Vanquish Of The Demon - [ Chapter - 83 ]

So then Seong-Min put a bunch of shields in front of him and then charged at him at full force as the boss kept trying to hit him with smaller version of it's huge fire balls from before but they came out even faster.

Thanks to the divine shields he was able to get past them and then Seong-Min used Diluvial, Snowy and the Angel's ability onto his sword and kept stabbing and slashing him and he kept dealing more and more damage.

After a while Red then came back out and then continued powering through at the boss as well as the mages started firing their magic once again thanks to the support of Hyejin and Oakley from healing them.

Seong-Min kept launching barrages of water bullets at the boss with the power of the authorities and the boss started to slow down as it's skin started hardening as well and so Seong-Min decided to appraise it.

He saw that after being attacked by multiple water attributes that the boss was hardening and so it's attack power and speed were decreasing but at the same time it's defense kept growing and growing from it.

So then Seong-Min told this to Drago and then he recalled everyone to stop using water attributed attacks but the damage was already done and the boss's defense were extraordinarily high for them.

But Seong-Min activated the piercer ability he got and so did Red and both of them continued charging ignoring the defenses of the boss and he started using more holy authorities than the water.

The boss noticed this and then started burning once again and so the obsidian pieces started falling off and then lava started to pur again and then it tried to swing it's arm at Seong-Min and Red.

Suddenly the mages shot multiple water and holy attacks at the boss's arm to prevent it from attacking and it gave them enough time to get out of there and Red went back out to rest.

As Seong-Min dashed upward right next to the boss and then started summong a water emperor right beside it and then the water emperor actually looked different from before but then it raised it's hand into the air.

Then it pointed upward as dark clouds started to form above them but there was no rain and then suddenly it pointed at the boss and then loads of rain drops that were the shape of spears were hitting the boss.

When the rain hit the boss it broke of the obsidian shell immediately and it continued to attack the boss even though it's defense was increasing cause of the water the power of the rain was breaking the defensive shell easily.

So Seong-Min was about to attack but then Ari shouted, "Jaeyon! I'll show you my new ability." she said as he saw that all the mana in the area started surrounding the place and then two huge magic circles appeared.

Blue and white magic circles appeared and then both of them launched a beam straight at the boss that mixed in together that struck the boss in the middle of it's chest dealing loads of damage to it as it fell to the ground.

Even after all of that the boss was still alive and so then Seong-Min took out his sword again and then used his authority which started becoming harder and harder for him because he put so much water into his sword.

After that he dashed right in front of the boss then took a big slash at him and it went straight through him as a blade of water appeared when he slashed and it killed the boss as it fell and disappeared.

All of them received loads of gold and experience points as it was equally distributed automatically and everyone was pretty happy of the outcome bbut of course there was also a contribution system.

Seong-Min and the others who dealt the most damage to the boss got even more rewards and the viewers of Seong-Min's stream thought that was his best and biggest stream he ever had.

He also received loads of donations and a load more followers and they asked for video of his summons so he decided to summon the door for the Godly Tamer's room and then took the drone inside.

After that he closed the door but there was a new function of where he could have a mic and control the drone and so he did and showed him and he also left all of his summons inside the room as well.

When he does this he then narrates the place but he was also new to it since he didn't explore the place thoroughly because he was just there to get the loot back then so it was a new experience to him as well.

The viewers were amazed by it since there were so many summons asking if they were all ownes by Seong-Min and so he chuckles and says, "Well, I kind of do, once I go up to them they'll imprint on me.".

He continues and says, "They are all deactivated summons of my class so if I go near them they become a part of my list but there are just too many summons for my dominance stat to cover for them all.".

All of them was completely and impressed and then he says, "Well, I'm just going to let you guys enjoy the view, I'll be having a meeting with my friends now." and then he muted himself so the stream won't hear them.

But none of them minded that since they were now enjoying the relaxing stream and Seong-Min also left some calming music when he oeft and he could hear it himself as well so it was pretty nice.

So then after that he started heading to the little base that they made because people still had to rest because they used a lot of their mana and stamina and if they continue their journey back they might get the fatigue debuff.