Birthday Surprise - [ Chapter - 55 ]

So then after going to the back Hinge then asked, "So what do you need?", then Seong-Min said, "Well, I need you to create and upgrade some of the armour you made for me.", Hinge nodded and said, "Okay.".

Then Hinge asked, "So just place the equipment you want me to upgrade right over there." he said as he pointed on the table beside him and continued and said, "Also tell me what you want me to make.".

So then Seong-Min said, "I want you to make some armour for this little crocodile." he said as he summoned Sobek and started placing the armour he wanted upgraded onto the table as well.

After that Seong-Min then summoned the shield as well and then he asked, "So what can you do to upgrade this one?", then after he asked that Hinge activated his new appraisal and a blue cog appeared in his right eye.

Then he said, "Give me your hand this upgrade will be quick." then Seong-Min reached out his hand to him confusedly but then Hinge brought out a dagger and cut his hand then slapped it onto the shield.

Seong-Min then shouted saying, "What did you d-" then Hinge interrupted him and said, "Wait." and then he added some blue dust that Seong-Min hadn't seen before and then the shield started to turn into a red and black color.

And now when Seong-Min appraised it, it was called "Poison Dragonic Holy Shield" and then Hinge said, "Now you can imbue your dragonic mana and poisonic mana into the shield and it will be boosted by that power as well.".

Seong-Min was surprised and then asked, "What did you do?", so then Hinge said, "It's because I imbied your blood into the shield and I added some mana dust into it so that I could imbue the chosen attributes into it.".

After hearing that explanation he was only able to understand half of it but he just nodded like he understood what Hinge said but then Hinge chukcled and asked, "You didn't understand it did you?".

Then Seong-Min just nodded again and then Hinge started laughing even more and then said, "Come back tomorrow and everything you asked for will be ready, your one of my prized customers, message me next time before you visit.".

Seong-Min smiled and said, "Thanks and also here is the payment." he said as he brought out some gold coins for the payment and then he left the workshop and then he decided that he would try and level up Sobek again.

After that he headed towards a well known hunting ground and then he brought out Sobek and then started hunting with him, the hunting ground was full of high level goblins, orcs and ogres so it was a bit hard for Sobek to fight.

So then Seong-Min activated his poisonic mana and then started to slowly poison any monsters that went near them and then removed the poison until they were one hit and then let Sobek get the last hit.

Then they did this for a while and after a while Sobek was finally able to get to a close level to Seong-Min and the rest so then after leveling up Seong-Min checked the time and saw it was nearly dinnger so he logged off.

After logging off he then checked his phone and saw that Luna and Hyejin messaged him to meet at the park near their school and so Seong-Min ran out of the house and headed towards the park.

So then after getting to the park Seong-Min looked around for Luna and Hyejin but they weren't there so he was a bit confused and thought it was a prank or something but then Luna and Hyejin came out of the bushes.

Then Seong-Min saw them holding a newer version of the vr headset he uses and then Luna said, "Happy early birthday, we wanted to surprise you before your birthday or you would've suspected it so sorry for not inviting you with us too much.".

Seong-Min was honestly surprised and this made him really happy since he always celebrated his birthday alone since his dad had to work by himself to get money for rent and their utilities.

So it felt like him playing this game was a mircale, he lessened the work for his dad and now he has friends that he can share his hobbies with and so Seong-Min actually started tearing up.

He hadn't felt this happy since he was with his mom and he started crying a bit but then stopped and Luna and Hyejin hugged him tightly and so he stopped crying fully and was only able to say, "Thank you...".

So then Seong-Min, Luna and Hyejin headed over to Seong-Min's house and went ot celebrate his birthday there and when he got there, his dad was there with a cake for him and then he said, "Surprise!".

Then Seong-Min couldn't help but cry again and his dad went to hug him as well and after that they celebrated his birthday and they talked and played a lot and Seong-Min opened his new vr headset.

It was a lot better than his old one and there even more features than the old one and so he was really happy about that as well then they continued to celebrate then after that everyone went home and his dad had to go back to work.

But after celebrating Seong-Min decided that he would visit his mom's grave and so he headed to the cemetery and when he got there he sat down next to his mom's grave and then he sighed.

Then he started talking, "Mom, DigiLife is the best thing that happened after your death, I feel so happy like the times I was with you and I made a lot of friends now and I even help dad pay rent, I hope your happy." he said as a single tear fell from his eye.