Men‘s Cheap Promises

"Good night, Eve. No matter how good yesterday might be, you can never go back to it. And no matter how difficult tomorrow could be, your only choice is to move forward."

This was Seagull's goodnight message to. me.

He had been supporting me ever since my family encountered a terrible misfortune. Up until now, I still had no idea who he was.

But each day, he would say good night to me, accompanied by wise words.

Back in those difficult days, his constant comfort and wise words gave me warmth and courage.

And what he said today was completely in line with my current state of mind.

He was right; no matter how difficult tomorrow could be, I must move forward

"Thank you, Seagull," I replied to him. I didn't mention what happened to me today.

Unexpectedly, he replied, "It's so late. Why are you still up?"

I checked the time and noticed that it was already two in the morning. It was indeed late.

"I went to a friend's birthday party, took my time, and came home late. What about you? Why are you still up?" 'I didn't receive a response from you, so I was worried," he responded.

Restraining my tears, I sent him a smiley emoji. "I'm fine. Good night!"

He then sent me a sticker which said "good night'.

But even after saying goodnight, I couldn't close my eyes for the rest of the night.

Everything that happened tonight was like a nightmare that I wished to forget.

But even then, those horrific scenes kept on playing in my mind like scenes out of a movie.

The thought of Shane's cruelty when he aborted my child, his ruthlessness and hurtful words, broke my heart to pieces.

After several hours of mental struggle, I decided to go to the hospital today. Even though I felt very uncomfortable when I got up, and even though I knew I might meet Shane there, I still had to go to the hospital. Avoiding him forever wasn't a solution. I needed to face the problem head on. Besides, between the two of us, I was not the one to blame. I shouldn't be the one hiding away.

Just as Seagull said, no matter how difficult tomorrow would be, I had to move forward

Whatever might happen to my relationship with Shane, I must still visit my mother. I might lose a husband, but I would never allow myself to lose my mother. She was the only family I had left in the world.

I used to be a nurse working in Virtue Hospital. When I walked in, my former colleagues who had gotten accustomed to my bulging belly stared at me in surprise. "Eveline, did you give birth already?" said one of my colleagues.

"But that's impossible. I seem to recall that your due date is supposed to be in September," remarked another.

"Oh, no… could it be that…"

I wasn't in the mood to deal with these hypocrites, so I said nothing. I just smiled weakly at them before entering the elevator.

When I stepped out of it, I saw a lot of pregnant women. I realized that I had pressed the button to the third floor by habit.

The third floor was the obstetrics and gynecology department, and Shane's office was there, too.

lt was still before work time, so the door of his office was closed. However, some

people were already waiting in line in the corridor with registration forms. There was a young couple sitting on a bench nearby.

Their heads were held together, and they were looking at the B ultrasonic report in the pregnant woman's hand

"It's only 1300 grams. It's so small."

The man touched his wife's belly and smiled. "Our child is still small right now, but it will grow. In time, it will."

Upon seeing this, I felt as though my feet had been frozen.

I truly envied them. Although I had been mentally prepared before coming here, seeing such a warm scene still stung me.

Not wanting to expose my vulnerability to people, I ran to the restroom and locked myself in a small cubicle before my tears could fall.

Not long after I entered the restroom, someone came in as well, and locked the door.

'It's almost time for work! We shouldn't

do this!"

"Oh, come on, Vivien! I miss you every second that I can't see you. I'm so addicted to you," said a man.

I was petrified to hear it. The man was exactly Shane

When he said the name "Vivien", I finally knew who that bitch was!

In Virtue Hospital, there was only one woman named Vivien. It was Vivien Gentry from the anesthesiology department. The anesthesiology department and the obstetrics and gynecology department worked hand in hand, so it wasn't surprising that they became close. But I never imagined that they'd be so close as to have an affair.

"Shane, where do you think Eveline is now? She's been missing, right?" "Not a clue. But sooner or later, she'll come to this hospital. After all, her mother is still here," said Shane.

He did know me well. I sneered.

"Oh, that's right! Shane, there's no need to be afraid. Her family isn't powerful. There's nothing she can do to you," Vivien remarked.

"Yes. What she needs from me is money. As long as I pay her the alimony, I'm sure she'll divorce me."

'I've been waiting for so long, Shane! You can't make me wait any longer. Divorce her the soonest that you can," she pleaded.

"Don't worry, Vivien. I won't let you down," he responded.

Such a firm promise! It was ridiculous that he had said the same to me.

Were men's promises really that shitty?

Not long after, they began to have sex like fucking animals.

I clenched my fists, wanting to storm out of the cubicle and shame them. But seeing something so troubling would also make me feel embarrassed.

Thus, I had no choice but to endure the sound of their horrible moaning.

At this moment, I truly wished I were deaf.

All of a sudden, my phone began to ring, and I panicked because of it.