Shadow Ruler - [ Chapter - 74 ]

So then Seong-Min stood up and so that the night cap was now dead and he was really interested to see what it would look like as an undead since the undead shaadow goblins looked cool.

He then used the necromancy skill, "Raise" but it wasn't accepted and he kept trying and trying until a notification appeared saying, "The soul doesn't wish to have a new master as it still loyal to it's current master.".

After seeing that he thought of killing the boss then trying again and so he put the corpse into his inventory and then all of them started heading towards the boss room and they collected any loot along the way.

Then they stumbled across a bunch of shadows that looked similar to the night cap but was just a bit weaker it was called "Shadow Warriors" and when they saw them, they immediately started charging at them.

Red took her spear then charged in at them while Seong-Min charged in the other side with his sword and Ae-Cha boosted their stats, Frost started using his frost ability on the floor while Sobek charged in as well.

And so Red pierced multiple shadow warriors as she charged in while Seong-Min used his dash skill and did a little zigzag killing multiple of the shadow warriors by neatly cutting off their necks.

Frost then restrained some of the shadow warriors and then Sobek started glowing green and then moved at an insane speed going through multiple shadow warriors killing them with ease.

They continued killing all of the shadow warriors and after a while they started to continue their exploration and while they were exploring they stumbled upon a few shadow attributed monsters but they weren't that much of a problem.

So then they explored for a while until they finally found the boss room and so they first healed up and prepared for the boss battle and so then after all their preparation they the headed inside the boss room.

After going inside both Red and Seong-Min rushed in like always while Frost and Ae-Cha supported as Sobek charged up his dash and then all of them started attacking the Shadow Ruler immediately.

When they did this the boss then suddenly raised his hand and then a dark and shadowy staff appeared and then he spun himself disappearing in his cape, all of them were confused since he disappeared.

But then suddenly it appeared behind Seong-Min and then started casting shadows at them and Seong-Min activated his Holy Armour ability and then all of them were now stronger.

The shadows that attacked them were immediately dissipated and it looks like holy or light attributes hurt them so Seong-Min summoned the angel to help attack the boss and stop it's attacks.

So then Seong-Min started using the angel's skills and abilities into the sword so that it would have the holy and light attribute and he also activated his authority and Red was charging right behind him.

Ae-Cha was now able to boost everyone more and the angel also started boosting as well so all of them were now even stronger so then Seong-Min used a dash skill then suddenly appeared in front of the boss.

Seong-Min then slashed him and then it dealt a lot of damage towards the boss and then Seong-Min jumped back and then suddenly Red appeared behind Seong-Min and so then she pierced the boss.

Then Sobek charged at the boss with an insane speed and then pierced the boss multiple times and he was able to stop mid air to change his direction and then pierce through the boss again.

And Frost started creating loads of floating balls of ice and then suddenly a blue light was coming from his eyes then he pointed his hand at the boss then all of the ice balls started aiming at the boss.

It targeted wherever he pointed and so even if the boss dodged the ice balls would just move to the direction he moved to and so it was a homing attack which was pretty powerful and then he roared.

Suddenly the ground started to break and then two Yetis appeared and a bunch of snow goblins appeared as well they then all started attacking the boss clinging to it and the Yetis kept punching and trying to hold down the boss.

So then Seong-Min and Red continued attacking the boss as the Yetis and snow goblins were holding it down then suddenly Sobek looked like he was gathering energy above him and it was getting hotter.

He then created a smaller sun and then shot it at the boss, everyone moved away except the snow goblins and they held down the boss so they couldn't dodge the attack and the boss was directly hit by Sobei's attack.

The boss now had holes in it's body and it couldn't even stand up properly and so as the last resort the boss's eyes started glowing red and then his body started regenerating but then they saw the boss's health was slowly draining.

Now the boss's stats increased greatly and it looked like it knew that it was going to die and it was trying to take all of them with it and then suddenly it appeared behind Ae-Cha and struck her with it's staff.

She was immediately shot back for a while and a huge chunk of her heaoth was taken away and so Seong-Min told the angel to go and heal her and so then Seong-Min and Red went in to try and take care of the boss.

But when they did he released a dark aura and then saw that there stats decreased by over half, it didn't affect Seong-Min that much but for Red it was a great effect that nearly rendered her useless.