Meet Up Once Again - [ Chapter - 78 ]

The boss was now defeated and Seong-Min transformed back into his normal form and all of them gained loads of experience points and they then started divding up the loot and they started discussing who takes what and they gave more to Seong-Min.

Since he did a lot more damage to the boss than the rest of them and so he took a few equipment so he could sell, a few useful accessories and he took a special scale that was dropped by the boss.

It was called "Charybdis' True Scale" which was a useful resource that could be created into an armour piece that improves water attributed attacks and he thought of giving it to Hinge for him to make it into armour for Diluvial.

So he messages Hinge and he was expecting to wait for a while for the response but he immediately replies and he said, "Sure! I'm on the second floor now as well, I've set up a smithy on the new city as well.".

Seong-Min was a bit surprised that he was now on the second floor as well but he wanted to go now as well so he then said before closing the stream, "Hey Guys, looks like the battle is over I hope you enjoyed!".

Then he said to everyone before he left, "Hey, I'm just going to go to Hinge because I'm going to ask him to create something for me." and so all of them waved as they were saying goodbyes to their viewers as well.

After that Seong-Min quickly headed back to the city as he transformed into his dragon form so he can go there faster and while he was flying he received a notification from Ari and he was a bit surprised.

He hasn't heard from her in a while so it was a surprised and so he started chatting to her and he found out that Ari also went to school and she had to take a break because she had her exams the whole time.

While they were chatting Seong-Min arrived and so he transformed back into his normal form and continued chatting to Ari as he headed towards Hinge's new workshop and they chatted for a while.

When they were chatting they actually had a good time talking to each other and it was refreshing for Seong-Min but then he got to Hinge's new workshop and so he said his goodbye and she did as well.

The moment Seong-Min got near to the workshop Hinge came out and saw him and then he said, "Seong-Min! It's been a while and you'll be very impressed about the news I have." Seong-Min chuckled and asked, "And what is it?".

Hinge then proudly said, "I have now multiple shops open on the first floor and I am creating a business empire!" he said as he started laughing, Seong-Min chuckled a bit and then asked, "So what is your business called?".

After Seong-Min asked that he was stunned for a bit then a grin appeared on Seong-Min's face then he asked teasing him a bit, "You don't have a name for your great business empire~" so then Hinge started coughing.

He then asked Seong-Min, "Can you help me name the business?" he said looking at Seong-Min with puppy eyes so he tehn sighed and then went up to Hinge and said, "Sure, so what is the theme of your business?".

Then they started giving each other ideas and working on that and they were having a lot of fun coming up with names for Hinge's new business and after a while Seong-Min asked, "Is your business only blacksmithing?".

So then Hinge said, "No." plain and clear and so Seong-Min asked, "What is your idea for your buisness and what do you want to put into it?", so then this mafe Hinge think for a bit since he hadn't fully planned it out.

But after a bit of thinking he said, "A business that can give anything anyone needs in order to play a game." so after he said that they started to list down what are all the things needed for the business.

They then sighed in relief because they finally finished listing everything down and it surprised both of them that there were so many things someone needs in order to just play a game but now they had to create a name.

It should fit the idea that Hinge was going for and so they started thinking but then suddenly he heard someone shout behind them and the voice said, "Hinge! Seong-Min! It's been a while!".

The moment they turned around they saw it was Ari and both of them were surprised and Hinge said, "Ari! Nice to see you again, what do you need?", she then said, "Nothing I just wanted to meet up with you guys again.".

She then asked, "So what are you guys doing?", Seong-Min chuckled a bit then whispered to Ari, "He forgot to name the business he was bragging about." and when he did this Hinge then saw it.

He satrted pouting and said, "You told her in the most worse way didn't you?", Seong-Min teased him and said, "No, I just said what I saw and heard." he said as Hinge started to chase him and he just chuckled as he ran.

Ari then said, "Why don't I help out, I'm great at naming things!" he said as she put her handa together and so Hinge then smiled and said, "Sure!" and then both of them started explaining to Ari Hinge's idea for the business.

Then it just a bit of thinking Ari then says "How about 'Igno' which means knowledge in greek!" so then they both started to imagine the word as a business and they thought it was catchy and better than their ideas.

So Hinge then said, "That'll be the name for my business." so he was really happy with the name and then he asked, "Oh yeah, what do you need again Seong-Min?" and after that they started discussing about that.