Collecting Materials - [ Chapter - 52 ]

So then I walked up to the egg and put it into my inventory and after putting it into my inventory, I said to Luna and Hyejin, "Thanks, sorry you didn't get much out of this trip." but they actually didn't mind at all.

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the achievement "God Tamer".]

[The "God Tamer" achievement gives your tamed creatures a 50% stat boost during a battle with any godly creature.]

When I saw the achievement, I really didn't expect that to happen but it was actually pretty good and I definitely thought of a few ways I could use it since there were some Gods that are animals.

And so I thought maybe I could tame a few of them but then suddenly we were teleported into another room and it was full of elite crocodile minions but none of them were attacking us so this was confusing.

Then we realized it was because I had Sobek's egg and they actually listened to my command but sadly we couldn't bring them with us so we just killed them for the experience and gold.

After that we then were teleported again and we were now back outside the ruins, so then I checked out the time and I saw it was getting pretty late, it took quite a while to defeat Sobek so it was almost dinner.

So I logged out and said goodbye to Luna and Hyejin then I went to eat dinner and when I came down from my room, I saw that my dad was there and he prepared a lot of food for the both of us.

Then I quickly ran down and took out a plate because the food looked delicious and it smelled delicious as well but I was confused at why there were so many food so then I asked my dad, "What's the occasion?".

When I asked this my dad's face looked a bit sad and then he took a deep breath before he answered and said, "I just want to make it up to you, your making money and I just have to cling on to you for it?".

He looked very sad as he said that and he took another breath but this time it was even more shaky than before and he said, "How woule I be a father if I just used you to make money?" he said as tears started to form in his face.

I went up to hug him and I said to him, "Dad, I'm just playing for fun and you've always taken care of me, I'm just returning the favor, you were a great that and I think mom would say so too.", I said as I continued to hug him.

Then my dad felt a bit better so we stopped hugging and we started eating together and I spent the night trying to distract him so that he wouldn't feel as sad anymore and I had a lot of fun with my dad.

So then after eating my dad ate a lot and he was really full and like he does a lot, he fell asleep quite quickly so I decided to put a blanket over him since it was getting cold and I definitely couldn't carry him to bed.

After that I went to bed as well and I think I did a pretty good job helping my dad feel more better about himself and then the next day I was really excited to meet Hyejin and Luna because I had a plan in game.

So I quickly prepared everything and ate breakfast and quickly left but before I left I said goodbye to my dad and I went to school and after getting to school, it was pretty normal and nothing unusual happened.

Then I went to the plant room and Luna and Hyejin already there and they looked like they were talking about something so then I asked, "What were you guys doing without me?" and they looked suprised when they heard me.

But they just kept denying about it so I was respectful about their conversation and I asked them, "So what are we going to do in DigiLife?" but then Lina answered and said, "Me and Hyejin are going to play by ourselves first sorry Seong-Min".

I was really getting annoyed about being left out but I respected it again and I just continued to take care of the plants and school continoued like normal and so then I quickly went home to log in.

After getting home I saw that my dad wasn't there so I assumed he went to work and so I went to my room to log in and start playing the game as well and when I logged in, I started mt plan.

I wanted to hatch the egg that I got from Sobek from before and my appraisal skill allowed me to see how to hatch it and it said I needed a rainbow scale, grinded powder of a strong crocodile race and tooth from a strong creature.

After finding out the ingredients, I went and searched the DigiLife's website on what was the strongest crocodile race in the game right now and I saw that it was the Charcoal Burners from the lava forest.

And so I immediately headed over to the lava forest and went to look for a camp of Charcoal Burners and so then I started looking around for any signs of the camp and after finding one I immediately searched how to get grinded powder.

Then I found out it meant the scales of the monster had to be grinded and I could get the material and so then I immediately ran towards the camp as I summoned Diluvial and we ran towards the camp together.

After getting into the camp I used my water authority and started killing all of the charcoal burners I could and then I let Diluvial kill the rest and I took their scales and started to try and grind the scales.

Then after getting that one, I decided to just buy the tooth from the store since I was able to see that there was a tooth from the legendary variant monster and that was really rare and so I bought it.

Although it costed a lot it was definitely worth it and then I just needed to find a rainbow scale and so I started searching about it in DigiLife's website again and then I was able to find it.