Poisonous Tomb - [ Chapter - 40 ]

[Ding! The Godly Tamer is shocked!]

[Ding! The Goddess Of Light is schocked!]

[Ding! Multiple other gods are shocked!]

I was confused because the Godly Tamer said it would be the final trial but I completed it instantly and when I saw that even the gods were shocked, I was just even more confused by this.

[Ding! The Godly Tamer sends a message, "The final trial was to be accepted by all the mythical creatures in the realm but they accepted you instantly! No wonder your my successor!"]

I felt like he was boasting about me for some reason but then when I read the description of the artifact now it's name was "Tamer's Orb", it's description said it was an orb passed down from each Godly Tamer.

It's effects were that it boosts all tamer skills by 100% and non tamer skills by 50%, The stats of you and your tamed creatures are boosted by 100% and it boosts the other artifacts by 50%.

The effects of that single artifact boosted my power by multiple folds and I was in shock then I get a notification from the Godly Tamer again.

[Ding! The Godly Tamer has decided to give you a part of it's authority!]

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the achievement "First Person To Unlock A God's Authority".]

[The "First Person To Unlock A God's Authority" achievement boosts the strength of all God's Authorities you unlock by 25% and the cooldown is decreased by 10%. ( Only for the first person to receive a God's Authority ) ]

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the Authority Of The Godly Tamer.]

[The Authority Of The Godly Tamer passively boosts your tamed creatures stats by 100% and you can boost you tamed creatures stats by 250% for 10 minutes but after the 10 minutes you have a 2 hour cooldown before the passive boost and active boost can be used again.]

I unlocked two achievements at once, I haven't unlocked this many achievements since the time I first started playing this game and I remembered Ari so I sent her a message if she wanted to do a dungeon with me.

While waiting I decided to get some stronger undead so I went to the level 1,500 grinding area of the Árktos in "Arctic Forest" and killed a few of them

And I raised five of them their color wasn't snowy anymore and they had a cool look in black and I gave away the undead stat points equally and all of my undesd evolved again.

The Árktos evolved into an elite version of it's self and now it was stronger and bigger than before and the goblins evolved into a new species called "Grim Reaping Goblins" and the serpent evolved into a Basilisk.

After doing that I recieved a message from Ari saying she would love to join me in a dungeon so we started deciding on which dungeon we should go to and which dungeon had the best loot.

And after a while we finally decided that we should go to the dungeon in "Poision's Tip", it was a dungeon that was discovered by accident but no one had been able to clear it yet so we decided to be the first.

So then before we went to the dungeon we bought some poison resistance potion to fight off the poison, then after that we started heading off to the dungeon and while we were going there we killed a few mobs for warm up.

After a while of walking we found the layer poison fog so we drank our poison resistance potion and continued our journey and during that Ari compalined that heading to places in this game is unnecessarily realistic, I agreed on her with that one.

Then after a while of walking we finally made it into the dungeon but because the poison resistance potion was running out we had to drink another one before we went in.

After going in we saw loads of huge spiders, I put out my undead and they started killing all the spiders, I didn't think that we would be able to kill the mobs in this dungeon that easily since it was supposed to be for level 2,000s already.

While walking I decided to check the level leaderboard rankings and saw that I wasn't even in the 20s anymore so I decided after this I would grind like a madman but because we were killing loads of level 2,000s we were able to level up alot.

After walking for a while we found a hole we assumed it was part of the dungeon and went inside but then the scenery started to change so I was confused because this wasn't like the information we got online.

[Ding! Jae has unlocked the achievement "Poisonous Tomb of the Poison King".]

[The "Poisonous Tomb of the Poison King" achievement makes you immune to poison and you have a 50% chance of inflicting poison with each hit.]

I asked Ari if she got the achievement too and she did and now we knew we were not in the dungeon anymore and the opening we saw before was gone but we decided we were strong enough so we continued to adventure on.


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 1,882] [Defense: 1,881]

[Constitution: 1,881] [Agility: 1,880]

[Dexterity: 1,880] [ Dominance: 4,768]

[Luck: 1,879] [Light: 1,881] [Dragonic Mana: 1,083]

[Undead: 2,937]

--------| Effects |---------

( +545% to All Stats )