The Demon Of Fire - [ Chapter - 82 ]

They started setting up water attributed traps and prepared their spells in advance so they can immediately cast it without any troubles and while they were preparing for the raid, Seong-Min saw Ari.

So then he went up to her and then asked, "Hey, Ari what are you doing here?", Ari was surprised as she was preparing her spells but then she said, "I was going to tell you but you had to log off yesterday.".

She said as she continues and said, "I joined your guild and I'm now a streamer and also..." she stopped first then turned around to her drone that was filiming her and said, "This is my friend the Godly Tamer.".

Seong-Min chuckled and asked, "So what's your streaming name?", Ari smiled and said, "The Great Magus." she said with confidence and Seong-Min laughed a bit and then Ari looked at him.

Then started asking, "What? Is it a bad name? Why are you laughing?", Seong-Min chuckled a bit and said, "It's nothing, you naming sense is the same as mine." and after saying that both of them started talking a bit more.

He also followed all of his friends' stream accounts and all of them opened their live streams and all of them already had quite a lot of viewers but then after a while Drago came in and then was a bit out of breath.

Drago then said, "Take places, the tanks are luring the boss into position." he said as he pointed at the huge fire demon that was chasing all of them as the tanks were running for their lives.

After seeing the demon Seong-Min appraised it and saw that it was called "Surtr" and it was weak to water and holy attributes and so that's why they set up the traps but then he activated his ability holy armour to everyone.

Now they would be able to deal even more damage to everyone and the tanks could survive a little bit better since they were the ones distracting and luring the boss into the position they needed it to be.

The moment the boss got into position all of the tanks ripped a piece of paper and then they were all teleported beside Drago and then he shouted, "Launch all of the attacks!" as all of the traps and spells were launched.

When this happened the boss was getting damaged greatly and so Seong-Min summoned Diluvial, Snowy and the Angel to help in the fight since they would be the most effective and summoned everyone else at the back.

Seong-Min took out his holy sword then charged at the boss with insane speed and then he copied both Diluvial and the Angel's abilities onto the sword so that it would deal even more damage to the boss.

He then did a cross slash and as he was fighting more and more people came down with holy or water attributed weapons started attacking the boss and Red activated her blood aura and shadow aura ability immediately.

The boss' health was depleting by a lot and not that many people were hurt thanks to the plan so then Seong-Min told Diluvial to try and restrain the boss with Frost since he could freeze it into ice.

Seong-Min then used his authorities as well to attack the boss alongisde his magic and sword, he continued to charge at the boss and the viewers were loving the battle and a bunch of them were sending huge donations.

The mages were casting loads of spells with Ari leading them, Hyejin was boosting everyone with his potions and he was creating more and more potions throughout the battle so that the supply won't drop so fast.

Luna summoned loads of undead and then tried out a new skill she got and then two huge skeleton arms came out of the ground restraining the boss with Diluvial and Frost and Luna was controlling the arms.

Everyone took this chance to try and hit the vital areas of the boss since it's movement was cut down by a lot and so that they could deal some critical hits onto it and Seong-Min summoned a few water king spirits to help.

The water spirits summoned their own spirits to help them attack the boss and then Seong-Min tried to create a huge water golem and it used a lot of his dominance points but he was able to create a huge water golem.

It was the size of the boss and then it started punching and attacking the boss then Seong-Min tranformed into his dragon form and then started using his water and holy authorities again since they were now boosted.

The boss was being held down for a quite a while but when it was reaching 20% of it's health, Drago shouted to everyone, "Go away now!" so everyone did and Seong-Min transformed back and recalled all of his summons.

Except for the spirits and golem since it would just be a waste, the boss was still reatrained but people were still attacking with long ranged attacks and once it finally reached 20%, it's flames grew even bigger.

It's skin turned even more darker and black as it started to bleed lava and it's fire became stronger and then demons started to form from the lava it was bleeding and then all of them started running towards them.

The water spirits and a few other guild members started dealing with them and then Hyejin gave everyone a fire resistance effect so that they could get near to the boss without getting affected by it's flames.

Everyone was attacking the boss but Diluvial's water restraints were being evaporated only after a few minutes but luckily the attribute was still effective towards it and they continued attacking.

Until lava started to pour into it's right hand and then it slowly became into obsidian and went it still had a bunch of lava left with it and it was now a ball the boss threw a bunch of the lava balls he created towards the supporters.

When they saw that all of them casted shield spells but it was too powerful and it was about to hit them but then Seong-Min used the divine shield and used a lot of his light stats to create strong and loads of shields to protect them.

But Ari was able to protect herself and those around her so he didn't need to give them a shield and then he continued attacking the boss with everyone else using mutliple spells and authorities alongside his sword.