The Swordsman Tamer - [ Chapter - 47 ]

And after we defeated it I started checking my brand new job, I didn't expect that I would get my 4th job here and like this but after that I noticed that Luna was trying to do something.

So I asked what she was doing and just a bit after that the undead chimera started to rise again, I was preparing for a battle but Luna actually made it her's.

I've never heard of someone raising a monster that was already an undead so I asked Luna how she did that and she told me she was now able to take control over all undead without owners.

And she tried to see if the undead chimera had an owner and it didn't and now she had a really powerful undead with her, and after a while we were teleported out of the dungeon.

After getting out, I decided that I should also get more undead and upgrade my undead as well so I said goodbye to Luna and went to the grinding areas for level 2,750s.

And when I got there it was full of Giant variants and I killed a few of them, they weren't as hard as the boss that was lower level than them and I wondered why but I first raised them again.

So after that I used loads of undead points to upgrade all my undead and now I had better versions of all of my undead and my goblins were now called "Demi God Of The Sythe".

And they looked really cool and the giants after upgrading them had cool shadowy rock armor after upgrading them and they were now called "Giant Warriors".

My combat power grew significantly so I was pretty happy about that but when I checked the time I saw that I needed to log off so I did and then after that I ate dinner and went to bed.

Then the next day school was like usual and me, Luna and Hyejin started discussing about DifiLife while I took care of the plants and Luna was able to take care of the cacti.

After that we decided that we would be doing a dungeon raid together and a also we were able to try out Hyejin's new potions that could only be tried out once permanently boost some of our stats.

So I was really excited and after school I immediately went and logged into DigiLife and after logging in, I saw that there was an update and I checked about it.

I saw that there were new rare treasures and artifacts and one of the treasures were limited and there were only ten in each server and it was a consumable item.

But it was extremely useful it was an item that allowed a person to have a second class but they could only get one job slot for the job itself, so I hurriedly logged in to find it.

It was still a bit early for meeting up with Luna and Hyejin so I transformed into a dragon and borrowed Gold's skill to look for the treasure and I found a really shiny trail of light.

So I started to follow it and I transformed back into a human so that no one would follow me because they saw a dragon and while following the light I found an area that wasn't known by the public yet.

And when I saw it there was a cave opening covered with vines, the trail of light went through there so I went in as well and after going through there was immediately an opening to the other side.

After going through the opening I found a giant ruined tower and I went inside to check it and while roaming through the tower I found two mid-level artifacts.

The first one was a wand artifact so I thought it would be a good one for Ari and the other artifact was a bracelet for necromancers so I thought I could give it to Luna.

After that I continued to explore the tower and after I got to the top there was a book there and it was ranked as a top-level treasure so I knew it would be something good.

And when I used God's Eye I saw it was a the exact treasure I was looking for, I was really happy I found Gold because his skill was extremely useful and powerful if used correctly.

So then I used the book then I was teleported to the place where I first chose my class and I had a hard time deciding which class I should pick, I ruled out any magic, necromancers and spirit classes.

And I didn't need any long range classes so I chose a swordsman because I use a sword as my main weapon anyway and after choosing it I was teleported back to the tower.

I decided that look through the tower again and I found a job change skill book for magicians called "Enchanter", it was a job that allowed the player to boost anything in game.

So I thought it would be a good second job for Ari after that I went out and went back to the city and I went into the auction to buy some advance sword skills because they were pretty common.


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 2,375] [Defense: 2,375]

[Constitution: 2,375] [Agility: 2,374]

[Dexterity: 2,374] [ Dominance: 7,189]

[Luck: 2,374] [Light: 2,375] [Dragonic Mana: 1,683]

[Undead: 12,872] [Poisonic Mana: 10,000 (Max)]

--------| Effects |---------

( +595% to All Stats )