Becoming The Godly Tamer - [ Chapter - 39 ]

So after testing out Thunder's new skill, I decided that Splashy's name didn't suit him anymore but Thunder's name did so I decided to change Splashy's name to "Diluvial" comes from the word diluvialis in latin meaning flood.

[Ding! The Godly Tamer sends a message, "It seems like you've almost fulfilled the conditions to succeed into my job, go to Thunder's Peak and look for the Harpy Queen and ask her to give you the final trial.".]

I didn't know the conditions to upgrade the job that I had right now since whenever I checked it said my authority wasn't high enough but all the suspense was broken when Drago sent me a message.

When I checked the message it said that he was able to gather all the materials needed for the rest of the authorities so I started to travel to the area that the Guild Master and I own together.

After reaching the place I saw loads of new faces in the guild and I was met by one of the new guild officials and he was really snobby about being higher than me and it seemed that he didn't know who I was.

So I popped his bubble by meeting the Guild Master and asking if he could give me a higher position and he didn't understand.

But did it anyway because the materials I asked for didn't even compare to the territory that I was able to get them.

Then the dude was shocked and started complaining about how easy it was to become an official and his bubble was shot again after realizing I was the Godly Tamer and that I owned the land more than the Guild master.

So after that I told Drago about what that guy did and he was demoted back to a normal member and he made the rule of not abusing authority even more strict than before then some of the officials were caught doing the same thing as well.

And then while the officals that Drago trusted took care of that he gave me the materials needed to unlock the new authorities.

And after unlocking all of it I tested it out and now it seemed all of the authorities were stronger after unlocking them all.

I had to leave since I wanted to go to complete the final trial but before I left I asked Drago to see if Luna was able to join the guild.

I also texted Luna about this and she said she would try out and Drago accepted it to and that he would test her out herself.

So after doing that I went to Thunder's Peak and then tried to call the harpies but nothing happened, I wasn't sure what to do and I was able to try out the new in game search tab and I searched how to call harpies in DigiLife.

And I found out that you can call them if you were able to use the purification skill that was as strong as the Saint NPC.

I wasn't sure if the purification skill I had was as strong as the Saint's skill but I tried anyway since the Goddess gave me the skill herself anyway.

So then I tried using the purification skill and it changed just like when it turned into an attack skill for the demon but it temporarily changed into the skill called "Light's Call".

It's description said it was skill that allows you to call all creatures of light and it is a way to prove that you were chosen by the Goddess herself, so after using it the clouds started to open.

What came out of the clouds were the harpies and when I used God's Eye I saw all of there levels were above 1,200 and they were just ranked as common and when I saw a warrior rank it was already near 1,750.

So I wondered how powerful would the Harpy Queen would be if just the lowest ranks of her army was that strong and I didn't need to wonder that long since I was being escorted to the Harpy Queen herself.

When I met the Harpy Queen, I couldn't even see her level and then with such a beautiful voice she said, "So your the Savior's Successor? I will guide you, young child of light. Harpies! Bring out the artifact!".

Then the harpies brought out some kind of orb then it started flying the moment I saw it and then it flew straight into my chest and saw it was locked, it's name, description, skills and abilities were all locked.

And I was immediately teleported just after reading it and I was teleported in a place that looked like what people have said heaven would look like and saw so many creatures that would only be found in mythology.

Then I was sent back instantly, I was suprised and then I my screen started getting filled up by notifications about people sending messages to me.

[Ding! Jayeon first job has been upgraded to "Godly Tamer".]

[The "Godly Tamer" job is a Epic rank job and it has a growth ability | it gives the user 35 more dominance stat points for every level up, it boosts your taming chance by 85% and monsters are 75% more passive against you. | Your monsters stats are increased by 100%. | All bounded items to you are strengthened.]


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 1,262] [Defense: 1,261]

[Constitution: 1,261] [Agility: 1,260]

[Dexterity: 1,260] [ Dominance: 2976]

[Luck: 1,260] [Light: 1,261] [Dragonic Mana: 788]

[Undead: 6,873]

--------| Effects |---------

( +445% to All Stats [ Charging ] )
