Yeti Prince - [ Chapter - 65 ]

So then Seong-Min chuckled and said, "Sure." and so they started talking to each other about stuff in school and in the game and after a while Luna and Hyejin came to the place together.

Then Seong-Min asked, "So are we going to explore now?" and so after that they started exploring and they went to the most unexplored part of the new map and so they checked around looking to see for anything new.

And in just a bit of exploring they found a new monster that they haven't seen in the game before and so Seong-Min used his appraisal ability on it and it was called a Hippogriff but there were new things on the appraisal bit he decided to ignore it.

Even though it looked cool Seong-Min didn't want to tame it and when he went closer to it, it didn't attack him and so Seong-Min just held it for a bit then walked past it but for the others they needed to walk around it.

Seong-Min's ability to have most monsters become more passive to him is really overpowered or that was at least what the others thought and sp they continued exploring and after a while they entered a snowy area.

When they checked the map it was called, "Glacier Isles" and so they decided to look through it but the cold was so strong so Seong-Min summoned the fire spirit to help them resist the cold while Hyejin was trying to create a cold resistance potion.

So they continued exploring and after a while Hyejin was finally able to complete the cold resistance potion and so they all drank it and Seong-Min recalled the fire spirit and then they continued exploring.

After a while of walking there was something with glowing blue eyes that walked past them and there were loads of them so they stopped because they thought that it was a monster.

But after it came out of the snow it was a yeti with glowing blue eyes, it didn't look hostile and it was even peaceful to the others as well and then behind the smaller yeti a bigger one came out.

It was just looking down and then looked at them then it waved for them to follow him and so they did and they were now heading towards a new place that wasn't even on the map and Seong-Min decided to appraise them.

And when he did their stats were insanely strong but the new information that Seong-Min hadn't seen before was there again and it said that it was distressed and then he realized that his appraisal skill must have been upgraded.

Seong-Min was really happy about that and so he told the others this and after a while of walking with the yetis they found a giant yeti laying down with a smaller one on top of it and it looked sad then the yeti that brought them there pointed at the smaller one.

So then Seong-Min appraised those as well and the one that was laying down was actually dead and it was called "Yeti King" and then he checked the the smaller one and it was actually it's child called "Yeti Prince".

After putting the pieces together he then asked the yeti hoping that it would understand him, "You want me to take care of the yeti prince?" after hearing Seong-Min say that it nodded it's head and then showed him something.

They followed the yeti again and then it showed huge drawings on the wall that the Yeti King had a person standing kext to him and the person actually looked a bit familiar and then a notification popped up.

[Ding! The Godly Tamer drops a tear and wishes you take care of the child!]

Then Seong-Min realized that the Yeti King was one of the tamed creatures of the Godly Tamer and so Seong-Min decided that he would tame it and so he went back to the place where the child was.

He went closer to the little yeti and then saw that it was crying a light blue tear and each drop was extremely cold and Seong-Min didn't know what yo do and decided to hug him since that's how his mom used to calm him down.

And the yeti stopped crying and hugged Seong-Min back and then he started taming it and then once he tamed it he decided to name him, "Frost", Luna saw the look on Seong-Min's face and so she went up to him.

She then asked, "What's wrong?", Seong-Min was crying inside of his VR headset but he just said, "Nothing, I just remembered my mom." and then after that they were let go and so they decided to continue exploring.

Frost was just following Seong-Min and he decided that he wouldn't recall Frost since he was still new and decided to see how good he could fight and so he told the others, "I'm just going to level up with Frost here, you guys can explore without me.".

They all understood but Luna couldn't help but feel that Seong-Min was sad and he was, he just wasn't showing it and so he tried to cover that uo by fighting with Frost so he went to a good grinding area.

So he went to one of the places where they found that there was a place where monsters continued to spawn and so he started heading over there with Frost and after getting over there he started fighting.

Seong-Min was using his sword to fight but it seemed like Frost couldn't fight well and so Seong-Min summoned Snow to try and show Frost her ice authority and try to help him fight.

After a while of fighting Frost actually got used to using his skills and Frost was now able to control ice and snow very easily and because of his affinity to it he was actually able to reach the same level of control of Snowy and Seong-Min.

Then while they were fighting Seong-Min thought of trying to evolve Frost and so he decided to check what he needs to do to help Frost evolve and he needed some Powder of Freezing Snow, Dense Ice Shards and 20 stat points.