Grinding - [ Chapter - 85 ]

So they needed to try and adjust or try and create a new grinding technique so they just started searching for a good grinding spot that could be good for them and after a while they were able to find quite a few grinding spots.

They all laid out the places and chose a place where it had the most monsters while all of them were high level and there was also a way for them to gather them if Seong-Min creates a golem to act as bait.

The first part of the plan was made but they needed to get an efficient method to kill them, the monsters that they were going to grind were orc warriors, they leave their defense behind in order to have more attack power.

It was easier to kill them because of this and so they got an idea of shooting them multiple times and they would just set up a party with each other so that they can share the experience they all get.

But even though they don't defend doesn't mean they can easily be killed by just shooting them and so Seong-Min would use multiple of his summons to attack the orcs but there are some stronger orcs that might ruin the plan.

So Red and Ari would watch over for any survivors and Luna was going to use the corpses to create more undead for her to tell them to go into their base and kill as many as they can and Hyejin boosts everyone.

They all agreed to this plan but they need to look around for a good place to set up so that they won't be seen by the incoming orcs and Hyejin stocked up with loads of potion materials so that everyone can replenish their strength.

Then Luna and Hyejin went back to a nearby village while Seong-Min and the rest left but before they left they went to Drago and said goodbye and then they started heading to a valley where an orc village can be found.

This orc village was special because it's one of the villages that respawn and even produces a lot of orcs in just a few minutes so it was the perfect spot for grinding and so they started looking for a place to set up.

After a while of looking, they found a good spot that was near enough for them to fight but won't be able to be seen by any incoming orcs from the orc village and so Seong-Min created some kid-size golems.

He prepared them as Luna and Hyejin came back with the materials and Hyejin started brewing as Seong-Min told his golem to lure in a bunch of orcs into the spot he pointed at which was completely open for their attacks.

Then after a while some orcs came running out chasing the little golems that Seong-Min made and then he summoned all the summons who can shoot projectiles and then told them to shoot at any incoming orcs.

They all then started shooting multiple skills at the orcs and Ari joined in as well and loads of the orcs started dying because they were too focused onto the golem that was luring them into the trap and all of them were shot.

A few of them survived but a load of them died and the experience was distributed and there was still a lot of experience even after splitting it between them and so Red then quickly went to clean up rest of the orcs.

Luna then raised all of the dead orcs then told them to attack the other side of the orc village and Seong-Min's kept luring in more and more orcs to their location and they killed every single one of them.

Then Luna's undead killed the orcs inside the village and when they get destroyed Luna used the dead orcs near them and raises them from the desd again and tell them the same thing and they did this for quite a while.

After nearly three hours of just killing orcs with their little set up none of them were tired thanks to Hyejin boosting them and restoring their stamina and mana as well as his at the same time.

From this they were able to acquire quite a lot of experience points, equipment and gold and so they decided to take a break first and Hyejin needed to restock on his materials and they were going to sell the equipment.

So then they all headed to the nearest village after getting there Seong-Min and Red went to sell the equipment, Luna and Hyejin went to buy more materials and Ari was just playing with Seong-Min's summons.

Once they finished doing all of that they did that, they started heading back to the hunting spot and started it all over again and they did this for another three hours which was able to get them a lot more loot.

Since after a while they were able to get use to the grinding techniques they did and they were able to make it even more efficient after a while of testing various ways to kill the monsters and where to lure them.

After that Seong-Min had to leave and so did everyone else since they needed to go to school tomorrow and so he then said goodbye and logged off, after logging off he then started preparing for tomorrow.

Then once he finished preparing he then went to sleep, the next day he quickly readied up and quickly started heading down the stairs to eat his breakfast and once he did that he quickly went out of the house.

He then started heading to the school and he met up with Red while he was walking and so they then started walking together, Luna and Hyejin were waiting for them at the entrance of the school and then they went in.

They then started heading to their next class and school went like usual and so after a while, it was finally time for break and so they all met up with each other in the plantation room and started talking with each other.