Try It And You’ll Know

As I swiveled the glass in my hand, I flashed a friendly smile at the bartender behind the counter. "Hey handsome, my phone is out of power. Do you mind letting me borrow yours?"

People working at a place like this one were very slick. They would never refuse a female guest's moderate request. Thus, the bartender quickly unlocked his phone and handed it to me.

Afterwards, I used his phone to send a quick message, and then I gave the phone back to him and thanked him for letting me use it.

Moments later, a man sat down beside me.

"Hi, miss. Are you alone?"

His opening remark was of no interest to me. Out of politeness, I turned my head and smiled.

He had colorful hair and wore a row of large earrings, making him look like a hooligan. It was obvious that this man wasn't a decent person.

Well, he wasn't an ideal candidate for my one-night stand.

Truthfully, I wasn't expecting too much. At the very least, the man should look good and decent.

Soon, my smile disappeared, and I didn't answer his question. I made it apparent that I did not want to speak with him.

But that man was quite insistent. He kept on flirting with me, saying that I was beautiful and that I had a good temperament. I took his words as a joke. Every now and then, I would take a sip of my liquor. Soon, the glass in my hand was almost empty, and he was getting closer and closer to me.

"Miss, I think an Angel's Kiss suits you better."

His poor accent almost made me want to throw up.

Seeing that I didn't refuse his offer, he told the bartender to bring me a glass of the said cocktail.

The cocktail was quite strong. Thanks to the lesson I had learned from being drunk last time, I didn't dare to get drunk again.

Although I was ready to have a one night stand, I needed to stay sober. And this time, without Derek and Louise, I must look after myself.

This rowdy looking man wasn't suitable. I swiveled the glass in my hand again, scanning the crowd for a target.

At this time, a man wearing a jacket came over and said something to the bartender

He was visibly stunned when he saw me. And I also seemed to recognize him somehow, but I couldn't remember where I had seen him.

The second he left the bar counter, he picked up his phone and made a phone call. He was a little far away, and the surrounding was noisy, so I couldn't hear what he said on the phone at all.

And you'll Brow But I found him staring at me as the spoke to the other person.

Naturally, I didn't assume that his phone call had anything to do with me.

After a few more glasses of alcohol, I felt tipsy, but I was still sober. This was the optimal level of intoxication I was looking for.

The man with the colorful hair soon became restless. Slowly, he placed his hand on the back of mine. Just when I was about to shake it off, I noticed Shane coming in from the door.

"Good. He came,' I remarked inwardly.

I knew that he would come after receiving the message, because he cared about his dignity as a man

Thus, I restrained the urge to slap the man with the colorful hair, and even smiled at him. It seemed that my smile motivated him to advance further.

Once Shane came over, he looked extremely sullen.

I pretended not to notice him. The man with the colorful hair had his back to the door, so he didn't see that someone was approaching behind him with a fiendish expression. He just focused on holding my hand

It was then that Shane lifted the man with the colorful hair, and shoved him away.

Obviously, this hooligan wasn't someone easy to mess with. He immediately spat on the floor, pointing at Shane's nose. "Who the fuck do you think you are? You wanna die, punk?"

Shane straightened himself, pointing at me with confidence. "She's my wife, you asshole!"

Upon hearing this, the rowdy man with colorful hair was stunned. He looked at me and asked, "Is that true?"

With a smile, I picked up my glass and took a sip. "Nope."

The rowdy man gained confidence. He pushed Shane's hands away and shouted, "So, she's not your wife, huh? Get the fuck out of here. Don't claim that she's your wife if she's not!

Shane's face turned red. I could tell that he wanted to show the other man our marriage certificate at the moment.

He glared at me, grabbed my wrist, and pulled me up "Eveline, as long as we aren't divorced, you are still my wife."

Because of how much strength he exerted, my wrist felt painful, but I did not submit to his will. I shook off his hand, and sneered, "Shane, are you insane? Don't go hysterical in here!"

Shane was rendered speechless. He glared at me, gritting his teeth as if he wished to flay me alive.

Then, he suddenly pulled me to an inconspicuous corner of the bar. The man with the colorful hair and everyone else must've gathered from our conversation that we were having an lover's spat, so they no longer interfered.

Soon, Shane dragged me into a private room, threw me onto the sofa, and slammed the door. He then tilted his neck to loosen his tie, all the while looking quite infuriated.

"Eveline, I never thought you'd be this kind of person. You just can't wait to find a man, can you? Even Derek failed to satisfy you?"

I had never seen him this irritable and vulgar. After all, he was so good at pretending before.

I got up from the sofa, feeling dizzy. Then, I cast a particularly disdainful glance at him.

"I'm just like any other woman. Isn't it normal that I can't wait to find another man? Besides, you know better than me how we got along these past two years. How is my life any different than a widow's?"

I could never have said such words in the past, but due to the inebriation and my determination to upset him, I blurted out those words without thinking of the consequences of provoking him in a private room while we were alone.

"Are you doubting my capabilities? Try it and you'll know." His gloomy eyes fell on me, and I sensed something ominous was about to happen

The following moment, he walked towards me and pressed me down on the sofa.