Death's Call - [ Chapter - 73 ]

[Ding! The God Of Death chuckles and said, "Yes, that is enough."]

[Ding! The God Of Death gifts the Player "Jaeyon" a portion of of his authority!]

Seong-Min smiled and then checked out what was the authority he was given and when he checked it, he received two abilities and they were called, "Death's Flame" and "Death's Strengthening".

Both abilities sounded extremely strong and they were the death's flame ability would summon a purple fire that uses up undead stat points to use and the death's strengthening ability was a passive ability.

That increased the stats of all of Seong-Min's undead by 150%, strengthens all undead skills by 100% and reducea any undead skills' cost by 50% and so he was really happy about receiving the two abilities.

After that another key was drawn on his arm and now he could summon the door of any of the three rooms to go inside of them whenever he wanted without any cost but he wasn't sure what was the use of it.

He then left the room and then he was now even stronger than he entered all three of them and he didn't need to go through anything that difficult so he was pretty happy and excited to see what he could now do.

And then remembered that Ae-Cha asked to meet him so he then messaged her and then asked where they should meet and after a while she then replied and told him that they were going to meet at the new city.

When he saw that he laughed a bit but then messaged back he is already there and so Ae-Cha messaged him back telling him to wait at the entrance because she just defeated the floor boss and was now coming.

So then Seong-Min started heading to the entrace of the city and after a while of waiting Ae-Cha got there and then she said, "Hey Jaeyon! It's been a long time since we've seen each other, how have you been?".

Then Seong-Min chuckled and then said, "Yeah, it's been quite a while, I'm good, how about you? What have you been up to?", Ae-Cha said, "Well nothing much and I'm good thanks for asking.".

They then both started catching up with each other and after a while they started heading more into the city and started exploring since Seong-Min hasn't actually properly explored the place that much.

After that they started properly exploring the place and while they were exploring they saw Red in and enchantment shop and so they went over there and Seong-Min introduced the two to each other.

When they met they were pretty friendly and after a while of talking Seong-Min tomd Ae-Cha that Red was a girl and wasn't actually a boy and this surprised her a lot and so she then asked, "Why do you want to be a boy?".

Red chuckled and then deactivated her voice changer and then said her normal voice, "Well it's just that I feel more comfortable if people think I'm a boy and they don't feel like they need to do something for me.".

Which was actually pretty reasonable and then after a while of more talking Red then asked, "Do you want to try to get a record on one of the dungeons in the city?" when she asked that both of them agreed pretty quickly.

And so now they started heading towards a dungeon called, "Shadow Grieves" which was a dungeon that had shadow demons and shadow attributed monsters inside of them and their boss was the "Shadow Ruler".

Then after they got their they put everything they need into the place it needed to so it would be quick and more easier to use and then after that they started heading inside and when they went inside they met a few shadow goblins.

So then Red immediately charged in while Ae-Cha actually tried out her new ability to temporarily use her experience as like mana to create huge items that she could control and she created a huge hand.

She then swung the hand killing loads of the shadow goblin easily and while this was happening Seong-Min started summoning Sobek and Frost as they were the only ones who could actually fit and we're pretty strong.

Red was fast and she made loads of sharp turns and pierced multiple shadow goblins killing them and then Seong-Min started charging in as well while he then summoned the undesd goblins to fight as well.

They appeared behind him quickly killing the rest of the shadow goblins and Seong-Min decided it was time to get some more undead and he thought them having the shadow attributed would help a lot.

After killing all the shadow goblins they then headed down the dungeon with insane speed and Ae-Cha boosted Red, Seong-Min and the summon's strength and this made their progress move a whole lot faster.

Suddenly while they were half way through the dungeon the mini boss appeared and it was called, "Night Cap" which was a humanoid figure which it's body was made out of shadows and also had a sword.

Then the night cap immediately appeared in front of Seong-Min and tried to kill him instantly but then Seong-Min used a dash skill and immediately got behind the mini boss and the boss started to dogde.

But it's feet were both stuck in ice because of Frost and then Sobek immediately charged through the mini boss creating a hole in it's body and removed a bunch of it's health and then Red charged in as well.

Piercing the boss the mini boss's health was quickly draining and then Seong-Min used the new sword skill he got from the Godly Tamer's room and then his sword started holding loads of elements into it.

He copied Snowy's authorities and put it in his sword then charged into the boss and then suddenly jumped up and was now striking the mini boss with full force and it instantly died after getting hit by the attack.