Faithful Meeting.

Our next memory takes us to the land of the Jewish, In the first year the Birth of Christ.

Stories spread across the land of a virgin woman who was bound to give birth to the savior and messiah in Bethlehem.

" Did you hear? Those Christians are starting to spread news of their god impregnating a woman. He's to be the savior of all man apparently. Can you believe this Poseidon?" Hercules asked.

Hercules, Ares, and Poseidon had joined together to get a drink when the news started spreading.

" Are you serious? The Christians? I haven't heard much from their religion or even met a god that claimed to be Christian. And now he's having a son? I think I might need to find this son of God. Sounds like this could be entertaining." Poseidon exclaimed. He took a swig from his mug and placed it back down on the table.

" Where are you going?" Ares asked.

" To find the son of God." Poseidon replied.

" You nitwit, he hasn't been born yet.

" NEAAAAAAGH!" Poseidon fell face first onto the floor when he realized his mistake. " Oh, yeah. I wouldn't really be able to do much if I find him now, would I?" Poseidon got back up to his feet, as Hercules and Ares laughed at him, and dusted himself off.

" So, what are you going to do now all mighty god of stray children?" Hercules asked. Poseidon glared at him, and Hercules started choking on his drink. It was a common joke among the Olympians that Poseidon had a habit of taking in children.

" Alright then I'll wait until he's grown. Besides I've lived for over four-hundred years. What twenty-two more, am I right?" Poseidon replied.

Twenty-two years after the birth of Jesus.

" It's been twenty-two long years already. Alright then. Time to pay Christ a visit." Poseidon rose from his chair on Olympus and descended from his cherished palace down to the mortal realm once more. A few years away had done him so good, and apparently Greece as well. The land of the Greek looked much different than the last time he saw it.

" My how time flies, and what a new place the romans have created for us. Such a shame Greek culture is falling. But that is one thing that will never change. Change." Poseidon started walking towards the water, knowing that his target would never be found in his homeland. No, he needed to go to a different place. One he had only passed, but never actually set foot in.

Poseidon traveled through the water, slowly, taking his time to just be as he did. And eventually he washed up on the shores of the dead sea. Right near Jerusalem.

" All right let's get to looking. Shouldn't be too hard to find the son of God now, should it?" Poseidon wondered.

Poseidon started searching the lands of Jerusalem. He walked far and wide, he spoke to as many people as possible, and yet not one of them could tell him for certain where the son of God was. Only small hints and possibilities.

Now Poseidon wasn't an expert tracker. He could hunt fairly well. But as far as tracking a person he had never met, even as a God, he couldn't do it.

Poseidon marched the city of Bethlehem, the birthplace of the lord and savior, hoping to find him where he had been given life. But all that he found where whispers and rumors once more.

" Bah, more rumors. I'm beginning to think the guy doesn't exist." Poseidon exclaimed. He sat down on a bench and began drinking from his water gourd. " One thing about being me, I don't have to worry about finding water. But these people seem to be struggling. Maybe I should find a place to give them a river." Poseidon stated.

" Hello sir, may I join you?" Poseidon looked up from the floor and saw a man with long brown hair and a scruffy beard standing over him.

" Well, certainly. There's plenty of room for the two of us." Poseidon shifted on the bench and allowed the man to sit next to him.

" You don't look like you're from around here." The man stated.

" That's true. I'm not. I'm from lands far north of here." Poseidon replied.

" Ahh, I see. You must have traveled a long way and yet you don't look the part. Most men are weary and tired from trips such as you describe. Can I ask you how you manage it?" The man joked. Poseidon got a good look at the man, and he definitely seemed to be in quite decent shape. More so than the people he saw around him.

" Lots of sea water." Poseidon replied.

" Ahaha! You are a funny one. There isn't much water to go around this part of Jerusalem right now. We are suffering from a pretty bad drought. I've been trying to think of way to get the water flowing again, but I just haven't been able to figure it out." The man explained.

" Oh, I'm sorry. That must be rough." Poseidon replied.

" Yes, it is. This place is usually filled with life. But now it seems to have lost its luster. I came back when I heard it was in trouble to try and help it." The man explained.

" Why would you do that? It isn't your responsibility to be the one to fix this." Poseidon replied.

" Maybe not. But I want to. I can do it; I just need to think of a proper way that doesn't endanger anyone or the ecosystem. Something, I should probably get back to. I hope you find what it is you're looking for friend. I've enjoyed this little talk of ours. Hopefully we get the chance to meet once again. Until then take care and safe travels." The man spoke, he shook Poseidon's hand and then got up from his seat and walked away.

Poseidon watched the man in intrigue, taking in his every feature.

" Heh! What a strange man. But something about him feels calming." Poseidon spoke. He looked around the village and felt a deep sorrow from seeing the dying crops and fields. " A drought huh?" Poseidon smirked and his eyes turned white. Storm clouds began appearing above him and rain poured down on the village.

" Rain?"

" It's Raining!"

" It's A Miracle! Thank you oh great Lord in heaven!"

Poseidon made it rain hard, harder than it ever had in Bethlehem.

" And that river should be taken care of by now as well." And so, it had. The storm Poseidon created destroyed the blockade that was keeping the water from flowing into the village. Providing the people with water to bathe and fresh water to drink.

" Well, there goes my good deed for the day. Consider that a gift from a god young man, whoever you are." Poseidon spoke.

As he walked through the city of Bethlehem, young Jesus Christ marveled at the sudden rain clouds above.

" All it takes is a little faith in the beyond." He reached down and placed a small seed into the damp ground and covered it. " May you grow strong and big."