying, "Oh, I'm sorry, I was just going to the special event over their.".

I was curious about the event so I went to check, it was just an event for the NPCs, so there wasn't anything for users to gain and I think that's the reason why there isn't that much info about the event.

[Protection of the Event ]

[Protect the event from the new threat.]

[Reward: ???, 30k experience points and 50,000g]

[Penalty: -100 Favorability of all thing holy and Destruction of the event of light]

I got a notification about protecting the event, I quickly surveyed the area for any threats and I saw the girl from before acting suspiciously.

I quickly went over to her side and asked, "Are you here to threaten the event of light?", she was shocked but answered, "N-no, I just got the mission to help the hero who will defend the event, is that you?".

I answered, "Yes, that's me", I wasn't sure to trust her but when I used God's Eye it said that she was a part of the temple of light so I knew she wasn't going to attack the event if she was really apart of the temple.

I asked, "what were the details of your quest exactly?", she answered quickly, "To help the person who will stop the threat and the reward was I would be blessed as the Saintess.".

I believed her, we told each other our usernames and hers was "Lucian" and we decided to split up and looked for the threat but I was still a bit on guard and after a while of searching we found the threat, I found out with God's Eye it was a new cult called "Tenebris".

I swiftly dealt with the enemies while the Lucian provided support, I didn't summon Splashy or the others because they might be to eye distracting.

And even after dealing with all the enemies we found the quest was still not completed, so I used God's Eye again and found that they were underground.

I quickly asked if she knew if there was any paths underground and she said there was a sewage system underneath.


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 501] [Defense: 500]

[Constitution: 499] [Agility: 498]

[Dexterity: 493] [ Dominance: 921]

[Luck: 492] [Light: 497] [Dragonic Mana: 179]

--------| Effects |---------

( +245% to All Stats )


『Hope you enjoyed!』
