An Outrageous Act

I had no idea what Derek was thinking of me at the moment. Since I had already said what I said, even if there was something wrong with it, it could never be taken back

"I mean just look outside. It's raining cats and dogs. Compared to letting a man stay the night, staying in a single man's house is even more dangerous, right?

My explanation was clumsy, to say the least. Actually, I was just trying to express how much I trusted him. That day, when he took me home, nothing happened between us, which led me to believe that he was a man of good moral standing

He looked at me with a smile on his face, seemingly about to drop a banter. But his phone suddenly rang.

Upon seeing the caller ID, he frowned, Charter Am Outdoor Al hesitating for a few moments. In the end, he decided to answer it.

A woman's voice could be heard from the receiver. She called him "Derek". It was then that he turned his face to one side, lowering the volume of his phone. After that, I could no longer hear what the woman at the other end of the line was saying

Obviously, he didn't want me to hear this conversation.

He then lit a cigarette, silently listening to the woman on the phone.

After quite a while, he took a deep drag on his cigarette and said, "Okay, I'll be there soon."

He hung up, and turned his attention to me. I was standing by the door in a daze.



deal with

"Listen, I have something."

From the sound of his gentle voice and the look in his soft eyes, I could tell that he wished to comfort me and didn't want me to overthink it.

As I thought of random things, my face turned red.

I wondered why he made it seem like I didn't want him to leave.

Feeling uneasy, I turned around, saying that I was going to get an umbrella. But then, he grabbed my wrist and glanced at his wet clothes.

"I'm already drenched. Getting even wetter won't bother me." Having said that, he let go of my wrist, turned around, and went downstairs.

I felt as though my wrist was burning. As I stood at the door, I heard his footsteps slowly fading down the staircase.

Moments later, I closed the door. I went to the window and saw him appear in the alley, walking in hurried steps. The cinder of the cigarette between his fingers flickered along the way, until he was swallowed by the endless darkness of the night.

Songs of poor sound quality was still resonating from the recorder. Right now,

An Ounces Act the Thom Birds' cover version of "Hold on to My Dream" was playing.

"Today, I saw the snowfall beneath the cold night, with a frigid mind drifting far away…"

There was no snow tonight, but it was raining. The light of the desk lamp was reflected in the window, revealing the steady downpour of rain in the halo.

I didn't expect that Shane would call me tonight. I already knew his purpose of calling, so I ignored the continuous ringing of the phone at the bedside table. I stood quietly in front of the window, watching the rain and listening to the music.

After a time had passed, Shane still insisted on calling me. Thus, I sneered and picked up the phone.

"Eveline," he shouted hurriedly, seemingly afraid that I would hang up.

I held the phone and did not speak, waiting for him to say what he needed to say.

"Eveline, we can't delay the divorce. I..

"Fine, if you want a divorce, let's get divorced." I didn't want him to keep beating around the bush, so I interrupted him midsentence.

"Wait, really?" Shane sounded like he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"What else would you want to talk about? Wait for me at 9 am, two days from now, " I said listlessly "Okay." I could tell from the sound of his voice that he felt relieved.

It was easy to tell that he had a hard time with Vivien because he still couldn't get divorced.

Back then, I used to be so obedient to him, but Vivien was different. We had worked together for so long that I knew her well enough to know her personality. She had never been a good person.

Once I had said my piece, I hung up, threw the phone onto the bed, and scoffed.

Since Shane wanted a divorce, I would fulfill his wish. But because he cheated on me, I needed a way to vent my anger and let him suffer as I had suffered.

On the night of the next day. I specially wore the shortest dress I had, put on some makeup, and went out with my purse. I went to a remote bar, which was relatively far from the city center. I had planned to find a man attractive enough, and have a one night stand with him.

To be honest, I had never done something this outrageous before. It was quite exciting to think about.

If I were being perfectly candid, Derek was a very attractive man. But I must hide my feelings for him, and bury that secret at the pit of my heart forever,

He had told me that I should be responsible for him if I ever slept with him. And I must admit that I could not commit to something like that right now. Besides, I still had no idea who the woman that had called him last night was. But since he left after receiving her phone call despite the heavy downpour of rain, I gathered that she must be very

important to him.

My own marriage was destroyed by another woman, so I must never let myself be the catalyst of destroying other people's relationships. If I didn't meet the right man at the right time, it only meant that I wasn't very fortunate

I ordered a glass of liquor, staring at the dancing figures and leching souls in the neon light. Soon, I began to look for a target.