Second Floor Update - [ Chapter - 56 ]

Then after that Seong-Min headed home and he wiped away the tear and went home with a smile and after he got back he went to his room and went to bed but he couldn't sleep.

So Seong-Min spent his time staring at the ceiling waiting for him to fall asleep and as he waited his eyes kept getting heavier and he got more tired and after a while he fell asleep.

The next day Seong-Min was now preparing to go to school and after he was done getting ready, he went downstairs from his room and when he was going out he saw his dad sitting in the dining area drinking his coffee.

So Seong-Min said goodbye to his dad and left to go to school and he started walking to school and after a while of walking he reached the gates of the school and when he entered Hyejin was behind him.

And he said, "Seong-Min, were you happy about your birthday gift?", Seong-Min chuckled and said, "Yeah." as he smiled then while they were entering the school, Luna was waiting for them then they all walked to class together.

All of them became friends after playing DigiLife, Seong-Min was really thankful to the game because it was what made him really happy again because if it wasn't there he could only imagine how dim his life would be.

But anyway they continued going to class and everything went like usual and after a while of going to class it was now break time so Seong-Min, Luna and Hyejin went back inside to the plantation room.

And then Luna and Hyejin was discussing about what they would do next and then they got Seong-Min into the discussion as well and they decided that they would try and explore the new update when it's out.

There was a new update in DigiLife, there was a whole new world to explore and they actually decided that DigiLife would be like the tower and so the place that Seong-Min, Luna and Hyejin have been on was just the first.

The difficulty was said to increase but there would be more monsters, bosses, classes, hidden jobs and items and there was also a new item called "Class Rebirth Stone" which would allow a person to rechoose their class if they wanted to.

There were also bonuses for changing your class, you get to keep all your levels, skills and everything you got from the previous class you were in but it didn't interest Seong-Min, Luna or Hyejin one bit.

Since their classes suited them perfectly and what was perfect was that the new update was going to be released an hour before they get home from school so after school they can immediately play the new update.

But the thing that interested them the most was that once you pass through a floor the class that you currently have would be upgraded and you would be given a random ability for your class.

So that was really their goal and to go up a floor they would have to fight the floor boss and they could do a raid for the fight with the floor boss so all of them decided that they would all do it together.

Then after all that talking it was the end of the break so they all headed for their next class and then the day went like usual nothing out of the ordinary happened and after that they all went home.

Seong-Min excitedly ran back to his house to try out his new VR headset that Luna and Hyejin got for him and so he put away everything from school and cleaned up and then quickly ran to his room with excitement.

After going into his room he immediately put the DigiLife files into the new headset and then started it up and then he logged in with the new headset and then he could actually hear everything more perfectly now.

It was said that the model that Seong-Min was using was really high tech and it would also improve gameplay since it responds faster to the brain of the player and it can easily do multiple tasks.

So then Seong-Min tried running around and used some of his skills as well and he was able to do many things he couldn't do before like parkour because his game body wasn't able to react fast enough to do it.

But now with the new headset his game body was able to keep up with his time and then he got a message from Luna for them to meet up and so he then ran to the place they decided to meet up at.

After getting there Luna was just waiting for them but now they had to wait for Hyejin so they just started talking to each other while waiting for Hyejin and after a while of waiting he finally arrived.

Then Seong-Min asked, "So we gonna fight boss now?" then Luna and Hyejin smiled and shouted, "Yeah!" then they headed towards the direction of the gate for the second floor and after they got there, so many people were there as well.

They had to wait since there were so many people who wanted to challenge the boss so they had to wait near the gate for a while and only after a while they were finally able to get inside of the gate.

After they went through the gate they were immediately teleported to another space and it was just completely white and then suddenly from the middle of the area some land started to appear.

Then the walls started turning into stone and then after a while it was now like a cave then suddenly from the ground the boss started forming and it was a huge golem and it had a giant red gem in the middle of it.

So then Seong-Min appraised it to see what level it was and when he checked it, it was at level 6,000, Seong-Min was in shock how high it's level was and then he said to Luna and Hyejin, "I-It's level 6,000" and now they were shocked as well.