Floor Boss Fight - [ Chapter - 57 ]

Even though it was really high level Seong-Min, Luna and Hyejin decided to fight it and then Hyejin started using his skills to give Seong-Min, Luna and their summons effects with his potions.

Then Seong-Min started charging towards the boss as Luna summoned multiple undead and then she tried summoning a Dullahan this time and this would require her to sacrifice a lot of her summons.

So even if she sacrifices a lot there is still a chance that the summoning would fail but she did it anyway and it would be a big win for her in a long shot if it works since the Dullahan could always recover when it gets killed.

After all that thinking she sacrificed a hand full over her strongest summons and then a black magic circle appeared on the floor and then Luna hoped it worked and then what slowly came out was three Dullahans.

Luna was extremely surprised but Seong-Min was having a bit of a hard time fighting off the boss with his tamed creatures but luckily Oakley was creating so many Ents to take the aggro off them for a while.

So then Luna pointed at the boss and shouted, "Attack!" and then they all charged in and so Seong-Min was surprised and immediately asked "How many did you sacrifice to get three?", then she smiled and said, "Only a few.".

And so when she said this he was very surprised so he checked to see of they were at least strong and they were above average Dullahans, the new update added a new ranking system for monsters.

There are levels and now ranks for them as well which has like Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, ect. and so when Seong-Min appraised them they were already ranked Epic and they were pretty high level as well.

So he was incredibly in shock and when the Dullahans were attacking the boss the boss's arm immediately swung at them and then they were hit pretty hard and knocked back pretty far as well.

But thanks to their armour the damage they took was lessened by a lot and they were able to deal so much damage to the boss before they got knocked away and when Hyejin saw this he smiled.

After seeing that the Dullahans were able to do so much damage he wanted to show off a bit as well and so he activated his new skill that he got called "Potion Thread" that would give the effects of the potion to whoever was connected to it.

So then Hyejin connected Seong-Min, Luna and the Dullahans to the potion thread and then started giving them potions like crazy but the back fire was that all potions that he drinks now have no effects.

It would just be given to the people who are connected to the thread and this lasts for an hour and so if he takes so much and he needs to heal, he needs to call someone to heal him up and none of his potions can save him.

But thanks to his sacrifice Seong-Min, Luna and the Dullahans were now crazily stronger than they were before and Seong-Min was now almost as strong he was with his Blessing Energy.

So then they continued charging at the boss and they just kept attacking and attacking and after a while they just kept chipping away at the health of the boss and after a while it's health dropped below 30%.

But then the red gem in the middle of it started glowing and then they were confused since they didn't know what it does yet so all of them went back because it could be dangerous since it was level 6,000.

And then a lazar came out of the gem and then it killed so many of the Ents and summons and even killed Thunder instantly and so Seong-Min charged and jumped onto the boss so that he coule dodge.

Then he told everyone to get to a blind spot where the gem couldn't point at and so Luna told all of her summons to do that as well but only her high level summons could listen to complicated command.

So he her low ranking summons died from the beams of the boss, it was a waste since most of them were now knocked out but as for the high level ones they were still okay so they continued attacking not giving the boss time to launch the attack again.

After loads of more attacks the boss dropped below 10% the red gem started glowing again, so all of them started hiding in it's blind spots but then iron from the cave started gathering around the boss.

The skin of the boss was becoming iron and Seong-Min saw this and shouted, "Stop it!" then all of them started attacking the parts that still wasn't covered but the parts that wasn't was quickly becoming iron.

It was 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 1% but it was too late it was full of iron covering it's body and so now there was a blue health bar which symboled it's armour and it was the exact same number as it's health.

Seong-Min shouted in frustration and decided to fall back for now into any cover they could and tried to make another plan since it didn't look like the boss could regenerat it's already lost health.

So then while they were in cover Seong-Min tried to see if there was anything that could defeat the boss and he even tried praying to any of the Gods or Goddesses that were listening and then a notification appeared.

[Ding! The One Who Breaks Through It All has heard your prayers and it wishes for you to make it a deal.]

So then Seong-Min was incredibly happy about someone actually could hear his prayers but then he questioned what the deal was since it could be harder than what it was right now so he asked, "What's the deal?".

[Ding! The One Who Breaks Through It All says, "I wish for you to find me a worthy avatar that's a spearman and if he is worthy I'll give you a portion of that power I'm going to give to the avatar."]

Seong-Min saw that as pretty simple since that was how he got Hyejin the his job so then Seong-Min said, "I accept give me the power now please." so then another notification appeared.

[Ding! The One Who Breaks Through It All has gifted you a skill! If you break the deal you made with a God great permanent penalties will be given onto your account!]

When seeing the warning in the notification he was a bit worried that if he fails to give him a good avatar he woukd be given a very harsh penalty but he decided to bother about it later and checked the new skill, "Pierce Mode.".