Charybdis Fight - [ Chapter - 77 ]

Seong-Min was surprised byt he used his authorities and spells to try and kill as many of the little things as possible and Luna started shooting balls of purple fire as well to help out in attacking the boss's minions.

Hyejin was creating more potions to boost them even further and Ae-Cha and Hyejin were boosting each other as well so their boosts were even stronger than normal so their strength was even more powerful.

Then Frost jumped onto Diluvial and Diluvial starts blasting rapidly at the boss and it's minions, he shot multiple water bullets but Frost was turning them into dense ice shards and made them move even faster.

The ice shards kept blasting at the Charybdis dealing loads of damage towards it and it also killed a bunch of it's minions in the process as well, Seong-Min continued attacking the boss while he was casting magic.

Red was still attacking the boss even when it's minions appeared and if one got close to her she immediately killed it with insane speed, Luna was resurrecting the boss's minions and using as her summons.

She looked like she was happy since to her flying monsters weren't easy to come across of and more specifically in large hordes of them but Charybdis helped Luna gain loads of flying undeads.

After that Hyejin then showed his new ability as well and when he did his eyes started glowing light green and then he brought out a cauldron and then he started throwing in different potions inside of it.

Then he raised his hands into the air and then tentacles came out and Seong-Min decided to appraise it since he was abit curious and they were called, "Potion Tentacles" and it had all sorts of debuffs.

So then Hyejin started moving the tentacles to attack the boss and bring it more to the ground and when they looked at the boss, it actually had the debuffs that the tentacles Hyejin was controlling with.

Ae-Cha activated her ability as well and now everyone had the same level as her and now their power was multiplied by a lot especially Seong-Min since it raised his base stats and with his blessings he was even stronger.

The boss was taking heavy damage since all of them were boosted but then it roared again and then saw all of the little Charybdis started to glow a light blue color and then saw all of their stats were increased by a lot.

Especially their speed, they were moving even faster than before but for Luna it was just her new army getting even stronger and faster so it completely backfired on the boss but then Luna activated her ability.

She stood across all the dead corpses and shouted, "Mass Revival!" Seong-Min was confused since it was raise and not revive but then a dark mist started covering the bodies of the minions.

Dark auras started to surround them and they looked like they were perfectly alive again but then Luna chuckled and said, "Go my minions! ATTACK!" and all of them were moving at the same speed as they were alive.

Seong-Min was even more surprised at this because undeads raised by the necromancer class has 20% of it's stats removed but they kept all their stats and she even raised loads of them at the same time.

He was impressed at how powerful Luna became but he decided that he won't lose and started attacking as well and then he used Holy Armour which didn't effect Luna's undead since they were the opposite attribute as the light attribute.

But even so it made them even more powerful and they kept attacking the boss head first and Seong-Min then summoned all of his summons and Fortitude was summoned as well since he was now a high enough level.

They all kept attacking the boss and it's minions stopped coming out of the water and it was trapped on the ocean as it couldn't get out because of their barrage of attacks and slowly but surely it was slowly getting killed.

Then suddenly it's scales started to glow a white light and so Seong-Min appraised it and it only said this message, "Self-Destructing" and then he immediately shouted to everyone, "It's going to blow up! Run!".

When they heard this they all jumped back or off the boss and they continued attacking with ranged attacks if they could and then the boss's scales started blowing up but it actually wasn't receiving any damage.

So then after a while they just kept attacking it from afar but then suddenly some scales were now launching at them and it knocked out quite a few of Luna and Seong-Min's summons and some of them took a lot of damage.

One was aimed at Hyejin and so he tried blocking it with his tentacles, he was able to grab it so he immediately through it back and it went straight into the boss's skin and then it blew up dealing loads of damage to the boss.

After seeing this they all then started trying to throw back it's scales with a lot of force and Seong-Min told Snowy, Diluvial and Oakley to try and throw back as many scales as they could safely.

Frost created ice walls for them to take cover to if there were too many scales comming at them but Seong-Min then saw it was actually regenerating it's scales and it didn't look like it was going to stop.

So then he tried a new plan and transformed into his dragon form and then started using the water authority and then grabbed all the scales he could and immediately used fire authority to evaporate the water.

Then he used the wind authority to quickly blast the scales straight into the boss with full force and all of them hit the boss or near it but because of it's wounds from the scales and explosions it dealt a great damage towards him.