I strolled inside of the house after hours of running off the shop, my dress muddy and torn. My feet were bare, and my sandals were hanging in my hand. My family was pacing back and forth in the living room with phones on their ears.

I walked inside of the living room and dropped my sandals, making everyone turn to look at me. "Alexandra, oh my God." My mother stood up with her hand on her mouth and a shock look on her face.

"We looked for you everywhere!" My mother pulled me into a hug and cried out, ignoring the fact that I was wet from head to toe and covered in mud. I pouted slightly with a sad look on my face as I leaned my head on her shoulder, hooking my hands under her arms to hug her tightly. "We thought that something bad happened to you."

I pulled away from my mom and removed her hands from my face, stepping away from her. "Where is Max?" I asked out loud hoarsely, my throat dry and sore. "He's in his study baby, he's been there ever since the girls called and told him you run off the wedding shop. He didn't want anyone to disturb him unless it was something about you." My mother ran her hands up and down my arms as she moved her thumbs comfortingly.

"Where are the babies?" I asked with my eyes looking around the room for them. "Where are they?"

"Calm down, the babies are fine, the girls are with them, they have been crying the whole evening and Max was the only one they wanted to go to but he was busy looking for you and talking with people he knew to help him find you." My mother explained and I nodded my head, removing her hands from my arms with a reassurance squeeze.

I took a deep breath with a hollow smile on my face and headed out of the living room, walking up the stairs. I knocked on Max study room and entered. "I thought I told everyone that I didn't want to..." He trailed off when his eyes met mine and jumped from his seat, rounding the desk to walk toward me and pulled me into a tight hug.

I sobbed loudly as I clutched onto him, not wanting to let go. He muttered sweet nothings into my ear and kissed my head, leaning his cheek on my head as he rocked us back and forth. My eyes started to drop and soon enough the darkness took over me.

I woke up by a wet tongue lapping onto my face and I blinked my eyes as I opened them. I sat up straight with a throbbing head and a cold, sneezing loudly. "What a wake up." I laughed as I ruffled Maximilian's fur. "You shouldn't be in wolf form." I scolded at him and picked him up, pulling the covers off of me and stood up with a sneeze.

"Alexandra is going to kill us if she finds out that we lost..." Chloe and Zoë turned to look my way with widened eyes when I cleared my throat. "Looking for." I sneezed loudly as I raised Maximilian. "This?" They rushed toward me and pulled me into a tight hug. "You guys are sandwiching my baby."

"Oh sorry." They pulled away with an apologetic look. "What the hell is wrong with you?! We thought something bad happened to you." They both scolded at me at the same time, rambling about running off the shop.

"Guys? Guys!" I shouted at them, making both of them look up at me with red face. "My head is throbbing really hard and you two yelling at me aren't helping my case."

"Sorry, but you should get your ass whooped, we looked everywhere for you."

"Guess you guys didn't look hard enough." I walked past them and headed downstairs. "You want to play outside?" I cooed at him as I scratched his chin. He growled in response, and I smiled shortly at him. "It's a yes then."

I walked with him outside and put him down, shifting into my wolf and started to run with him following after me. I went to my favorite clearing and rested there as Maximilian ran and jumped after the butterflies.

He growled at it and tried to nip on it, groaning and grunting when it flew away. He jumped on a fallen tree trunk and panicked when the butterfly stood on his nose. He growled at the butterfly and tried to take it off with his front paw, whining when he scratched himself and the butterfly itself flew away.

I stood up and made my way toward him but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a growl I didn't here before and sniffed the air. Rogues. I ran toward Maximilian and bit him on the extra layer of his skin, raising him off the ground and started to run.

I scurried in a zigzag form between the trees with them hot on my tail and tried hard to lose them. I dug my paws on the ground as one jumped in front of me, growling threateningly at me. I growled back at him fiercely, warning him to back off.

I put Maximilian down and pushed him under me, scrunching down to protect him as I snarled loudly at the wolf. The other caught up with me and surrounded me. I cocked my head to the sides and narrowed my eyes at them as I snarled.

I felt myself slipping away as Lia took over, jumping on the first one she got her hands on and bit him in the neck. In the corner of her eye, she saw one of the wolves trying to go at Maximilian and she pulled away, running straight into him and knocked him off.

She went toward Maximilian and hid him under her again, snarling at them. They looked at each other before they all went at her at once, but she picked Maximilian up and jumped out of the way, pushing him away with her nose.

When she was distracted, one jumped on top of her, securing his paws on her stomach and jerked forward trying to mount her. She threw herself down and rolled around, biting the wolf on his exposed stomach.

Another one jumped on her, biting her neck to still her but she shook him off hard, pouncing on him to rip a junk of meat from his thigh. He howled in pain and dragged himself away, but Lia didn't have mercy, she scratched him with her paws until he bleed to death.

A whine snapped her out of her thirsty trance, and she jumped around, snarling at the rogue who had Maximilian by his belly. He barked at him and tried to wiggle out, but it only made his teeth dig harder into his flesh.

Lia scrunched down and dug her paws in the ground angrily, baring her teeth at the rogue. A deep growl broke into the clearly and the birds flew away, the rogue tensed and started to back away. The growl turned into an angry snarl that had Lia cowered away.

This one is mine. Mikko snarled at Lia and ordered her to back away, leaving no room for discussion. The rogue tossed Maximilian aside and target at Mikko who saw it coming. Lia rushed toward Maximilian and leaned him down with her nose, licking his wound. Go. Mikko dug his paws in the ground to stop himself from slipping and target at the rogue, slamming him into a tree trunk.

Wait what? Lia stopped licking Maximilian's wound and looked up at Mikko. No way! I was fine without you. Lia barked back at him and went back to lick Maximilian's wound, groaning when he scratched her. I know it hurts baby, but I have to heal you.

You put our pup in danger! And now you dare to defy me? He grabbed the wolf by the extra layer of skin on his neck and dragged him on the ground while he tossed around weakly. She rolled her eyes at him and picked Maximilian by the back of his neck.

I didn't put him in danger! It's not my fault that you put incompetent pack members that can't look after their territory! Oh shiz, Lia please do what he says for God sake's! She ignored me and continued to defy him. It's not my fault that my pup can't run around in his territory because his father is not doing a good job.

Mikko snarled at her and stepped away from the dying rogue. If you just sat at home and not keep running off all the time this wouldn't have happened. Lia growled back at him, digging her paws on the ground as she grunted.

Maximilian stood besides her, his front paws trying to climb at Lia as he growled. He shook his fur and pulled away from Lia, the butterfly from earlier getting his attention again. I was grieving you asshole! Lia pounced on him and started to roll down the ground, the two of them acting childish as they bit and nipped at each other's skin.

Hello? Did you guys forgot about Maximilian? Hey! Why can't you two just make up already! I won't let you two ruin my wedding! Ugh! I can't deal with ya'll. You two are wolves, and yet. You two have more problems than humans.

Stay out of it! Who said that I wanted to marry him? Stupid butt-head. I rolled my eyes at her and groaned loudly, God help me. I don't want to go hairless on my wedding day. Who said I wanted to marry you, you're a nutcase!? I gasped at that and tried hard not to laugh, my hands covering my mouth.

Nutcase? I'm a nutcase! Lia pounced on him again and clawed him. I'll show you nutcase! She shifted into my human form but stayed in control. Maximilian stopped midway and stared at them with cocked head in confusion, growling when the damn butterfly provoked him again.

Mikko shifted as well and stepped away when she target at him but wasn't fast enough and ended up falling down. Lia pounded her fists on his chest, scratching and hitting him. "Woman can you stop hitting me?" He sat up and grabbed her wrists, turning them around.

Lia jumped hard on him and made him grunted in pain, letting go of her wrists. "That hurt you know. I feel sorry for humans." He hissed in pain and smiled oddly at her. "What are you planning?" She asked him accusingly and crossed my arms as she narrowed her eyes. "It's been a while since we you know in human form." He hinted and she laughed at him, her hands sneaking around his neck.

She bit her lips and leaned down to mutter something in his ear. "Not happening." She pushed him down and jumped off of him, shifting as she picked Maximilian by the back of his neck and took off. Well played Lia, well played.

I gave Maxim a bath and put him on the changing table to dry him off, my hands shaking him as I dried him off. He giggled and looked up at me with eyes glinting with happiness. "Aw, aren't you cute? Who's a cutie? You are, peek-a-boo." I put the towel in front of his face, smiling at the hearing of his giggles.

I leaned down and blew him raspberries, smiling when I heard him giggle. "Come on, let's get you dressed." I put the bodysuit over his head and slipped his hands in the sleeves, cooing down at him as I lifted his butt and clasped the bodysuit. I picked the matching pants and slipped his feet in them, lifting his butt as I fixed the pants.

"Done! Now, the hair." I put some oil and smeared his hair with it, styling his hair with the brush. "Who looks handsome? Yes, you." I picked him up and raised him in the air as I cooed at him, his hands trying to grab my face.

I plant a kiss on the palm of his hands and leaned him back down, accommodating him on my hips. "Let's find daddy." I smooch his forehead and walk out of the nursery room with him. "What happened?" I asked when I saw Rebekah crying.

"Her brother doesn't want to share his toy with her." Aw, my mother took Maxim and I took a crying Rebekah, wiping her tears away as I leaned her head on my shoulder and comforted her.

"I'll put her to sleep, she's probably cranky due to waking up way too early." I told my mother as I walked back in the nursery room with Rebekah and sat down on the rocking chair, the chair moving back and forth.

"Sh, it's okay baby." She sniveled and I brushed her hair soothingly, my head leaning against hers as I rocked the chair back and forth. I looked up and frowned at the rain droplets on the window, the sky blue and the sun shining brightly.

I looked down at Rebekah who had her eyes closed, her body still shaking from the snivels. I stayed on the rocking chair until I was sure that she was fast asleep and stood up, walking toward her crib to tug her in.

I shushed her as she started to whine softly and placed her slowly on the bed, sighing in relief when she went still after that. "Is she sleeping?" Max asked quietly behind me, and I nodded my head with a tired sigh as I turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Yes, at last. I'm so tired, I feel drained." Max pecked my lips, and I rested my head on his chest, closing my eyes. "You're so warm, and you smell so good." I muttered sleepy as I moved my hands down to wrap them around his hips.

"Yeah?" He asked me amused and I rolled my eyes behind my close eyelids, pulling away from him painfully slow. "I have a few minutes; we can take a nap together." I nodded my head at him and yelped, cupping my mouth after as I looked at Rebekah who was still asleep and sighed in relief.

"You could have warned me before picking me up." I scolded quietly at him as he walked us out of the nursery room and toward our bedroom, pushing the door close. He made his way toward the bed and tossed me on it. "How romantic?" I sarcastically said as I rolled over my stomach and closed my eyes.

He slapped my ass as he hovered over me and slept on the other side, pulling me closer. I tossed my leg lazily between his and placed my head on his chest, his arms hugging my body closer. "Hmm, this feels so good." I moaned at the warm feeling cursing through my system and squeezed him tightly with a whimper. "Give me a kiss." He shook his head, but I kissed his lips anyways.

I stuck my tongue at him and slapped him when he licked my tongue in response. "Ew, don't do that. Max!" I shouted at him as he gripped me firmly and licked my face. "Ew, Max! Stop, stop." I giggled at the ticklish feeling I was having and tried to pull away but with no luck.

"Don't pretend that it's not turning you on." Max replied and I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and with a disgusting look on my face as I shook my head, giving him a thumbs down.

"No, it's such a turn off." I grinned down at him and smooch him repeatedly, my head moving side to side as I smooch him hard. "That's a turn on." I wiggled my eyebrows at him and nuzzled his cheek with mine. "We're supposed to be napping."

"We can nap later." He replied back while kissing my neck and biting my mark, his tongue rolling around it and mouth sucking on it. I closed my eyes with a moan as my head nodded willingly, my body feeling into it.

"Max, hmm. Keep doing that." He accommodated me on top of him and squeezed my ass forward on his bulge. "Yes, hmm." I cocked my head to give him more space and rocked my hips against his bulge, my body trembling.

Max tossed me over and unfastened his belt, my hands squeezing the pillow as I looked up at him between my legs. I mentioned him to come forward with my finger and pulled him down by his collar, taking shirt off and tossed it aside.

He ran his hands up the dress I was wearing and touched my ass as he yanked down my boy shorts, sitting up to remove them from my legs. He pushed his jeans down and hovered over me, my hands pushing him down on me as I moaned in pleasure when he entered me and pushed the rest of his jeans with my toes.

"Oh God, yes." I squeezed his butt cheeks as I moaned in pleasure, my legs giving him space as he rocked our bodies in sync. I hooked my arms underneath his and gripped his shoulders, my mouth against his ear as I breathed down and whimpered in pleasure.

I tossed my head back when he hit me right on the spot, making me soak him up. "Yes, harder baby." I dug my toes in the sheets and squeezed his shoulders as he sped up. "Oh lord!" My eyes rolled back at the amazing feeling, and I parted my lips to let out a soft moan.

He plastered his hot sweaty body against mine and kissed down my neck area, his wet lips sending shivers down my spine. He leaned down to kiss the swell of my breasts and ripped my dress in the middle.

"Are you serious?" I leaned my head forward as I looked down at him and watched as he finished ripping my dress. "Very mature." I rolled my eyes at him and took the broken dress off. "You can't take my bra off though; my breasts are leaking."

He looked up at me with a pervert look on his face and I shook my head at him. "You're impossible, I have three babies not four." He pouted at me and I shook my head. "No, you're not touching my breasts."

"Why not?" He widened his pout and I burst out laughing at his poor intent of a pout. He looked so stupid and silly. "You're so mean." He said in a baby voice and I just lost it, tears were pouring out of my eyes.

"You look so silly." I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned up, my nose brushing against his before I kissed him on the lips. I moved my fingers through his scalps and bunched his hair, our lips latching on each other in a passionate kiss.

He pulled away from me and stared into my eyes. "Marry me." I looked at him confused, not understanding why he was saying that. "Marry me tomorrow." My eyes widened at that, and I looked at him still in shock. "I don't want to wait; I want to spend the rest of my life with you as soon as possible. What do you say?"