Shadow Gifts - [ Chapter - 75 ]

So then Frost and Sobek went together to attack the boss but they were immediately wiped out before they could even move and Ae-Cha was finally healed by the angel and then Seong-Min came up with a plan.

He then recalled all of his summons and summoned the huge rock golem floor boss from before and he said for it to attack the Shadow Ruler and so then it walked up closer to the Shadow Ruler.

When the boss saw the huge golem it started attacking it with little to no success because even though it's power was weakened by the restrictions Seong-Min and Ae-Cha were boosting it's stats again.

It's defense was insanely overpowered and then Seong-Min told it to activate it's defense ability and he saw it now had a second layer of health now as well but it's movement speed decreased by 40%.

Then Seong-Min told it to attack the boss and so it did, it started to swing it's arm and when the boss tried to block it he was hit right into the wall creating multiple cracks into it and it deal a lot of damage to the boss.

The boss started to get up and so Seong-Min charged at it climbing the golem and Ae-Cha was completely stunned when she saw the huge golem and Red said, "Yeah, I couldn't believe it before as well.".

And while Seong-Min and his golem was fighting the boss Ae-Cha tried removing the debuff from Red but it would take a while so Seong-Min tried distracting the boss so it wouldn't disturb Ae-Cha.

Seong-Min kept fighting with the boss and borrowed some skills from his other tamed creatures to be at even with the boss but he was still having trouble blocking and dodging the boss's attacks.

Whenever Seong-Min's sword and the boss's staff clashes it makes a huge quake but to make things a whole lot easier the golem protects Seong-Min from any fatal or deadly attacks or skills that the boss may use.

So Seong-Min came up with the name for the golem and called him Fortitude and when he named the golem it said it was extremely happy and it's stats were boosted by a bit so he was a bit lucky there.

After a while with clashing with the boss it gave Ae-Cha enough time to remove the debuff off Red and so Ae-Cha shouted and asked Seong-Min, "Do you want me to remove your debuff as well?".

When he heard that he asked, "Can you do it while I'm fighting?", Ae-Cha said, "Yeah but it will be a lot slower than how I did it with Red.", Seong-Min gave a thumbs up and then continued fighting while Red came in as well.

Red immediately activated her blood aura ability after the debuff was removed and then she chuckled and said, "Seong-Min, look at the new ability I got." she said as she started activating her second ability.

It was an ability from her spear class and it was called, "Piercing God" which allows him to ignore all defenses and if the enemy doesn't have any defenses the power will be increased by double and it also has a passive 250% stat boosting effect.

She then charged in at an incredible speed that even surprised Seong-Min and before the bods could even teleport she pierced through the boss multiple times with insane speed and power.

Seong-Min then transformed into his dragon form and started using his authorities against the boss and held him in place for Red and Fortitude to attack and he also casted multiple spells at the boss.

Then Ae-Cha said, "I'll show you my ability as well then." and then her eyes started glowing a light green color and then she smiled as her ability started activating and then they all saw that they became the same level as her.

[Ding! The restrictions have been temporarily removed!]

So then Seong-Min smiled and then saw that the boss started moving at a more fast speed and Red did as well and so he joined in at attacking the boss as he transformed back into his normal form.

They kept doing loads of damage to the boss and then they defeated the boss but there was still a dark aura coming from the boss's body so they were confused if it was dead or not so Seong-Min appraised it.

When he did it said it was self-destructing and then Seong-Min immediately told Fortitude to cover the body and everyone to immediately move back from the boss's body and so they all did.

Then suddenly an explosion from the place that Fortitude was covering and it immediately removed his armour and took nearly half of his health as well and it was even without his restrictions.

If it wasn't for Fortitude they might have died from the explosion so they were really luck and Seong-Min recalled Fortitude and then went up to collect the loot and they finally got the experience points of the boss.

All of them were happy that the boss fight was now over and started splitting the loot but there wasn't much for them since they were mostly for the necromancer class and so Seong-Min took a bunch and they planned to give the rest to Luna.

[Ding! The Shadow Of Darkness enjoyed the fight and rewards you!]

Suddenly a dark aura started surrounding all of them and then when they checked they had a shadow attributed skill that was extremely powerful related to their class and Seong-Min got a necromancy skill.

After seeing the notification they were surprised and saw that all of them now had cool new shadow abilities as Red got shadow aura which was stackable and they also got a new stat called, "Shadow Energy".


Author: 『Hey Guys! Author here and I want to thank everyone for all their support on this work and I am planning to rewrite the work as it continues so that it becomes a narrative style so please don't panic about the changes happening and stuff and if you enjoyed please add it to your library, thank you!』

Editor: 『...』