New Lord Of The Crocodiles - [ Chapter - 54 ]

So then Seong-Min charged forward while using his authorities and magic since that seemed to be the most effective and alongside Diluvial and the rest and kept attacking the boss with any magic attack they could.

But after a while of attacking the boss it started to split into smaller versions of itself and now it was harder for Seong-Min and his tamed creatures to fight off since now there were so many enemies to fight.

The clouds also had spears and they just kept throwing it and calling it back to them so it was even harder to get close to any of them since they were watching each other's backs which made it hard to surprise one of them with an attack.

Seong-Min slowly targeted each cloud one by one but as soon as he killed one, the cloud started to go back into the main body and the main body started to regrow in its size and after he killled all of them the boss was now back to normal.

And because Seong-Min took so long to deal with the clouds his health was depleted but thanks to Oakley, it was able to heal him up and then Seong-Min charged at the boss again with Diluvial and the rest.

Oakley kept summoning Ents to help Seong-Min and the others and Seong-Min added some poison inside of the boss which was dealing enormous damage inside of it and it was starting to become smaller because of that.

Then after a while of fighting the boss's health finally fell below 10% and now it was almost dead and so Seong-Min continued to attack the boss alongside with Diluvial and the rest but then it started to turn dark.

The boss's color started to turn grey like a thunder cloud and it's eyes became dark blue and then it pointed at Seong-Min and then lightning same out of it's finger then it nearly hit Seong-Min but luckily he dodged it.

Seong-Min didn't realize that the boss would change into a more powerful phase but he continued to attack it anyway and he even tried controlling the lightning with his authority but like the clouds, it seemed like the boss had a stronger control over it.

But Seong-Min was able to change the direction of where the lightning bolt was going to land so he was able to use that to dodge attacks that he couldn't and als the boss's spear was now holding electricity.

Whenever it hit something it would create an electric explosion that caused some damage to it's surrondings and now it was even harder to dodge since you need to be incredibly far away from where the spear was going to hit to fully dodge the attack.

Even after it changed it's form, Seong-Min kept attacking the boss while using Oakley's Ents as a distraction and then he jumped up near the boss's head and then summoned his undead goblins and serpent to help fight the boss.

They started to do loads of damage on the boss and then it reached below 5% but then it's body now started radiating electricity and then the undead that Seong-Min summoned were now knocked out.

Seong-Min jumped back as to not get hit by the electricity but his undead summons were now gone from how strong the electricity was so Seong-Min could only now attack the boss with ranged attacks.

So then Seong-Min just kept launching magic attacks until he decided he would just transform into a dragon to get stronger attacks even though that would increase the consumption of his dragonic mana.

Then now Seong-Min's authorities were now stronger than before and Snowy fought alongside Seong-Min in the sky as she also used her authorities and they were dealing massive damage to the boss.

And after a while of fighting they finally defeated the boss and Seong-Min got his rewards and now he could actually create clouds just like the poison so that was a really big win as well.

Then after that Seong-Min looked around the cloud temple to see if there was any treasures inside or any loot inside and after a while of looking there was nothing that was useful inside the temple.

So Seing-Min just went back and went back to the boss room and finally hatched the egg that he got from Sobek and then he fed the egg all the materials it asked for and then the egg started to glow a white color.

Then cracks started to appear in the egg and then out came a little crocodile and Seong-Min decided to just let it have the name Sobek as well since he already killed it and he thought it would be respectful.

After that Seong-Min decided to help Sobek level up so he then brought it with him to a good hunting area for it and then tried out his new cloud ability as well and created clouds to go capture some monsters for him.

Then after that the clouds came back with monsters restrained and he let Sobek kill all of them to get their levels up and after that Seong-Min thought to visit Hinge since he needed to get some armour for Sobek now.

So then he headed to Hinge's new workshop and he found Hinge's building to be full of people buying and looking for him and after a while of going through the crowd he was finally able to see Hinge.

Seong-Min raised his hand and shouted, "Hinge!" and that made Hinge look up and saw that it was Seong-Min so then he said, "Come over to the front!" then he came up to the front with Hinge and then they went to the back room since it wasn't crowded there.


Author: 『Hey Guys, I'm sorry if you don't like the new style of writing but I like it this ways and it's more relaxing for me to write it like this and most likely I'll now always write it like this but I still hope you enjoyed today's chapter!』

Editor: 『...』