Frost King - [ Chapter - 66 ]

So then after figuring out all of the needed materials to help Frost evolve Seong-Min started searching where could the materials be found on the forums and so he started searching for a while.

After a while of searching he was able to find out that both the powdered snow and ice shards could be acquired in the same area on the second floor the place was called, "Eternal Freezing Forest".

It was a good thing that Hyejin gave a bunch of cold resistance potions to Seong-Min and so he headed off to rhe eternal freezing forest to get the materials and help Frost evolve and become stronger.

Then after they reached the forest a huge freezing effect was affecting Seong-Min and he was about to drink a cold resistance potion but then Frost went up to Seong-Min then a blue bubbles surronded him.

Seong-Min was surprised by this and saw all the cold and freezing debuffs were gone and a new buff appeared, "Freezing Strength" it allowed Seong-Min's strength to improve the colder the environment.

He was really happy that he got it and now he started searching for the powder of freezing snow that was said to be a rare find in the forest and so he activated the skill, "Material Finder".

So he then followed the directions and followed it while Frost was following Seong-Min and after a while of following it the directions led them to a cave but Seong-Min's appraisal skill activated.

It said that a "Frost Behemoth" lived inside of the cave and it was extraordinarily strong and after reading the description the behemoth was actually the one that produces the freezing snow.

After seeing thah he didn't want to kill it since it might be a rare monster and he might need the freezing snow again so he wanted to take it carefully so he created small monsters using poison to bring out some snow.

And then they slowly started bringing a handful of snow each time they returned and after a while he had enough snow and so he left before the behemoth wakes up or attacks them and then he started looking for the ice shards.

Then he activated his Material Finder skill again and then started following it's direction and it led him to another cave and so Seong-Min activated his appraisal skill once again.

The cave was actually a dungeon called, "Freezing Hell Dungeon" and Seong-Min was interested in going inside of it and so he did and as he walked through the cave the more it started to look like a dungeon.

But what was weird was that there was nothing in the dungeon as he walked through for a while so he was curious about what was there and Frost was exploring along beside him.

Suddenly while he out came something that looked similar to a yeti so then Seong-Min appraised it and it was called "Frozen Imp" it was a sub species of a yeti but then Frost started to shout at it.

Seong-Min didn't understand what he said but it looked like the frozen imp was following his commands but Seong-Min remembered he couldn't control any of the yetis so he was curious about it.

After a while of walking Seong-Min thought it could be because the frozen imp was a weaker species than Frost but it was still in the same species than him so now he was curious what was inside of the dungeon.

So then after a while of walking through the dungeon Seong-Min finally found some ice shards and he collected them and now Frost was pretty happy that he was going to evolve so Seong-Min laid out everything in front of him.

Then Seong-Min sacrificed his stat points to Frost then he started evolving and a bright light shined from him and it blinded Seong-Min for a bit but when he saw Frost he was almost as tall as him now.

Seong-Min was pretty happy about how he looked and after a while of looking at Frost he actually had a little crown made out of ice on his head now and it was actually bounded to him.

After checking that out Seong-Min and Frost continued to explore the dungeon and finally after a while of exploring they finally found the boss room and so they then entered it to see what was inside.

They went inside of it to find a dead body that was color blue sitting on a throne then Seong-Min appraised the place and saw that the dead body was actually alive and it was the boss and it was really powerful.

So then Seong-Min pointed his sword at the boss while summoning his other tamed creatures to help him fight and then Frost went up to each of them and gave them the freezing strength buff.

The boss then stood up and directly faced Seong-Min then he started talking, "Oh my, I was caught already, is this old man getting worse at acting?" then suddenly he charged forward at Seong-Min.

Seong-Min then dashed to the side and dodge the attack and then the boss said, "You know, you remind me of someone long ago." and then a sword started forming in the boss's hand and it was made out of ice.

He then did a slash at Seong-Min then it created a huge slash made out of ice but Seong-Min was fast enough to dodge it the boss just kept talking and kept playing around Seong-Min.

And he couldn't even get close to the boss and he wasn't able to talk to it as well since it just kept attacking him before he could even speak so then he saw there was enough time for him to talk so he took it.

So then Seong-Min asked, "Who do I remind you of?" the boss chuckled and then said, "Since you asked and your going to die anyway, his name was Xavier and he was known as the Godly Tamer.".

[Ding! The Godly Tamer sends you a gift!]

[Ding! The Godly Tamer sends you a message, "Give it to the Frost King and tell him that I'm sorry."]