Creating The Poison King - [ Chapter - 44 ]

Just before I was logged out I saw those notification and I was confused and suprised by that and that could even happen so I went to DigiLife's Forum to see if that has happened to other people.

And when I checked it I found out that those who have a high favorability with a god will allow the god to intervene with penalties, rewards and such, it mostly happens with the Paladin Class though.

So there was another thing that confused me because I've just met Alchlys, the God Of Poison so I didn't know the reason why he reduced my penalty so I was going to try and at least talk to him.

Then the next day I went to school like normal and me and Luna were just talking about stuff in Digilife inside the plantation room and suddenly a person wearing glasses came inside and he looked tired.

So then we asked who he was and he said, "I'm Hyejin, please don't kick me out of this room, there are some bullies chasing me down because I accidentally bumbed into them", while looking desperate.

So me and Luna agreed he could stay and anyway we weren't allowed to just kick people out of the room, so then we started talking with each other and we found out that Hyejin plays DigiLife as well.

Me and Luna wanted to play with him so we asked for his ID and he said his ID was the "Alchemy King", we were shocked when he said that since the alchemy king was the person ranked first in the Alchemist class rankings.

We started to talk more and learned all of us had special jobs and I saw before that the alchemy king was able to get a second job already and I wasn't sure if he had one already so I asked.

And he said he didn't so I took this chance and said that I would give him another special job called the "Poison King", and he was very shy about accepting it, it looked like he had very low self-esteem.

So then after school I quickly logged on and I saw that Ae-Cha texted me that she gathered the three poisons so, I texted her a meet up with Luna and Hyejin and after that I sent a friend request to Hyejin.

After that I went to the location where we said we would meet up and I saw that Hyejin accepted my friend request and few minutes later Ae-Cha arrived so while waiting for the rest of them I decided to hatch the spider egg.

So then I started to pour the poison on the egg and the spider egg started hatching and when it finished hatching a bright light shined and I had a new tamed creature called "Spider Queen (Infant)".

It was a bit different when I hatched snow so I went to check what was different and in one of the updates they updated how stuff looks on the panels in every class and so when a monster hatches they will have a age rank.

Ae-Cha thought the spider was cute while I was still afraid to get close to it and she asked if she could name it so I agreed and she decided to name it "Hyeon" which means dark.

I thought it suited the name and it was just like snow with the name being decided by the color of the creature and so I checked it's level after renaming it and I found out that the experience level was extremely low.

I started to think of a way to not be bothered by that but then suddenly I remembered, I wanted to ask Alchlys why he reduced my penalty, I didn't want to sound crazy so I muted my mic.

And then I asked why but there wasn't a an answer for a while, I waited a bit and I thought it would've never worked but suddenly the notification suddenly pops up.

[Ding! The God Of Poison, Alchys sends a message, "I did it so you can find a worthy successor for me and if you do find a worthy successor for me I will grant you an ability fitting for your class."]

I knew I would be getting that reward because I was giving the job to the alchemy king and after a while a person with red hair comes and he's full of energy and more talkative it was like a totally different person from Hyejin.

So I asked if that was really him and he said yeah and after a while Luna got there too and asked if that was really Hyejin too and we confirmed it, we were amazed by the difference in personality.

But after that I finally decided to give the job change book to him and then he used it and then a bright light shines on him and there's a notification from Alchlys.

[Ding! The God Of Poison, Alchys sends a message, "The successor you gave me is worthy and beyond my expectations, so I shall grant you a part of my authority along side the ability I was going to give you."]

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the Authority Of The God Of Poisons.]

[The Authority Of The God Of Poisons passively boosts your stats by 100% temporarily if you are poisoned or near poison, poison is able to heal you more effectively than potions, your poisonic mana will rise by 10 every ten minutes and you gained one of the Poison God's skill called "Poisons Eye".]


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 2,365] [Defense: 2,365]

[Constitution: 2,365] [Agility: 2,364]

[Dexterity: 2,364] [ Dominance: 6,985]

[Luck: 2,364] [Light: 2,365] [Dragonic Mana: 1,673]

[Undead: 35,618] [Poisonic Mana: 0]

--------| Effects |---------

( +595% to All Stats )