An Embarrassing Encounter

The second my phone rang, the sound from outside disappeared.

Now that things had come to this point, it was impossible for me to pretend that the cubicle was empty.

Derek was the one who called me.

I had no idea why he would call me. Perhaps it was just a coincidence. Fate had forced me to face them in such an extremely embarrassing situation.

Calmly, I opened the door of the cubicle and walked out. At the same time, I answered his call.

"Where are you right now?" Derek asked me from the other end of the line.

"I'm at Virtue Hospital," I replied, and hung up right away.

I had been staring at them without blinking, making sure to appear as calm and composed as possible.

These two adulterers looked as though they had seen a ghost, A moment after being dazed, they finally moved away from each other. Shane scrambled to lift up his pants and hide his shame.

Vivien, on the other hand, turned red with embarrassment. No matter how thick-skinned she might be, she would still get embarrassed after being caught in the act of committing adultery.

Moreover, I, Shane's legal wife, was the one who caught her.

Annoyed, Vivien jumped off the sink, slowly lifting up her pants.

"Now that you've seen the truth, Eveline, I suppose there's no need to inform you. Shane and I are together, and I'm pregnant.

It's best that you leave as soon as possible."

Stunned, I glanced at her flat belly.

No wonder Shane was in such a hurry to get rid of my child yesterday! It turned out his mistress was also pregnant!

I glared at him and said, "You're having rough sex with a pregnant woman? Does your shamelessness know no bounds?" Vivien scoffed at me, holding onto Shane's arm while casting me an arrogant glance.

"He enjoys doing it with me. What's wrong with that? Are you jealous? It's because of your incompetence in bed that you lost your man to me! You shouldn't be blaming anyone else but yourself."

I had seen shameless people in the time I had lived on this earth, but never had I seen people who were proud of doing something so shameful.

With anger, I forced a smile. "Vivien, you're right. I'm not as competent as you in sex. I mean, just look at yourself! You can even moan wildly while you're in front of all this shit!"

As if she had been greatly insulted, Vivien raised her hand, intending to slap me. However, Shane grabbed her hand before she could. "Come to my office," he said to me.

Because of everything that happened yesterday, I was so scared of meeting him face to face. After all, this man was not human.

He was a beast in my eyes now. But at this moment, I was no longer afraid. Perhaps it was because I had been emboldened by the fact that I had nothing left to lose.

There were many people waiting in front of his office. After Shane opened the door, I stared at his back and said, "Shane, if you have something to say to me, just say it. I have nothing to hide from you."

I deliberately humiliate him.

raised my voice to Shane frowned, looking back at me. He then pulled me into the room, slamming the door behind us.

Afterwards, he sat down behind the desk. The shame on his face had not completely dissipated. After drinking half a cup of water, he finally looked at me and displayed his hypocrisy. "It's not

appropriate for you to be outside in your current condition."

In response to his fake concern, I burst into a sarcastic laughter, but in my heart, I couldn't help but feel sad. "Did I mishear you, Shane? Are you trying to express your concern for me? I think it's not appropriate for you to care about your legal wife. You're about to kick me out, right? What will your beloved mistress think?"

I had never been this rude to anyone since I was a child.

Before all of this happened, I had determined myself to love and care for Shane for the rest of my life. But now, I thought that he wasn't worthy of a single effort I exerted in the past. I wished that I could cut open his heart, just to see how black it was. 1

Shane frowned at me, putting his hands together on the desk.

"Calm down, Eveline. Since things have already come to this, there's nothing left for me to say. Let's get a divorce!"

Judging by how they were together, I guessed that it had been a long time since they hooked up. Shane was quite good at hiding their relationship. The only reason he suddenly showed his true colors was because he was anxious to marry the pregnant Vivien.

But I had no desire to help him fulfill his wish.

"And if I say no, what would you do? I admit that I was blind when I fell in love with you. I will not divorce you. If you truly want to marry her, then by all means, do it! If you want to commit bigamy, then I would not stop you. I'll even relish in seeing you go to jail!"

In the end, I could not stifle my emotions any longer, so I had to raise my voice.

Irritated, Shane pulled on his collar.

"You must be too agitated right now. Let's talk once you've calmed down."

After a while, he got up and approached me. He then continued to hurt me with his words.

'I've already made up my mind. There will be no room for negotiations, Eveline. We're going to keep the baby in Vivien's womb."

When he mentioned the baby, I thought of the black plastic bag he had in hand when he left last night. The thought alone almost shattered my heart.

"They're both your children, Shane! She's pregnant with a treasure, but I was pregnant with a trash, is that it?"

Shane bit his lower lip. "Our marriage was a mistake in the first place. Eveline, go home and pack up your belongings when you have time. We should settle this divorce peacefully."

"Peacefully, you say? That's rich coming from you!" I broke into a miserable laughter

"You forcibly aborted my child, hurt me badly, and yet you say you want a peaceful divorce? Fuck you. Let me tell you something, Shane. Since I can clearly see that you're in a hurry to get rid of me, so you can welcome your new paramour', I will not let you get your happy ending. Just wait and see, you devil!"