Demonic Revenge - [ Chapter - 33 ]

I told Luna that I know a person that could make her a sythe with amazing stats and also make her some amazing equipment as well, she agreed to meet him so we went his workshop.

When we got to the workshop Hinge was working on Ari's staff, Hinge came up to me and asked, "Hey, how have you been man? Also thanks for recommending me to those two.".

I told him nothing much and I also said I have another person that needed a weapon and she needed a sythe, he told me he could make it but he was just finishing up Ari's staff first.

I asked if Ari was still here but Hinge said she just logged out and she was going to pick it up tomorrow, I checked the time but it was still a few hours before I have to log off.

And after he finished making the staff, he started on making the sythe and he actually used some rare materials to make the sythe so I asked, "Did you use rare materials for Ari and the Experience King?'.

He said yes and I was actually surprised because he actually had some amazing materials for each craft and the sythe he was making looked like it definitely fit Luna, he used and undead attributed materials.

After he finished making it he told us it's functions, the first one was that you can collect the souls of the monsters you kill and boost your undead and the second one was put your undead on your sythe to boost it's strength.

And after that he also showed us it's stats and it was amazing and when Luna picked it up, she said, "I unlocked a two new skills!", both me and Hinge were surprised by what she said because our previous job owners weren't as generous as that.

I asked her if she could show us her two new skills, she said sure so Hinge actually temporarily closed his shop and we rented out a training area so that we can see her skills privately and so that there isn't any fuss from other people.

After we got insife she used her first skill called "Undead Fusion", she could permanently fuse two monsters to upgrade it or create a new monster like an undead human plus an undead wolf equals an undead werewolf.

She fused a few of the orcs and until she had two Orc Champions and after she made the two orc champions she only had two normal orcs left so she fused them to make a Orc Elite.

Then she showed her second new skill and it was called "Undead Damage Transmition" it was like my skill and it allowed her to share her damage to all her undead.

So if she had more undead she could take less damage but she had to watch the health of her undead if she takes damage.

Her two new skills literally made her so powerful for her level already, so we decided to clear a dungeon together because she was already so powerful but she also wanted to wear a mask to cover her face.

So Hinge said he could make it for her and it could her better stats as well instead of just looking good and he actually finished it pretty quickly, the mask he made looked pretty cool and it fits Luna pretty well.

He showed us its stats and it also had a cool buff that boosted her undead's stats by 5%, when she wore it and while holding her sythe she actually looked like the grim reaper pretty well.

So we decided to clear a dungeon but I've never been to one before because this was actually a part of the newest update and it created loads of dungeons and some dungeons can be owned by guilds.

So we went looking for a dungeon and we went to the graveyard and I borrowed Gold's skill Legendary Treasure hunter and followed the brightest light and it circled around a grave.

So I checked around the grave and it actually had a hidden button at the back of it and me and Luna went in, and it led to a hallway, there were loads of skeletons in the hallway and it was a bit dark but then suddenly all of the torches turned on.

[Ding! Jae has unlocked the achievement "Hidden Dungeon Finder".]

[The "Hidden Dungeon Finder" achievement makes your luck stat boosted by 25%.]

I was surprised and asked Luna if she got the achievement as well and she did, after that we continued down the hallway and when we were nearly reaching the end of it there was a large opening we saw at the end.

When we checked inside the opening it was just like the dark elves there was a bunch of demonic worshippers and I definitely saw that there was a demon there because they had a Demonic Pope with them along with to Demonic Arc Bishops.

[Defeat the 6th Ranked Demon]

[The Demonic Worshippers are has summoned the 6th ranked demon, you must defeat them and the demon itself.]

[Reward: ???, ???, 100k experience points and 250,000g]

[Penalty: -100 Favorability of those of light and -10 levels]


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 903] [Defense: 903]

[Constitution: 903] [Agility: 902]

[Dexterity: 902] [ Dominance: 1997]

[Luck: 902] [Light: 903] [Dragonic Mana: 483]

[Undead: 1,009]

--------| Effects |---------

( +445% to All Stats [ Charging ] )


『Sorry for the late upload but I still hoped you enjoyed!』
