Old Friends - [ Chapter - 67 ]

After hearing that and seeing thennotification he was a bit surprised but then Seong-Min shouted, "Frost King! Wait!", the boss then looked at him and then his eyes started glowing a white light.

Then he asked, "How do you know who I am?", Seong-Min then brought out what the Godly Tamer gifted him and it was a staff and a crown and said, "I am the new Godly Tamer and his successor.".

The boss's eyes widened and then a white tear fell from his right eye as he stopped attacking him and releasing attacks he then touched the staff and crown and then a bright light started shining him.

Seong-Min was blinded by the light then he looked away because it was so bright and when he looked back at the boss, he looked more like a person and he didn't look like an undead anymore.

So then the Frost King smiled at Seong-Min and said, "I've finally broken the curse!." he looked so happy but as he looked more at Seong-Min he started looking more and more sad and then he sighed.

Then he asked, "Xavier is dead, huh?", Seong-Min assumed that was the Godly Tamer so he just nodded his head and then the Frost King dropped one tear then said to Seong-Min, "I'll most likely become a part of the $@&#@.".

He continued and said, "So please find me an avatar and before I got, I'll answer one of your questions so go ahead, I have a bit of time left." and when he said that Seong-Min wanted to ask more about the censor he said.

But he knew it migjt become a waste if it gets censored as well so he asked him, "What does my ability do?", the Frost King smiled and then asked, "You unlocked your ability already?!? Well, you'll become very powerful if you use it right.".

"The ability allows you to tame anything without any limitations as long as it is alive it will be tamed by you." when Seong-Min heard this he thought of trying to tame the floor test guardian because of that.

The Frost King then chuckled and asked, "You already have ideas for that don't you? But use it wisely there could be enemies that are too powerful for you to fight and using your ability can help you out of it".

After he said that he started dissipating and then he smiled at Seong-Min and then threw a job orb at him then said, "Get me an avatar, I seem to be too powerful for this world to be kept here.".

So then after that he fully disappeared and then he got the notification that he beat the boss and then a hidden area behind the boss room started appearing out of nowhere and Seong-Min was surprised.

He looked inside and saw that there were loads of equipment and weapons with the ice attribute but none of them were useful to him so he decided to just sell it in the auction once he gets back.

But while he was looking around there was an item on a pedestal and so he checked it with his appraisal skill and it was called, "Freezing Blood (Frost King's Blood)" and it said it could help any ice attributed monster evolve.

When Seong-Min was this he immediately gave it to Frost and then when he saw it his eyes started shimmering and then quickly ate it then he started evolving, Seong-Min didn't think that he would evolve two times in one day.

And after Frost evolved he looked massive and strong and he now had a proper crown and a staff this time and then they started heading outside of the dungeon but then suddenly an abominable snowman appeared.

It was a wilder version of a yeti and it was stronger as well but then Frost shouted at it then pointed his staff to the ground then the abominable snowman bowed at Frost and Seong-Min was absolutely shocked.

It looked like Frost could control stronger species now and so Seong-Min checked Frost's skills again and then saw a similar skill to Oakley's skill to turn ents back into seeds but he can turn his species into ice shards.

So then Seong-Min told Frost to use the skill then suddenly ice started to form at the feet at the abominable snowman then it started encasing him in ice then it shrunk down and then Frost picked it up.

He used another skill called, "Frost Pocket" which was like an inventory for Frost and then put the shard inside of the frost pocket skill then they continued exploring the place for a while again.

But when Seong-Min checked the time it was almost late so he logged off and prepared everything for school then went to bed and then the next day he woke up and got ready for school.

He was pretty happy since it was friday that day so it was the final day and after that he could play even more late than he usually does so then Seong-Min started heading to school.

While he was walking he met up with Red and so they decided to walk together but it was still a bit weird for Seong-Min to call Red by her in game name so it might take a while for him to get used to it.

So then after a while of walning they finally got to the school and saw Hyejin and Luna waiting for them and then Luna said, "You two should be waking up more early." Red and Seong-Min chuckled.

They laughed it off and they all went to their classes and then after a bunch of classes it was break and so then Seong-Min headed to the plantation room to find Hyejin being the first one inside.

He then said, "This looks wrong." then Hyejin chuckled and said, "This feels wrong." both of them started laughing because Hyejin was actually early this time and was first and so they started talking to each other.

Then after a while of talking to each other both Luna and Red came in with each other then all of them started talking then Hyejin asked, "Hey, I have a new friend that's joined the school, can I invite her here?".