Clouds In The Sky - [ Chapter - 53 ]

Then after searching I found out that the rainbow scales come from fishes in the clouds which were really rare since you would need to find a cloud island which not that many people have seen in the game yet.

So then I transformed into my dragon form and started flying to look for a cloud island and after a while of looking I couldn't find anything so then I borrowed Gold's treasure hunt skill to try and help me find it.

After activating the skill, I started searching for the clouds that had any glowing effects in it and finally after a while of searching I was able to find a cloud island and so then I landed on to it.

Then I started searching to see if there was any rainbow fishes on the island and after a while of looking, I didn't find anything but then suddenly I heard a flop of a fish behind me then I saw that there was one rainbow fish..

So then I started chasing it and it wss really fast since it kept going in and out of the cloud but after a while of chasing it I was ablr to catch it and kill it then after that I removed the scales of the fish.

I was now really happy since I could now hatch the egg that I got from sobek but then I realized I forgot to turn off the treasure hunting skill, so I was about to turn it off but then I saw that there was another cloud glowing really brightly.

So now I wanted to check it out since there could be good stuff on the cloud so then I transformed into a dragon again and flew up onto the cloud but then I saw it had a house made of cloud on it.

I went inside of the house then I found a chest made out of clouds and so then I opened it and after opening it I found a piece of paper and a small bottle filled with clouds it said, "To the one who is reading this, please become a Cloud Chaser.".

[Cloud Chaser (1)]

[The Previous Cloud Chaser has left a bit of his authority in the bottle next to the piece of paper, go to the cloud temple after absorbing the cloud piece you will be able to find the cloud temple yourself.]

[Reward: Next Mission, 10k experience points and 10,000g]

[Penalty: -10k experience points, - 10,000g, Mission Is Deleted]

The notification surprised me and I didn't expect that I would receive a mission like this but then I went up to the bottle and opened it and then the cloud shot right into my chest and I absorbed it.

Then I started seeing a line of clouds pointing to somewhere so then I immediately assumed it was the cloud temple since the mission description said that it would guide me to it after absorbing the cloud.

So then I headed off to the direction to the clouds as I jumped of the cloud island and transformed into my dragon form and then I started following the clouds now until I saw a huge cloud with buildings on it.

After seeing it I landed on it and saw that the clouds were still pointing inside the place so then I continued to follow it until I reached a huge empty room then suddenly I received the reward of the mission.

[Cloud Chaser (2)]

[Clear The Test.]

[Reward: Inate Cloud King Ability, 10k experience points and 10,000g]

[Penalty: Death]

When I saw the short description I definitely realized why I was led into the huge empty room and then suddenly a bunch of clouds started circling each other then it burst massive amounts of wind.

Then it was a huge cloud monster and it even had a cloud spear but then before I could do anything it threw the spear at it me but luckily I was able to dodge it and then I summoned Diluvial and the rest.

So then I started fighting the boss while the rest of them were providing support for me but Thunder, Snowy and Diluvial qere right beside me attacking at the front, the bosssm had a lot of health and it was quick as well.

It also had an ability to call back it's cloud spear at a high speed so he could just keep throwing the spear and it would just keep coming back into his and so this was going to be a really hard fight to beat.

But I just kept dodging and it was really hard to fight the boss with my lowered by a lot but thanks to the rest, I was still able to keep up a good fight and I was getting a few hits on him as well.

Some of my blessing energy was able to recover so the penalties effect was finally removed but I wasn't as strong as I was before so I had to be careful to not get hit by any of his attacks.

Good thing that Oakley kept summoning his minions to try and distract the boss because it kept making the boss to busy to fully direct all of it's attacks on me, so I had Thunder protect Oakley.

Since he was helping me a lot to survive in this boss fight and I just kept attacking the boss with multiple ranged attack moves like using my authorities borrowed from Snowy and I also used magc as well.