Another Update - [ Chapter - 79 ]

Seong-Min told Hinge all about the scales and after a while of thinking he said, "Ok, sure but you need a lot of money for that." he said as he grinned so Seong-Min smiled and said, "Yeah, yeah, I'm transferring it to you now.".

He then sent the money and then he said, "Your going to make something amazing again aren't you?" Hinge chuckled and then said, "Of course! Your a VIP customer and a good friend, I can't look bad in front of you.".

Both of them started lauhing and then when Seong-Min checked the time his eyes immediately widened, he then started panicking and then Hinge said, "Tsk, tsk, tsk you should work on your time management.".

Then Seong-Min said, "Yeah, yeah, I know, I'll be better next time." he said as he was preparing to close everything and then Hinge said, "You can set a timer you know so you don't forget the time?".

After hearing that he was surprised and asked, "Really?" Hinge and Ari chuckled and then Ari said, "You've been playing this game for a while and you still act like your new." she said wiping a tear of her face from laughing.

So then he chuckled as well and said, "I'll create a timer when I log on tomorrow, bye!" and they said bye as well and then Seong-Min logged off and then he started preparing everything for tomorrow.

When he woke up he started preparing to go to school and when he went downstairs to eat his breakfast his dad was there smiling and it looked like he was waiting for him and so he was curious as to why he looked so happy.

The moment he finished going down the stairs he then asked his dad, "Why do you look so happy?" he said with a smile and then his dad took a deep breath and his smile became even bigger and said, "I got a big promotion!".

Seong-Min got excited and then said, "Congratulations dad!", his dad suddenly looked down, his smile disappeared and then said as a tear fell from his face, "I'm sorry for relying on you this whole time.".

When Seong-Min saw that he immediately went closer to his dad and chuckled and then smiled and said, "Dad if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here today, it's natural that I would help you back as well.".

They started talking a bit and Seong-Min comforted his dad little by little until he said, "Seong-Min, go to school now, I'll be fine here." and when his dad said that he was immediately confused and then remembered why he went down.

So he then immediately rushed to eat and then took his bag and then quickly headed out of the house and before he left he said to his dad, "Goodbye!" and then quickly ran out before his dad had a chance to reply.

Then he started heading to his school and while he was walking he met up with Red so he then he ran towards her and then said, "Hey!", Red was a bit surprised but then she smiled and then looked closer at Seong-Min.

She then asked, "Were you crying or something? Your face is all red and you look like your about to cry." she asked sincerely, Seong-Min chuckled and said, "It's nothing I'm fine let's continue walking.".

The rest of the walk was a bit awkward because Red clearly knew that Seong-Min cried but he said he was fine so she wasn't sure what she was supposed to say because she only had a few friends.

So she hugged him trying to comfort him and Seong-Min was surprised but chuckled and said, "Thanks." Red smiled back because she saw that lifted the mood for a bit and after a while they got it their school.

After they got there they all met up and started talking together and they headed to their classes so then they all started heading to their first class and school went like usual and nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Then after a bunch of classes, it was a break and so they all started meeting up in the plantation room and Seong-Min was the first one there and so he started gardening for a little bit while waiting.

Red and Luna came in together and then Red was a bit surprised and asked, "Seong-Min, you do gardening?", Luna chuckled and said, "Yeah, he is the one with the key here so we can use it after he is done.".

She was surprised but Seong-Min decided to continue gardening while waiting for the others and after a while the others came in and they started discussing on what they were going to do in game later.

After a while of talking they all got a notification on their phones and so they were curious and when they checked it, DigiLife was getting another update for their third floor really quickly so it surprised them.

But it also made them really excited and they started wondering what could the third floor hold and they haven't even explored the second floor fully and there wasn't that many peoole on the second floor yet.

What made it even harder was that most of them had trouble with the floor boss that was guarding the second floor but the third floor boss was definitely going to be even harder than the first one.

While they were thinking Seong-Min came up with something and said, "How about we wait for my Godly Taming Ability to be activated and I will just have it as one of my tamed creatures.".

When he said that everyone liked that idea and so they all started discussing what they should do in the mean time and they discussed for but then Hyejin asked, "Did anyone of us get their fourth job slot yet?".


Author: 『Thank you guys for reading this far, sorry for the no upload yesterday, I was a bit busy because it's my quarterly exams but thanks for all the support and I hope this series continues to grow.』

Editor: 『...』