Savior's Light - [ Chapter - 51 ]

When I saw the notification I immediately checked what was the skill I received from the Goddess while dodging the attacks from the boss and the skill was called, "Savior's Light" and it was a pretty OP skill.

It boosts the user's and allies' stats by 500% while combat mode is on and it deactivates after the battles is over but the penalties are pretty big as well 75% of the users stats will be taken away after the battle and all boost effects will be nullified for 24 hours in game.

But the worst part was the the user's experience gain would be cut by 25% so it would really lower the gain from the boss but at least I would still gain something so I activated the skill and a pure white cloud appeared.

Hyejin and Luna were surprised by this since they didn't know what was going on so I shouted to them, "I recieved a new skill and you'll definitely like the effects", I said as I smiled at them.

Then they started checking the effects and when they saw it they went ham with their skills and their minions were even stronger as well, the crocodile minions were now being over run by the overpowered skeletons and ents.

So me and Diluvial started going towards the boss and I took out my sword and kept slashing and attacking as Diluvial was behind me providing support and Oakley and the rest were providing support to me, Hyejin and Luna.

The boss's health was being removed at a fast pace and then when it reached 50% of it's health it started talking and it said, "Puny Mortals! I am a God! How am I being pushed back by the likes of you?".

Then suddenly the boss's stats were boosted as well but it wasn't as much as my boost but it was still annoying that he got even stronger when he is already broken even for me.

After that a giant staff appeared in his hand and then he raised it and stronger crocodile minions were summoned by him and then he started swinging the staff like a weapon and I was hit by one of the swings.

I immediately took a lot of damage even after all the boosts I have and I shouted to everyone, "Make sure to dodge the swings! They do a lot of damage!" and I was now having a hard time dodging because he got even faster.

I was able to dodge effectively but there were a bunch of close calls to when I was about to get hit by the staff but I continued attacking the boss dodging most of his attacks and I had to heal myself a few times.

Then after all the dodging and hitting, I was able to also hit his vital spots to get some critical hits because each swing he took with his staff had a huge opening for me to get a critical hit against him.

So after all of that the boss's health dropped extremely low again and it was now at 20% but me, Hyejin and Luna were also pretty low now as well and I have almost run out of mana to heal myself and they also had a few potions left as well.

But even so we continued attacking the boss over and over again trying to dodge every attack I could so that I wouldn't have to use my spare mana to heal myself because I thought I should save it since this boss might have a strong boss skill.

And I was right, when he reached 5% he castes an AOE skill and now everyone except the boss had a 25% stat decrease it didn't effect us that much but it still lowered my boost by a lot but it also effected his minions as well.

So it also made killing his minions a lot easier as well and I still kept attacking him even though the damage was lowered I nearly had him dead but I didn't realize he had another skill and he activated it at 1% health.

It increased his defense by 750% but lowered his speed and dexterity by 75% he was a lot slower compared from before and his attacks were now manageable but now my attacks were doing little to not damage to him.

I was really frustrated by this but I continoued to slash his vital points and kept getting critical hits to maximize the damage I was giving him and I wasn't wasting any of my stamina but then I received a notification.

[Ding! The Godly Tamer sends you a skill!]

[Ding! The Godly Tamer sends you a message, "My true successor, I will not let you die without a good fight, go kill that self proclaimed God!"]

I didn't even read the skill and I just activated it without any hesitation and so a light started glowing on my body and to Diluvial and the rest as well and then a huge burst of light appeared from me.

When I opened my eyes my body fully changed and my hair color as well but when I checked my stats and skills I saw that I had everyone's skills and stats combined into me and so I smiled getting ready to attack the boss.

I used loads of attack skills at the same time as I was about to slash the boss and I used a lot more enhancement skills as well, I also used multiple magic skills to provide support behind me.

Then I also used all the authorities I had into that one big slash when it hit the boss it was easily aboe to kill it even though it's defense was completely broken and then I recieved the experience and gold from the boss.

So then I got up and I went back to normal and all of my stats were now decreased by and my boosts from my blessings were gone again but we were finally able to defeat the boss and Hyejin and Luna jumped for excitement as well.

Then after that we went to check the loot from what the boss dropped and all that was left was a green egg and Hyejin and Luna said together, "That's definitely a tamer's item, you take it Seong-min!." and I smiled when they said that.


Author: 『Hey Guys! The Godly Tamer is back! And I have a new style of writing so I hope you like it, I learned it from my author friends and I definitely think it will be better than before so please continue to read this series and I hope you enjoyed!』

Editor: 『...』