Willow's Cry - [ Chapter - 45 ]

I was shocked how good it was and I didn't have yo worry about drinking potions for the poisonic mana stat and I can just shoot out poison to gain the poison buff but poison stays in game for like a minute.

But I wasn't sure if being poisoned was a difference to being near it but I suddenly remembered to check out the new skill I got as well and when I checked it was called "Poisonic Summon".

It was a skill that allowed me to use my poisonic mana stat to summon any monster created in poison while it inflicts high poison it's stats are half of the average of a wild creature and the consumption of stat depends on the strength of the monster you want.

So I tried summoning a version of the level one bunny since that was all I could do with 10 poison stat points and when the others saw this they wanted to go near it but they instantly got poisoned except for Hyejin.

While they were drinking their detoxification potion, I realized when I summoned it I was able to get the poison boost by being near it, so I came up with the idea of creating one of a small creature and placing it near me.

But after a while of searching online there wasn't any creature that was small enough to be carried around easily without being a hindrance in battle, so I had to give up on that plan.

After they were done drinking we decided that we should do a raid and we all agreed on doing that but before that Hyejin and Ae-Cha friended each other and after that we started deciding which boss we should fight.

And after a while of discussing about it we agreed to fight the boss called "Willowing Cries" it was a willow tree in a forest and it's a boss that can use three attributes which are nature, rock, fire and that's rare.

It was also a boss in the 1,500 and while we were discussing this I remembered that Hyeon was still low level and I was trying to think of something but I suddenly got a notification.

[Ding! The Godly Tamer grants you a skill!]

[Ding! The Godly Tamer sends you a message, "This will help you with your problem temporarily so it is not a permanent solution, you have to find it your self."]

After I read the message I immediately went to checj out my new skill and it was called "Level Transfer" it was a skill that allows three tamed creatures to be at the same level as you.

It's penalty is a lot worse, it's real level will stay the same and when I use this skill on a tamed creature it's need for experience will be multiplied by two while the skill is being used on it.

But for now I used it on Hyeon and we went to the Willow's forest and there were loads of ents that were wandering around and I asked Oakley to gather them up so we can use them for later.

And after a while we found some varient ents called "Willow Ent", I guessed that ents can evolve into a varient if in the right environment so I was thinking about doing that to Oakley too.

But we still continued and after a while of killing and collecting ents we finally reached the area we fight the boss and before we started we needed a plan and to prepare.

So we decided the plan to be was we make the ents we gathered to distract the boss while Hyejin supports and the rest of us attacks it was a simple plan and Hyejin used one of his special job skills.

It allowed him to create a mist that gives his allies the potions that he has but it uses it up by a lot so we brought loads of ingredients before this so we didn't need to worry about running out of potions.

And after that we started the fight while following the plan we created and while Hyejin supported us our strength grew by a lot since we didn't have to keep stopping to drink potions.

The battle was faster than we thought and there wasn't anything that was useful from the drops but there was something that caught my eye so I took it, it was called "Willow's Seed", I wasn't sure if I wanted to plant it or not.

It was actually like the seed that sprouted Oakley but I tried letting Oakley eat this seed like the other one and suddenly a bright light shines and after the bright light I saw that Oakley received two new skills.

The first skill was a skill called "Willow's Flame" it was a blue flame that was as good as fire magic from the same level as Oakley so it wasn't too bad.

And the second skill was "Willow Form" it allowed Oakley to turn into a willow and it boosted his fire damage by 50% for 10 minutes.

The skills were pretty useful and when I told Oakley to use it, he really turned into a willow and when he used the flame skill it was really powerful but it wasn't as powerful as Ari's flame magic.


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 2,365] [Defense: 2,365]

[Constitution: 2,365] [Agility: 2,364]

[Dexterity: 2,364] [ Dominance: 6,985]

[Luck: 2,364] [Light: 2,365] [Dragonic Mana: 1,673]

[Undead: 37,388] [Poisonic Mana: 560]

--------| Effects |---------

( +595% to All Stats )