Poisoned Trials - [ Chapter - 41]

After we continued walking we started to find high level Nagas but when I used God's Eye they were only ranked as common so this meant that these things are not even comparable to the dungeon we were facing before.

I got to see Ari using magic as well and her magic was extremely powerful and I saw her use some skills that were supposed to be special for magic type high rankers but she was able to use the spell as well.

Ari's strength was incomparable to her previous strength but I was glad to see she was still the same after getting the job, so while walking I tried to make some small talk to see if she got her 2nd job.

She answered she didn't yet so I asked if she thought of anything and she said she was thinking a job that allowed her to use elemental magic mote better would be good for her.

So I offered to help her after we clear this tomb and she agreed and finally after fighting off loads of Nagas, we reached their main base.

I saw that there were two double headed Nagas and one triple headed Nagas protecting a Naga that was huge and had a crown, so I knew that was the leader of this entire thing.

I also looked around and saw while using God's Eye that there was a notification behing the Naga that had a crown so I was curious and I summoned two spirit kings to fight off the double headed Nagas.

Ari fought the triple headed one with the help of Oakley and Thunder, while I was fighting the Naga that had a crown with the help of Diluvial and the rest.

Ari was suprsied by the changes of Diluvial and the rest I had the undead take care of the other Nagas, the Naga with the crown wasn't particularly strong for some reason so I used God's Eye again because I was suspicious of it.

After I did I saw that the Naga was ranked as infantry but the crown on it's head allowed it to control the other Nagas so I really wanted to try and get that crown because maybe I could control Nagas.

So after taking out the Naga, I got the crown and wore it and saw I was able to command the Nagas, so I told Ari, Diluvial and the rest to stop attacking because now the Nagas were under my control.

There were also two unique skills on it called "Transform" which it allowed it to change it's form, so I changed it to a ring.

And the other skill was "Poison Domination" borrowing the power of the poison king you can keep poison attributed monsters in here and control them.

It was really cool and it was just like Oakley's unique skill to control all nature attributed monsters, after that I checked what was behind the throne of the Nagas and I found that there was a treasure room.

There were loads of gold, weapons attributed with poison and there were loads of books related to poison there were two things that caught my eye and it was a job change book and a gem.

The job change book was to change into the Poison King but it was only for Alchemists and the gem was a consumable that boosts all stats by +10 and when ever I'm poisoned I can put the poison to other people too.

I let Ari take everything else and we splitted the gold equally, and then we started to leave but then I remembered to see if there was anything else hidden so I borrowed Gold's skill again and checked.

After using it I found a little light surrounding a brick so I went to it and I was able to press it like a button and it opened a staircase going down somewhere.

I was even more curious because the job change book was already here so I didn't know what could be down there, so me and Ari decided to go down the staircase.

And when we reached to the bottom we found a statue of something but we didn't know what so we checked if the statue had a name or something on it so I checked and saw the writings "Achlys, The God Of Poison".

There was nothing else in the room so me and Ari was confused then we saw the the eyes of the statue lit up so then I borrowed Gold's skill again and saw that there was a button on the statue as well.

So I pressed it and then there was a bright light and I was suddenly in a swamp and Ari was no where to be seen and I couldn't summon Diluvial, the undead, Nagas or the others.

I used God's Eye to check if there was anything nearby and saw that there were multiple poison attributed monsters

So I thought it would be easy with the ring but it was disabled so I was now worried a bit since there were too many to handle especially with them being high level.


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 2,019] [Defense: 2,018]

[Constitution: 2,018] [Agility: 2,017]

[Dexterity: 2,017] [ Dominance: 5,763]

[Luck: 2,018] [Light: 2,019] [Dragonic Mana: 1,362]

[Undead: 10,826]

--------| Effects |---------

( +545% to All Stats )