Meet Up - [ Chapter - 64 ]

After saying that they were suddenly being transported to somewhere else and then a beam of light hit both of them and then suddenly they were now in another room that looked similar to the tests that they took.

Red thought they were in another test so he got mad and shouted, "Hey! We finished your tests already! Let us go!" but then when they looked around the room there was a huge statue behind them of a person.

The person was holding the most beautiful spear that Red had ever seen and when he read the description of the statue it said, "The Piercing God" and then suddenly a light above the statue appeared.

Then an unknown voice started talking and said, "My avatar you have passed all of the tests I have given you, you are worthy of receiving my power!" and then an yellow beam of light struck Red.

After that the voice continued and said, "And for you who helped me find such a worthy avatar shall be rewarded." and then another yellow beam of light appeared and it struck Seong-Min.

So then after the light disappeared and they checked their stats and profiles and saw that a bunch of stat points were added to their stats and they also received new skills and Red received another ability.

Seong-Min only received a few skills but they were really powerful since they were from another God that could send a message through the system so he was very happy that he at least got something from it.

While Red was looking at all the things he got Seong-Min noticed it was getting late so he then said to Red, "I have to go, it's getting late, bye." then Red checked the time as well.

And when he saw the time, "I have to go as well so see you tomorrow!" and then both of them logged out of the game and Seong-Min started preparing everything for tomorrow and then he went to bed.

The next day Seong-Min got ready for school and quickly headed of to school and he said goodbye to his dad who was drinking some coffee in their dining room table and then he left.

He was just walking to school and while he was walking he noticed someone that looked familiar so he went closer to see who it is because the person was wearing the same school uniform as him.

And when he got closer it the person looked like Red from DigiLife but the person was a girl and so he wasn't sure if it was actually Red so he went up to her and then asked, "Red?" the person then turned around after hearing him say that.

Then she looked at Seong-Min and then she asked, "Jaeyon?", and then Seong-Min's eyes widened and then said, "It is you!" and then Seong-Min went closer and then said, "I didn't know you went to the same school as me.".

She was a bit surprised at seeing Seong-Min outside of the game because he actually looked the same since he didn't change what he looked like when he entered the game but then she says, "I just transferred.".

After saying that Seong-Min asked, "Do you want me to give you a tour of the school later?", she was still a bit shy but she said, "Sure" and so they walked to their school together until she went up to Seong-Min.

And then she said, "My real name is Kwan, what's yours?" Seong-Min chuckled then he said, "Mine is Seong-Min, you have a nice name, Kwan." he said as he smiled at her and they continued walking to school.

When they entered the schoo Hyejin was at the gate waiting for Seong-Min and then when he saw Seong-Min with Kwan he went closer to Seong-Min then whispered ad he asked him, "Is this your girlfriend?".

Seong-Min chuckled and said, "No, this is Kwan, I met her in DigiLife." and after he said this Seong-Min remembered that Kwan wanted to meet the person who made the great regeneration potions.

So he then said, "And Kwan, This is Hyejin he is the one I told you about who made the great regeneration potions that you thought was good." and Kwan's eyes started to shine a bit as they started talking about the game.

While they were walking to their class Seong-Min noticed that Luna wasn't there when he entered and so he asked Hyejin, "Is Luna here already?" and then Hyejin said, "Yep and she is already in her classes so we can only meet her during break.".

Then after that Seong-Min showed Kwan where they would meet up after their class then after that all of them now headed to their classes and the day went like usual and Kwan was adapting pretty well.

After a bunch of classes it was finally break so Seong-Min headed over to the plantation room to find Luna and Kwan talking together already and it seemed like they were already friends with each other.

But then they had to wait for Hyejin to come and while thye were waiting they kept talking about DigiLife and Kwan learned that all three of them were now on the second floor like her so she was a bit surprised.

And while they were talking Hyejin walked in and said, "Sorry I'm late, one of the teachers asked me to help them move their things into the teacher's lounge." and then after all of that they started all talking together.

All of them had a lot of fun but after a while of talking break ended and now they had to go back to their classes and they all agreed they would meet up in game so they all headed to their next class.

And after all the classes they headed home and as soon as Seong-Min got home, he put everything away then ate some snacks then quickly headed into his room to log into DigiLife and so he did.

After logging in he went to the place where they all agreed to meet and the only one there was Kwan but while they were there Kwan then said, "Just keep calling me Red outside of the game, I like that name better.".