The Death Tamer - [ Chapter - 46 ]

After that we left the forest and we returned back to the city but Ae-Cha and Hyejin had to leave for personal reason that they didn't share so we didn't pry, and after that me and Luna did some grinding since we were bored.

And suddenly it looks like she got a notification and then she suddenly smiles and looks at me and says, "Do you want to go help me clear my trial?", I was really excited to go since I knew helping clear a trial would give me great rewards or achievements so I agreed.

So I asked her where was the location and she told me it's near a grave that has the symbol of sythe on it in the GraveForest, I looked at her if that was really the case and now we had to search through every grave to find that symbol.

And after that we went to the GraveForest and started to look through the graves but there were too many of them but I suddenly remembered I could borrow Gold's skill again and so I did and after I used it I saw a really brigjt light shining on one of the graves.

So we immediately went over there and saw it was a grave with a sythe on it and I asked her what next and she told me to just watch and I did and after that she put her hand on the grave and then the grave started to have a purple flame.

And after that the flame started to go on me and I was a bit worried at first but it actually didn't do damage and after it fully engulfed us we were teleported down into a dungeon so I used God's Eye to check where we were.

It said we were in Death's Chamber and after reading that we started to see loads of ghoul and undesd type of monsters but they weren't attacking us and so I asked Luna if this was her doing.

And she said it is her doing it's a skill called "Undead's Friend" it allows her and all her allies to not be attacked by any ghoul or undead if not being the one to attack first, so we were going to be okay if we didn't attack first.

The place was really cool and while we were exploring it there were a few rare loot that had the undead attributed added on to it, all of it was mostly useful to Luna except for a few accessories that could boost stats so I took a few of those.

And after a while of walking around we finally found a gate so we carefully opened it and I checked to look what was inside and I found a giant undead chimera holding a chained sythe and it's level was at the 2,000s.

So before we started to fight me and Luna started to come up with a plan to fight it and after that we came up with a plan to use my angel's light skill, Snow's light authority and my purification skill while Luna kept summoning undead priests at the back.

And after that we started the fight following our plan and we kept using loads of light skill and I also used divine shield on Luna to keep her safe just in case because her level right now isn't near the boss's level.

I didn't need the divine shield because I had my own shield and I also fed it loads of stat points to upgrade it to become even stronger to protect me and now it had even more defense than me.

So after that we kept fighting and fighting the boss and I decided to summon a few light spirit kings to fight against the boss to make it a bit easier and after a while we finally killed the boss but the boss started to have a purple flame.

And then after that it was alive again but there was a timer, so I went to check what was happening with God's Eye and found out it was a skill similar to my undying skill which allowed him to live for 10 more minutes after his death with his strength inceased by 10.

With it's new strength it easily knocked out my angel, Snow and all the spirit kings I summoned and now me and Luna were just focusing on dodging all of it's attacks were extremely deadly and all attacks against it didn't do any damage.

All of the skills it used before were now even more powerful as well and I was having a hard time dodging all of his attacks and after a while Luna was hit but thanks to my divine shield she was okay but it used up loads of light to just create that one shield.

So I could only create one more so she only had one more free hit before she could die so we kept dodging and weaving and after it was 9 minutes it's speed increased by a lot, it was only because of pure luck I was still dodging the attacks.

And after a while both me and Luna were hit, but thanks to our shields we were still safe but the divine shield and my shield were now broken so we couldn't get hit anymore but luckily the ten minutes were up.

After that black flames started to engulf the undead chimera and it started to scream and after that it was completely gone and I saw I didn't level up by a lot and so I realized the game treated it as a level 2,000s.

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the job "Death Tamer".]

[The "Death Tamer" job is a Legendary rank job | it gives the user 5 more stat points for every level up and it boosts your undeads strength by 50% | Boosts undead stat gain by 3]


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 2,375] [Defense: 2,375]

[Constitution: 2,375] [Agility: 2,374]

[Dexterity: 2,374] [ Dominance: 7,189]

[Luck: 2,374] [Light: 2,375] [Dragonic Mana: 1,683]

[Undead: 39,468] [Poisonic Mana: 10,000 (Max)]

--------| Effects |---------

( +595% to All Stats )