Fire Frost Mage - [ Chapter - 68 ]

When Hyejin asked that all of them said "Sure!" and so he went out of the plantation room to go get her and after a while he came in with his friend behind him and then she came inside as well.

She looked beautiful and her eyes were a color red and white which reminded Seong-Min of an anime he used to watch and so she then say down with them and then said, "Hello my name is Katomi, I am half japanese and korean.".

They all greeted her and Luna asked, "Does your name mean anything? Since I heard some japanese names have meanings.", Katomi chuckled and said, "Ah my name means Fire (Ka) and Freeze (To).".

So all of them thought their name was cool and then Hyejin said, "She also plays DigiLife and she is a mage and she also has a legendary job like ours called the Inferno Mage!" so all of them were really impressed.

And Seong-Min thought it would fit her name if he gave her the job that the Frost King gave him and the job was actually able to fit any class and would change into the most powerful ice attributed job for that class.

He planned to give the job to Kotami once they join in the game but before that they all started chatting to each other about their plans for the game and what they were going to do next.

Then they all decided that they would try and help Kotami go to the second floor but Hyejin and Luna were busy with something from their jobs when they logged of yesterday since they split off from each other.

So only Red and Seong-Min were free to help her and so they decided that they would be helping Kotami go to the second floor and Seong-Min told Red and Kotami he wanted to try out his ability before they start fighting.

Both of them agreed to let Seong-Min test out his ability so then after that it was the end of break so they had to go back to their classes and so they started heading to their next class and it went like usual.

After that school ended and so they all started heading home and so Seong-Min quickly went back and went into his house and put everything away then he ate a few stacks and quickly headed upstairs to log in.

He then logged in and so he quickly went down to the first floor by transforming into his dragon form and just flew back and so he was able to arrived at the entrance of the second floor and so he started waiting.

Kotami actually got their before Red and while they were by themselves, Seong-Min threw the job orb at Kotami and said, "Here, a gift for you so your character in game can fit your name." and so she caught it and saw what it was.

She was quickly in awe when she saw this and so Seong-Min transformed back into his human form and then said, "Yeah, here wait let me add you as a friend." and so he then sent a friend request and Kotami quickly accepted it.

So then she activated the job orb and then a cold aura started surrounding Kotami and then Seong-Min appraised Kotami to see what her new job was called so she had the Inferno Mage job and now she had the Blizzard Mage job as well.

And Kotami was really thankful to Seong-Min and then it got kind of awkward since none of them were talking so Kotami started talking and then asked, "Do you think it is a good idea to become a streamer?".

When she asked that Seong-Min started talking a bit more to her and he also showed her his streaming account and she was in awe at how many followers he had and Kotami was really impressed.

Then Kotami said, "When I become a streamer you'll help me won't you?", Seong-Min chuckled and said "Of course!" and so they started talking about streaming a bit more in detail and then Red came.

They then headed through the entrance and then they had to go through the boss fight again and it was the giant golem again and then it started glowing it's red gem and then Seong-Min chuckled.

He then said, "You guys said you'll allow me to use my ability right?" and they said, "Yep!" so then he went closer to the boss and when he did the boss was starting to pound him and so now they were worried.

But then Seong-Min said, "Godly Taming!" and then a white and blue aura started wrapping around the boss and then the boss freezed and then the golem was added to his tamed creatures tab.

There was a penalty though since the boss was higher level than Seong-Min by a lot if he summoned the boss, the boss wouldn't be able to use 40% of it's power and it can only be summoned by itself.

The penalty would be removed once Seong-Min got steonger but his taming ability was already completely overpowered so then the boss was just frozen there and then Red asked, "Is the game lagging?".

Seong-Min turned around and then said, "Nope, I tamed the boss." he said as he snapped his fingers and the boss started kneeling towards them and both of them were in awe at that ability of his.

Both of them were still stunned at seeing the floor boss be tamed but then he said, "I don't have enough dominance to fully control it and bring out it's full power but I am able to give it simple commands and it's very powerful.".

Now all of them were being transported to the second floor so Red and Seong-Min didn't think they would get anything but then a notification appeared on their screen that completely suprised them.

[Ding! The first people to defeat the boss within 10 seconds! You have done an incredible feat! You are given a second chance to choose an ability!]

Luna and Hyejin missed out a lot and so Seong-Mkn was transported again at the place to the place where he could choose an ability and then started searching for a good ability he could use.