Unique Party Quest - [ Chapter - 86 ]

So they all started talking about what they were going to do in game again since they were a bit bored from grinding so much yesterday and all of them wanted to do something interesting and so they started discussing about it.

After a while of talking a few topics were brought up that theu could do, they could try finding a unique quest that they could all do, they could all do a joint stream again like before or they could try and find something interesting in game.

They decided to try and find a cool quest they could do since they were a bit tired of streaming but they decided if they found anything intresting in game they would do thay instead since it might be something rare.

Then after that they continued discussing about what they should do while they were waiting for that and they also discussed where unique quests could be found and they started searching on the internet.

Although it could help them there are people who also search on the internet so it could already be found by someone or it could be faked by someone but still they needed to find some information before they went back in game.

While they were doing this their break ended so they needed to go back to their classes again and they all sent the information they had and started heading to their next class as they said goodbye to each other.

Once school ended Seong-Min quickly started heading back to his house and Red went back with him and both of them were just running together and Seong-Min made it to his house first so he said goodbye to her.

Seong-Min then put everything away and started eating some snacks as he started researching some information about unique quests and he found out that in the information page of DigiLife there are hidden clues to unique quests.

Along with other things but Seong-Min was in interested in this because if it was true it could help him greatly but before he started searching he first texted Ae-Cha and Drago if they had any information about unique quests as well.

He then started searching through the website for any clues that it might have and he was mostly looking for a group quest but he was also keeping an eye out for any hidden quests since it could be useful to him.

But after a while he was getting tired of searching for so long since he hadn't found a single clue but when he checked his phone he realized Ae-Cha and Drago replied to him already so he then checked their messages.

Drago texted back he hadn't heard of anything but he was going to try and learn more but Ae-Cha said she heard of a group unique quest somewhere on the second floor at one of the mountain ranges there.

So this interested Seong-Min and asked Ae-Cha more about the unique quest and so they started talking more about it in chat and they were able to find out by both of them thinking together that the unique quest was in storm wind peak.

Since after finding about information from Ae-Cha, Seong-Min got an idea of what he had to look for and he found some clues for the quest which kept mentioning a a strong wind with a storm which should be the location they said.

Ae-Cha also wanted to join in the quest and of course she was invited because if it wasn't for her, Seong-Min wouldn't have been able to get the quest so then he messaged everyone that he and Ae-Cha found a unique quest.

He then messaged for all of them to meet up to a village near the storm wind peak mountains and so he then quickly went to his room and logged on and started heading to the village as fast as possible.

To his surprise when he got there Luna, Hyejin and Ae-Cha were already there and he found out that Ae-Cha immediately started heading to the place once they figured out where it was and Luna and Hyejin were just nearby.

Then they started waiting for Red and Ari since she was texted as well since she was a part of their grinding session yesterday and after a bit of waiting they came to the location as well and they started preparing.

They just quickly bought a few items they needed in case they had to fight something and Hyejin bought loads of materials for his potions once again and they all agreed that all of them would pay for it.

Although Hyejin created the potions the cost of each one is a lot depending on it's material so they all decided that they would help Hyejin pay for his materials since he helps them a lot with his potions.

Once they finished that they started exploring all the mountains in the area since there is a high chance that there would be a unique quest there since they were able to follow loads of clues and stuff.

All of them split up and started searching around the place in groups of two and Seong-Min used his summons to help search as well and Luna used her summons too and this helped them to search the place a lot faster.

After a while of searching they found a cave that reeked of an unknown dark and icky energy and so they all started heading to the cave and prepared themselves ro enter it but when Luna got near it, the energy started going closer to her.

It seemed like it was connected to her and so she entered in first as all of them followed behind her and the more they went in the more creepier and dark it became and corpses started to appear as well.

While they were walking they stumbled upon loads of undead but for some reason they weren't attacking them so they were a bit confused but then Luna went closer and purple energy started to come out of her hands.