Meeting The Grim Reaper - [ Chapter - 32 ]

I checked because I was suprised to hear a voice and she continues and says, "How are the plants growing that fast? Whenever I do that they die quickly.", I was confused about what she said.

And then she showed me her doing the correct procedure for a taking care of a plant but the plant nearly withers away and when I step in and do the exact same thing the plant's growth changes and it's brighter.

It was like we were the complete opposite, so we talked for a bit and found out that we were the exact opposite, all of the animals I have met loved me and all of the animals she met disliked her and the exact same thinf about the plants.

Her name was "Luna" and she was half korean and half american, her parents named her that because they loved the night sky and if name their baby about the night sky they would love her even more.

I thought it was beautiful and told her that, we talked until the break ended and she asked if we could exchange contact information, I said sure and we exchanged contact info.

Then school proceeded like usual and when I got home, I started texting Luna and she went online as well, we chatted for a bit then my dad walked into the room and saw me and asked, "Why are you on your phone? Your usually playing your game.".

I told him that I was messaging one of my classmates, and he understood and after a bit of messaging Luna, I asked her if she played DigiLife, she said no but she was going to try it today.

I was excited and told her that I play DigiLife already and asked if she wanted to join me when she starts and she agreed, so I texted her my gaming ID and I logged in and waited for her friend request.

Then suddenly I get a friend request from a user with the ID "Death", I accepted and asked if this was Luna and she was so I asked where was she right now and she told me she was at a village called "Jeitneil".

It was one of the other starter villages in the game so I immediately went to the village but this time I bought a new item that was just added in the game called "Warp Scrolls" it was expensive but I was able to travel to the village immediately.

I saw her at one of the training grounds and I asked what job did she choose, she told me she chose necromancer because it seemed like in real life she was better with the dead.

So I showed her the undead that I had and suprisingly the undead gave emotion to Luna but whenever we met someone other than her the undead didn't have any reaction at all.

After that I helped her level up and I decided to give her a big help, I bought two warp scrolls to the big city and gave one to Luna and told her to use it because I was going to do something.

She followed and we went to the big city and we went to the grinding area for level 150s and above and I also added multiple dense light shields onto Luna so she didn't die and I sent Luna a party invite.

After accepting I started to kill loads of monsters and I told her to raise the undead to increase her army and after a while of grinding she got a total of 25 monsters, 10 Orcs, 10 Trolls and 5 Lizardmen, she also reached to level 79.

All of her undead summons were stronger than her which was a very low chance to even happen but it happened 25 times to her, to raise an undead you need to be higher level than it or it's favorability of you is high.

After grinding she started fighting by herself and she received an achievement called "Undead's Favorite" it raised her undead stat gain and boosted her undead by 25%, she also unlocked a special skill called "Temporary Control".

She was able to control all corpses for ten minutes but it just temporarily used undead stat points and the undead stat points used would go back but if she actually raised the dead permanently it would use the undead stat points.

We decided to try and let her fight the field boss of level 100, it was as strong as a level 150 but she had mutliple of those and she also upgraded them to she was going to fight a boss called the "Orc Champion".

With the upgraded and boosted undead she was able to defeat the field boss very easily and she tried raising the undead with a few amount of undead stat points that she had at the moment, I didn't think it would work since it uses more stat points if she were to raise the boss.

But she was actually able to do it while still having some undead stat points left, then she told me she received a system notification saying that the Grim Reaper wants her to go to the undead graveyard.

so I accompanied herand when we got there, the notification told her an exact place she needed to go so we went to a huge tree and it looked similar to how I unlocked the Godly Tamer job.

Then she excitedly told me that she got a mythical job "Grim Reaper", and it allows her to raise the dead with a 50% more chance, undead stat points gain was boosted by 50% as well and her undead's power were boosted by 50%.

It was like the job was made for her, she was really happy about it and she said she got another notification that she needed to get a sythe to activate something a part of her job skill set.


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 903] [Defense: 903]

[Constitution: 903] [Agility: 902]

[Dexterity: 902] [ Dominance: 1997]

[Luck: 902] [Light: 903] [Dragonic Mana: 483]

[Undead: 1,009]

--------| Effects |---------

( +445% to All Stats [ Charging ] )


『Hope you enjoyed!』
