Little Angel - [ Chapter - 21 ]

So went immediately to the sewage system and we found more people from the Tenebris cult, there were loads of them so Lucian was the support at the back again while I was fighting at the front.

I had Splashy and the others protecting Lucian because there might have been some NPCs I might of missed, we continued exploring the sewer because the mission wasn't complete yet.

Then after a while of searching Lucian found their base at the end of one of the sewage tunnels, in the middle of the place there was a red orb.

We swiftly killed all of the followers and after a bit a dark priest appeared, it wasn't exactly hard but it just took a bit of time since we had to break it's defenses first.

And after we defeated it we finished the mission and it said to bring the orb and go back to the temple, so we went back to the temple and we received our rewards and I leveled up once and Splashy and the rest leveled up once or not at all.

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the achievement "Goddess of Light's Blessing".]

[The "Goddess of Light's Blessing" achievement boosts all you stats by 50% | All skills that uses the stat light has 50% damage boost and 50% cost reduction.]

I had another blessing, I was already unbelievable overpowered but when I checked the level leaderboard I dropped to the 4th rank and the people who took the second and third place were, "Gluttony" and "Shadow".

[Ding! The Goddess of Light adds another reward for helping the temple of light once again!]

"What?", I questioned, I didn't understand why I got another reward but I saw Lucian really happy because she was officially the saintess of the holy city.

[Ding! The reward has been decided! The user may check his inventory.]

So I checked my inventory and it was just like when I got the fire spirit from Hephaestus, but it was a flower bracelet, it's description was it was a item bounded to me and it summons a little angel to provide support and buffs to me and all allies.

But there was one thing I didn't understand was why I needed to being the red orb and when I asked why did I need it, the priests said they don't know and the Goddess didn't do anything either so I saw it was a material so I went to go see Hinge.

When I got to Hinge's store I asked for him to repair my equipment and weapons, and after he fixed all of it, I asked about the red orb.

It looked like he got a notification and he said, "Hephaestus says you need to purify it and you can add it to the haunted shield to upgrade it.".

I really didn't want to go back to holy city but then I got a notification.

[Ding! The Goddess of Light sends a message, "I will allow you to borrow my power of purification and if you ever want to become a part of the temple of light, we will welcome you with open arms."]

[Ding! The Godly Tamer is mad at the Goddess and is saying, "He is my successor!"]

I ignored the drama happening on the system and I saw I had a new skill but it had temporary beside it's name, I used the purification on the orb and Hinge took it and the haunted shield.

After a while Hinge brought out a shield with a mix of black and white and he called it the "Holy Demonic Shield".

He said it was still alive but because of the orb and the purification done on it, it could now absorb souls, divine energy and demonic energy.

I wanted to do a live stream before I log off so I went to a boss that was nearly level 1,000 it was called the "Perfected Chimera".

I wasn't the first to fight it sadly and I will not be the first to defeat it because the person with the name the "Experience King" defeated it already.

I just wanted to use this boss to show of the new stuff I got, so I turned on the live stream and did my greeting, "Hey Guys the Godly Tamer here and I'm going to be fighting the Perfected Chimera.".

I showed off the upgraded haunted shield and I also showed off the little angel I got, it boosted me, Splashy and the others.

It became rather easy but it's AOE fire breath skill was still powerful but the shield's defense was increased by multiple fold when Hinge upgraded it.

So after a little bit under an hour I defeated it and I was able to beat the record of the Experience King, I leveled up to 574 and Splashy and the others leveled up to 570+.

I spent a bunch of stat points for the new shield, a lot of the viewers were asking about the angel and what happened to the haunted shield.

But I didn't react to that but I got a message from the actual Experience King, he asked if I wanted to do a raid with him.


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 574] [Defense: 573]

[Constitution: 571] [Agility: 570]

[Dexterity: 570] [ Dominance: 984]

[Luck: 569] [Light: 571] [Dragonic Mana: 187]

--------| Effects |---------

( +295% to All Stats )


『Hope you enjoyed!』
