Remember us!

I returned to Sparta and returned the gifts to both the Queen and to Hippolyta. But I wasn't ready. When I brought, Hippolyta the news of her husband's death, the strong Spartan, woman crumbled. As did her daughter. Her tears, like spears falling in the icy wind. I wish I could stay to comfort them, but that is done well enough by Jason. Ah Timaeus, you leave behind a fine son, my friend.

As for me, I have a job to do. And I will see it through, no matter what.

I journeyed to Gerousia, where i told them I was going to speak no matter what.

" Dillios, what are you speaking of? Why are you here?" One of the Council men ask me.

" Listen. And listen well. For I have a story to tell. And orders to fulfil. I bring to you the last orders from our king. Remember us... As simple an order a king can give. Remember why we died. For he did not wish tribute. Or song. No monuments. No poems of war and valor. His wish was simple. Remember us. he said to me. That was his hope. Should any free soul come across that place. In all the countless centuries yet to be. let all our voices whisper to you from the ageless stones. Go tell a Spartans passerby that here by spartan law we lie. That is what he said to me. That is our king Leonidas' final wish. that is our brothers. Each and every single one of them. That is their final wish. To remember why we died." I relayed my kings last orders and left the Gerousia. The cowards who abandoned us without speaking another word.