Fourth Job Slot - [ Chaoter - 80 ]

So then everyone started trying to remember their levels and after a while of talking only Seong-Min and Red were at a the level where they unlocked their fourth job slot and so they started discussing about that.

Since they wanted to try and help each other cover all bases and Seong-Min had a strong main job, healer job and a semi-job which mixes in with another class and Red actually only had one job that was given to her by Seong-Min.

They all started discussing to each other what the two of them need and for Seong-Min they couldn't think of anything but for Red they decided that she needed a defense, speed and recover job.

When they were talking about that Red got an idea for a job that Seong-Min could use so she said to them, "How about Seong-Min get another semi-job that mixes in with another class since he has everything he needs for his main class.".

After hearing that everyone agreed and so they started talking amongst each other what class could be helpful for Seong-Min, there were loads of classes thay could help him but they were thinking of one that helps him the most.

Then Luna says, "How about a creation class since some of those are useful." and everyone agreed since he basically got the attack, defense, recovery and speed covered but before they could finish thinking they had to go to their next class.

So they all had to discuss it in game and so all of them started heading to their next class and they all agreed to continue their discussion after school and their classes went like normal and like always nothing happened.

Seong-Min then quickly went home after school and Red said to him before he went, "No need to wait for me, I'm going to talk to Luna for a while." and so Seong-Min thought nothing of it and started to head home.

When he got home he quickly put everything away and ate some snacks then after eating he quickly went into his riom and was about to log in but then he got a notification from their group chat they made.

Luna said in the group chat, "Hey, let's meet in the new city again since we didn't decide where we were going to meet before." and then he chuckled and replied saying ok and then he logged into the game.

Then after logging in Seong-Min then started to wait for them to join since he was already at the city since he visited Hinge and he was actually still at his workshop and what he didn't realize was that Himge was online.

Suddenly Hinge came out seeing Seong-Min just standing there and so he said, "Hey! Are you here to pick up what you asked for already?" Seong-Min was surprised and then he chuckled and said, "I just joined, I didn't expect to see you here so soon.".

Hinge chuckled and said, "Oh, ok but I was able to finish what you asked for pretty quickly, summon Diluvial and let's see how it looks." and then Hinge threw a little cube at Seong-Min and he caught it.

Seong-Min then summoned Diluvial and then removed the armour that was on him and then equipped the new one and he just placed the cube on top of Diluvial and then suddenly it started glowing a light blue color.

It started to cover Diluvial in a black and dark blue armour and then after it covered Diluvial it started glowing a light blue color as well and then Seong-Min appraised the armour to see what does it do.

When he appraised it, it was incredibly strong and it increased Diluvial's defense as well and then Hinge chuckled and said, "If you like it now you should check out the armour's ability from the scales you told me to add.".

So then Seong-Min was a bit excited since he saw the ability was called "Mini" but he didn't check the description and so he told Diluvial to activate the armour's ability and it started glowing even brighter.

The armour starts creating smaller versions of Diluvial and they were completely made out of the armour and it's eyes and everything around it also had a line of light blue lights from it and it looked really cool.

After seeing that Seong-Min then appraised the little things and it was called "D-1", "D-2, "D-3" and the rest were named like that and he thought it was really cool and their stats were also incredible especially their defense.

Hinge then said, "Why don't we go into my new testing area and test out their strength?" so then he went inside his workshop gesturing Seong-Min to follow him and so he recalled Diluvial since he wouldn't be able to fit through the door.

They then started heading near an open wall and then Hinge went into his inventory and grabbed out another box with a button on it and then he pressed it and thew it near the wall and it started glowing a white color.

It merged itself into the wall and it created a door and then Hinge went inside it and Seong-Min followed and they entered a white room with white glowing lines decorating it as well and it looked amazing.

Then Hinge stopped and then threw some balls out as well and then they became into dummies but they were able to move and Seong-Min saw that they could repair themselves with mana as well so he didn't need to worry about breaking it.

So then Hinge said, "Go ahead and try it out now." then Seong-Min summoned Diluvial and he was already wearing it's armour so he then told it to summon it's minions as well and then they started to appear.

After that Seong-Min told it to tell it's minions to attack the dummies and so it did and all of it's minions started moving at an insane speed and it was like it was moving in water and it was floating exactly like Diluvial.

Seong-Min was really happy at how the armour turned out and he really didn't expect it to become that amazing but he knew he wasn't a blacksmith so he couldn't tell what he could do with it but he was pretty happy.