Skeletal Lord - [ Chapter - 48 ]

After buying the sword skills, I quickly went to the location where me, Luna and Hyejin agreed to meet at and when I got there, Luna was waiting by herself, she told me that Hyejin wasn't there yet.

So while waiting for him I showed Luna that I was able to use sword skills and she was amazed and asked me if I really got the new top-level treasure that was just added and I confirmed it.

She was really at a loss for words because it was just added and I already got it, it was really thanks to Gold'd skill to find treasures or rare stuff, it's really useful and while we were talking Hyejin showed up a few minutes later.

Then I showed him that I got the top-level treasure but Hyejin actually also found the treasure, me and Luna were even more surprised because we knew he didn't have anything like Gold's skill so he must of found it by pure luck.

And then he told us when he logged in, he found an old man that was coughing and he gave him a health potion then so one and it lead towards a chain mission until he was able to get his second class.

Luna felt left out because she was the only one in the group that didn't have a second class and then we realized he never told us what class he chose so we asked him.

He told us he chose the summoner class, it was a class similar to the tamer class but it could summon monsters of any level if given a good sacrifice but when summon you need to boost it's favorability of you.

So unlike tamer, you aren't able to fully control the summon unless you have a high favorability of it and he told us that he summoned a poisoned armour bee with it and then he showed it to us.

It was really cool and he daid he was going to use it for his alchemy and he would supply it with poison and flowers in exchange for it's favorability, it looked like he was going to use it more for alchemy than battling.

But then we started deciding on what dungeon should we raid and Hyejin gave us the potions that give us permanent stat points so we tried it and all of our stats were boosted a bit.

It was really powerful but like he said only one type of potion could be used once and if we try to drink it again, it will just be a temporary boost but it was still powerful and now we were a bit more powerful.

And after a while of discussing we decided that the dungeon we were going to raid was the "Skeletal Chambers", because Luna wanted some loot there and she could take control of some of the powerful skeletons.

Hyejin agreed since there were a few potions that needed some materials that come from there but I didn't have anything there I wanted but I was just coming so I could grind some levels since it was a level 2,750 dungeon.

So then we bought some teleportation scrolls and teleported to a village that was near the dungeon then we just walked a bit then we arrived at the dungeon, we were really thankful there were teleportation scrolls.

And after going into the dungeon there were loads of reinforced skeletons and they had loads for rare materials and equipment we could sell from them so I let Diliviul and the rest go ham on the skeletons.

While that was happening Luna was trying to take control over the variants, elites and mutated skeletons to grow her army she was getting pretty powerful even for me.

And after a bit there was actually a mini boss in the dungeon and it was called "Giant Skeletal Golem", I wasn't sure if it was an undead or a golem but then suddenly Hyejin tried out some of his new potions.

The potions allowed him to gain some unique abilities for a short period but all the abilities were very powerful and the golem was killed pretty quickly then after that Luna tried raising the golem back.

And she actually succeeded, her ability was broken since she could raise any powerful undead she wanted even if they were already undead so she was definitely ranked first in the necromancer leaderboards.

So while we were walking I checked the leaderboards for yhe necromancer class and she was second and not first, I was wondering who the the person in the first rank since Luna's job is a special one like mine.

But that ended because we found the boss room and when I used God's Eye, I saw that the boss was called "Skeletal Lord" so I knew it was pretty powerful, I told this to Luna and Hyejin and we started coming up with a plan.

And Luna had a great one, she got control over some defense typed skeletons there arms were like giant shields and she had over ten of them so we used them at the front and as a distraction while the rest are attacking.

Then after that we went inside the boss room and did the plan the skeletal lord took aggro to the skeleton that had an aggro skill in the middle of the defense type skeletons so it would take a while for the aggro to be off.

And so we took this chance to attack the boss and the boss was actually pretty easy to defeat because it wasn't attacking us we didn't have to worry about dodging or defending so we were able to defeat it easily.


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 2,465] [Defense: 2,465]

[Constitution: 2,465] [Agility: 2,464]

[Dexterity: 2,464] [ Dominance: 7,873]

[Luck: 2,464] [Light: 2,465] [Dragonic Mana: 1,732]

[Undead: 24,868] [Poisonic Mana: 10,000 (Max)]

--------| Effects |---------

( +595% to All Stats )